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41. BIOL 862 A critical comparison of the TaxonCycle and character-displacement models forthe size evolution of anolis lizards in the Lesser Antilles. Copeia No. http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~efc/classes/theoretical/biblio/wilsbib.htm | |
42. Joe Macedonia - Publications Macedonia, JM and Clark, DL (2003) Headbob display structure in the naturalizedanolis lizards of Bermuda Sex, context, and population effects. http://lsweb.la.asu.edu/rrutowski/JoePubs.htm | |
43. Oceana Welcomes You Calsbeek and Smith focused the study on anolis lizards, a genus of lizards longconsidered a classic example of adaptive radiation the process whereby a http://northamerica.oceana.org/index.cfm?sectionID=4&fuseaction=news.detail&page |
44. UCLA Study Sheds New Light On Island Evolution genetic material, their uniqueness begins to disappear, and the process of evolutionslows. Calsbeek and Smith focused the study on anolis lizards, a genus of http://www.innovations-report.com/html/reports/environment_sciences/report-23923 | |
45. Bibliography: Introduced Snakes & Lizards Basking behavior of two anolis lizards in south Florida. Florida Scientist 59(1)1619. Reproductive failure among the hybridizing anolis lizards of Trinidad. http://www.herper.com/herpintro/biblioliz.html | |
46. Research Behavioral ecology of anolis lizards. 1998. Sizerelated habitat useby non-breeding Anolis carolinensis lizards. Copeia 1998774-779. http://www.biol.vt.edu/faculty/jenssen/research.html | |
47. Login To BioOne 37, No. 1, pp. 82Â91. Analysis of Energy Expenditure of anolis lizards in Relationto Thermal and Structural Niches Phylogenetically Independent Comparisons. http://www.bioone.org/bioone/?request=get-document&issn=0022-1511&volume=037&iss |
48. Login To BioOne 4, pp. 785Â791. LACK OF CONVERGENCE IN AQUATIC anolis lizards. Corresponding EditorT. Smith. Keywords Adaptation, Anolis, aquatic, convergence, lizard. http://www.bioone.org/bioone/?request=get-document&issn=0014-3820&volume=056&iss |
49. The S.T.E.N.A.P.A. Marine Park In St. Eustatius ~ Golden Rock Dive Center~ St. E anolis lizards There are two species of anolis lizards living on StatiaAnolis bimaculatus and Anolis wattsi. anolis lizards can http://www.goldenrockdive.com/marine_park.html | |
50. CERC Faculty Biographies University, the Smithsonian, and the Cuban Academy of Sciences on a study of thethermal biology and community ecology of sympatric anolis lizards in western http://www.cerc.columbia.edu/programs/hertz.html | |
51. Study Questions Schoener. 1994. Adaptation and constraint in the evolution of specializationof Bahamian anolis lizards. Evolution 48(6)17861798. JB http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/taresources/questions.html | |
52. Anthony's Homepage project in collaboration with Duncan Irschick ( the Irschick lab page) involvesthe evolution of head shape and feeding ecology in Caribbean anolis lizards. http://www.uia.ac.be/u/aherrel/ | |
53. Hydronet The International Water Portal - Amazon.co.uk Shop Evolution). anolis lizards of the Caribbean Ecology, Evolution andPlate Tectonics (Oxford Series in Ecology Evolution) Anolis http://www.hydronet.org/modules.php?name=Amazon&asin=0195096053 |
54. Hydronet The International Water Portal - Amazon.co.uk Shop Showing items 1 to 8 out of 8. anolis lizards of the Caribbean Ecology,Evolution and Plate Tectonics (Oxford Series in Ecology Evolution) http://www.hydronet.org/modules.php?name=Amazon&op=AuthorSearch&keyword=Jonathan |
55. Press Release Calsbeek and Smith focused the study on anolis lizards, a genus of lizards longconsidered a classic example of adaptive radiation à the process whereby a http://www.ioe.ucla.edu/CTR/staff/calsbeek/Press_release/press2.html | |
56. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent , Irschick DJ, Vitt LJ, Zani PA, Losos JB (1997) A comparison of evolutionaryradiations in mainland and Caribbean anolis lizards. Keywords Anolis. lizard. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.1471-8286.2004.00602.x/enha | |
57. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent anolis lizards in the Caribbean have undergone one of the most extensive vertebrateadaptive radiations yet studied in the wild (Williams 1983; Schluter 2000). http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.1471-8286.2004.00602.x/abs/ | |
58. Predator And Prey Interactions, Sinervo©1997 Recall that the motion detectors of anolis lizards rapidly become habituatedto the sinusoidal frequencies of branches swaying in the wind. http://www.biology.ucsc.edu/~barrylab/classes/animal_behavior/PREDATOR.HTM |
59. JEB -- Toro Et Al. 206 (15): 2641 Download to Citation Manager. A biomechanical analysis of intra and interspecificscaling of jumping and morphology in Caribbean anolis lizards. http://jeb.biologists.org/cgi/content/figsonly/206/15/2641 | |
60. JEB -- Summaries: Toro Et Al. 206 (15): 2641 00473. A biomechanical analysis of intra and interspecific scalingof jumping and morphology in Caribbean anolis lizards. Esteban http://jeb.biologists.org/cgi/content/abstract/206/15/2641 | |
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