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1. Wild Texas: Green Anole (Anolis Carolinensis) anolis lizards of the Caribbean Competition, Coevolution and Plate Tectonics (Oxford Series in Like all lizards, green anoles require special care and a controlled environment http://www.wildtexas.com/wildguides/anole.php | |
2. ANOLIS LIZARDS Genus Anolis Anole Lizards. Family IGUANIDAE POLYCHROTIDAE. Genus Anolis- Anole Lizards. anolis lizards belong to the huge family of the Iguanidae. http://www.nafcon.dircon.co.uk/anolis.htm | |
3. Kinematic Studies Of Arboreal Locomotion In Anolis Lizards Kinematic studies of arboreal locomotion in anolis lizards. Most studiesof locomotion assume that animals occupy flat, broad substrates http://www.tulane.edu/~irschick/kinematic_studies_of_arboreal_lo.htm | |
4. Arboreal Manoeuvring In Anolis Lizards the effects of turning angle on thelocomotion of three sympatric ecomorphs of anolis lizardsTimothy E of lizard are arboreal, and anolis lizards are aparticularly diverse clade http://www.biology.uc.edu/faculty/jayne/pubs/bcjpub42.pdf |
5. Evolution And Dynamics Of Jumping In Anolis Lizards Evolution and dynamics of jumping in anolis lizards. The evolution of jumping performancein Caribbean anolis lizards resolution of a biomechanical tradeoff. http://www.tulane.edu/~irschick/dynamics_jumping.htm | |
6. Anolis Lizards Restricted To Altered Edge Habitats In A Hispaniolan anolis lizards Restricted to Altered Edge Habitats in a HispaniolanCloud ForestSUSANM. SIFERS1, MELISSAL. YESKA2, YANERYSM. RAMOS3, ROBERTPOWELL4 5, ANDJOHNS. PARMERLEE, JR. 41Department of Biology http://www.caribjsci.org/june01/37_55-62.pdf |
7. OUP: Anolis Lizards Of The Caribbean: Roughgarden anolis lizards of the Caribbean Ecology, Evolution, and Plate Tectonics.Jonathan Roughgarden, Professor, Department of Biological http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-506731-2 | |
8. The Effect Of Perch Diameter On Escape Behaviour Of Anolis Lizards ect of perch diameter on escape behaviour of anolis lizards laboratorypredictions and eld testsJONATHAN B was measured in ve species of anolis lizards. In all species, sprint http://www.tulane.edu/~irschick/djipub03.pdf |
9. Optimal Body Size In Lesser Antillean Anolis Lizards--A Mechanistic Approach 2, pp. 239Â256. Optimal Body Size in Lesser Antillean anolis lizardsA MechanisticApproach. Kenneth H. Naganuma, and Jonathan D. Roughgarden. Abstract. http://www.esajournals.org/esaonline/?request=get-abstract&issn=0012-9615&volume |
10. Experimental Studies Of Adaptive Differentiation In Bahamian Anolis Printed in the Netherlands.399Experimental studies of adaptive differentiation in Bahamian. anolis lizardsJonathan B sagrei and the adaptive radiation of anolis lizards in the http://www.biology.wustl.edu/~lososlab/genetica.pdf |
11. Ecomorphology, Performance Capability, And Scaling Of West Indian Anolis Lizards 3, pp. 369Â388. Ecomorphology, Performance Capability, and Scaling of West Indiananolis lizards An Evolutionary Analysis. Jonathan B. Losos. Abstract. http://www.esajournals.org/esaonline/?request=get-abstract&issn=0012-9615&volume |
12. The Distribution Of Larval Eutrombicula Alfreddugesi (Atari Caribbean Journal of Science, Vol. 32, No. 1, 4349, 1996Copyright 1996 College of Arts and SciencesUnivers ty of Puerto Rico, The Distribution of Larval Eutrombicula alfreddugesi( Atari Trombiculidae) Infesting anolis lizards( harbors 15 species of anolis lizards (Lac- ertilia Polychridae), nine of http://www.uprm.edu/publications/cjs/VOL32/P043-049.PDF |
13. Anolis Lizards Of The Caribbean; Author: Roughgarden, Jonathan (Professor, Depar anolis lizards of the Caribbean Author Roughgarden, Jonathan (Professor, Departmentof Biological Sciences, Stanford University, California, USA). http://www.opengroup.com/sabooks/019/0195067312.shtml | |
14. LACK OF CONVERGENCE IN AQUATIC ANOLIS LIZARDS 7852002 The Society for the Study of Evolution. All rights reserved.Evolution, 56(4), 2002, pp. 785791LACK OF CONVERGENCE IN AQUATIC anolis lizardsMANUELLEAL, 1ALISONK. KNOX, 2 3ANDJONATHANB. that has received surprisingly little attention. Caribbean anolis lizards, known for their extensive convergent http://www.biology.wustl.edu/~lososlab/leal2002.pdf |
15. Todd Jackman's Anole Page Caribbean Anoline Lizards. There are about 340 species of anolis lizards, distributedthroughout the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. http://www87.homepage.villanova.edu/todd.jackman/anolis/anolis.html | |
16. OUP USA: Anolis Lizards Of The Caribbean: Jonathan Roughgarden Subjects anolis lizards of the Caribbean Ecology, Evolution, and Plate Tectonics Jonathan Roughgarden 0195067312 The anolis lizards of the Caribbean are ideally suited for the study http://www.oup-usa.org/isbn/0195067312.html | |
17. Jennifer A. Collins: PaleoBio Paleobio Home, anolis lizards of the Greater Antilles Using phylogeny to test hypothesesWritten by Jennifer A. Collins Jen s Other Lessons ~ Education Home, http://www.paleobio.org/education/anolis/anolis.html | |
18. Anolis Lizards Of The Caribbean; Author: Roughgarden, Jonathan (Professor, Depar anolis lizards of the Caribbean Author Roughgarden, Jonathan (Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, California, USA) http://www.netstoreusa.com/pdbooks/019/0195067312.shtml | |
19. Duncan J. Irschick, Biological Sciences, University Of Cincinnati (1992 1996) Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis. Title Adaptation,Performance Ability, and Evolutionary Diversification in anolis lizards. http://www.biology.uc.edu/faculty/jayne/djicv.htm | |
20. Entrez PubMed Click here to read A molecular phylogenetic analysis of diversificationin Amazonian anolis lizards. Glor RE, Vitt LJ, Larson A. Department http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&cmd=Retrieve&list_uids=1 |
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