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21. Entrez PubMed Click here to read Maneuvering in an arboreal habitat the effects of turningangle on the locomotion of three sympatric ecomorphs of anolis lizards. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&cmd=Retrieve&list_uids=1 |
22. Nature Contents Vol 355 No 6360 Are anolis lizards evolving? 505 MADHUSUDAN KATTI doi10.1038/355505b0 PDF. Are Anolislizards evolving? 506 JH LAWTON BH CARDLE doi10.1038/355506a0 PDF. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v355/n6360/index |
23. Anolis Lizards Of The Caribbean: Competition, Coevolution And Plate Tectonics (O anolis lizards of the Caribbean Competition, Coevolution and Plate Tectonics (OxfordSeries in Ecology and Evolution) by Jonathan Roughgarden, Joan Roughgarden http://www.directtextbook.com/prices/0195096053 | |
24. Anolis Lizards Of The Caribbean: Ecology, Evolution, And Plate Tectonics (Oxford anolis lizards of the Caribbean Ecology, Evolution, and Plate Tectonics (OxfordSeries in Ecology and Evolution) by Jonathan Roughgarden, Joan Roughgarden http://www.directtextbook.com/prices/0195067312 | |
25. OUP USA: Anolis Lizards Of The Caribbean: Jonathan Roughgarden add to cart. anolis lizards of the Caribbean. Ecology, Evolution, andPlate Tectonics. Jonathan Roughgarden. 0195067312, hardback, 226 http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/LifeSciences/VertebrateZoology/Ict | |
26. OUP USA: Anolis Lizards Of The Caribbean: Jonathan Roughgarden anolis lizards of the Caribbean. Ecology, Evolution anolis lizardsof the Caribbean Jonathan Roughgarden Price $89.50. Browse More http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/LifeSciences/VertebrateZoology/Ict |
27. ISEM Research: Anolis Lizard In Dominican Amber collections. Only two specimens of anolis lizards preserved in Dominicanamber have been scientifically studied and described. Both http://www.smu.edu/isem/3D/3Dindex.html | |
28. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/Chordata 3. Books anolis lizards of the Caribbean Competition, Coevolutionand Plate Tectonics (Oxford Series in Ecology and Evolution). http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/C | |
29. Ocean Currents Slow Adaptation Of Tree-dwelling Lizards, UCLA Study Finds; Resea Calsbeek and Smith focused the study on anolis lizards, a genus of lizards longconsidered a classic example of adaptive radiation the process whereby a http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/12/031204074430.htm | |
30. Anolis .. has been the evolutionary radiation of Caribbean anolis lizards,but other lizard radiations are also anolis lizards http://www.thebigletterlist.net/word/a-Anolis.html | |
31. Anole Lizards: Herpetology Images. Green Anole Lizard (Anolis carolinesis) Image. Abbildung. Kinematicstudies of arboreal locomotion in anolis lizards - Text and Image. http://www.infochembio.ethz.ch/links/en/zool_kriecht_anolen.html | |
32. Latin Lizards The anolis lizards of Puerto Rico and Jamaica therefore are more consistentwith the creationist/preadaptationist viewpoint. Commenting http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/1364.asp | |
33. BDT [valuation Of Biological Diversity Conserved In-situ] III.2 The Anolis Lizard. Profits can be written as where p is output price and andare unit costs of inputs and F and A denotes the number of anolis lizards. http://www.bdt.fat.org.br/publicacoes/padct/bio/cap7/brica2.html | |
34. Herpbreeder.dk The Genetics of Colonization Loss of Variability among Introduced Populations ofanolis lizards (Reptilia, Lacertilia, Iguanidae). J. Herpetol., 12(1) 4751. http://www.herpbreeder.com/worldspecies/Sauria/iguania/noropslit.htm | |
35. REFERENCES Foraging by passerine birds and anolis lizards on St. Eustatius (Neth. Phylogeneticrelationships and tempo of early diversification in anolis lizards. http://palaeo-electronica.org/2002_1/amber/refer.htm | |
36. The Invader Of The Month: The Brown Anole, Anolis Sagrei Female green anole. Eight other species of Caribbean anolis lizards have becomeestablished around the Miami area (Butterfield et al. 1997, Meshaka et al. http://invasions.bio.utk.edu/invaders/sagrei.html | |
37. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEXUAL SIZE DIMORPHISM AND HABITAT USE IN GREATER ANTIL Evolution Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 259Â272. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEXUALSIZE DIMORPHISM AND HABITAT USE IN GREATER ANTILLEAN anolis lizards. http://evol.allenpress.com/evolonline/?request=get-abstract&issn=0014-3820&volum |
38. AUTHORIZATION CHECK 56, No. 4, pp. 785Â791. LACK OF CONVERGENCE IN AQUATIC anolis lizards. Key words.ÂAdaptation,Anolis, aquatic, convergence, lizard. Received July 27, 2001. http://evol.allenpress.com/evolonline/?request=get-document&issn=0014-3820&volum |
39. Internet Infidels Discussion Forums - Rapidly Evolving Lizards? Losos JB, Warheit KI, Schoener TW. Adaptive differentiation following experimentalisland colonization in anolis lizards. Nature 1997 3877073. http://www.iidb.org/vbb/showthread.php?t=85344 |
40. Bowers, M Irschick, DJ; Vitt, LJ 1997. A comparison of evolutionary radiationsin mainland and Caribbean anolis lizards. Ecology 7821912203. http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~efc/classes/theoretical/biblio/conserbib.htm | |
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