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Animal Welfare: more books (100) | |||
141. The Meditative Cat - Pictures Of Cats And Other Natural Wonders Meditation inspiration, animal welfare information and links, a cyberclub for cats, pictures of the great outdoors and lots of very photogenic felines. http://www.catanna.com/ | |
142. Investigating The Occult Aspects Of Serious Crimes. Behind The Obvious. Mysterie Investigates and highlights sinister occult aspects to serious crimes and events around the world. Other specialty subjects include UFOs and the unexplained, predictions, animal welfare and conspiracies. http://ellisctaylor.homestead.com/ | |
143. Animal Welfare Association Of Hamilton Welcome to animal welfare Association of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada awa.xux.net Website created 22 January 2000 About us Donations http://awa.xux.net/ | |
144. The Humane Society Of New York Features information about pets available for adoption, animal welfare issues, and how to donate. Shelter news, photographs of available pets, and links to related articles. http://www.humanesocietyny.org/ | |
145. Palawan Animal Welfare Association - PAWA/index Translate this page Palawan animal welfare Association (PAWA). Cette association Philippino Entrée. Palawan animal welfare Association (PAWA) This Philippine-Belgian http://users.swing.be/PAWA/ | |
146. The Observer | Politics | Animal Rights Supporters To Spy On Hunts Gaby Hinsliff, chief political correspondent. The Government admits the only way of telling whether rules have been broken will be by animal welfare workers, many of whom may have clashed with local hunts in the past, volunteering to follow meets and spy on any misdemeanours. http://observer.guardian.co.uk/politics/story/0,6903,860343,00.html | |
147. The Animal Welfare Foundation Of Canada / Foundation Du Bien-Etre Animal Du Cana http://www.awfc.ca/ |
148. Countryside Alliance - Animal Welfare And Animal Rights Discussion of animal welfare, animal rights, cruelty and suffering. From the Countryside Alliance. http://www.countryside-alliance.org/edu/edu2-4.htm | |
150. Animals For Adoption Website Design by Joyce Fay Jennifer Strand Published by Bro and Tracy animal welfare, Inc., a 501(c)(3) taxexempt organization Hearing from you is http://www.joycefay.com/index.shtml | |
151. Animal Friends Croatia Promotes animal welfare in Croatia and internationally. Includes petitions on specific topics, pictures of animals in distress and antifur protests, and discussions of topics such as vegetarianism, puppy mills, and mistreatment in zoos and circuses. http://www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr/indexen.html |
152. Animal Welfare And Ethics DPI F s animal welfare and ethics web site includes information on the use of animals for scientific purposes and the Help and Animal Smile children s project. http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/animalwelfare/ | |
153. PROMOTING ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY You are visitor number 21509 Last updated February 15, 2004. This page created and maintained by Chad Farmer © 1998 PROMOTING animal welfare SOCIETY. http://www.azalea.net/~pawslady/ | |
154. Minnesota Branch AALAS Minnesota branch provides a social and professional network for people working with laboratory animals who are committed to both science and animal welfare. http://www.ahc.umn.edu/rar/MNAALAS/index.html | |
155. MORI - Seven Out Of Ten Scots Oppose Hunting With Dogs, International Fund For A Q2 60% support a ban (typo in article claims 7 out of 10). Throughout Scotland. For International Fund for animal welfare. http://www.mori.com/polls/2001/ifaw.shtml | |
156. Animal Welfare Vs. Animal Rights Some animal rights advocates have even suggested that animal welfare reforms actually impede progress toward animal rights because they improve the conditions http://www.furcommission.com/debate/ | |
157. Animal Welfare Program - KFC.com Home About KFC animal welfare Program, There s Fast Food Then There s KFC! animal welfare Program Yum! Brands, parent company http://www.kfc.com/about/animalwelfare.htm | |
158. WebRing: Hub Humane Society and animal welfare Ring, Join This Ring. RingMaster thing2b. http://o.webring.com/hub?ring=humane |
159. ICWD - Animal Welfare Centre/ Interfacultair Centrum Welzijn Dieren http://www.icwd.nl/ | |
160. Animal Welfare Education Petition I would like to thank everyone that signed this petition and those that posted the banner on their site. The petition generated http://drdolittle.net/greatandsmall/petition/ | |
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