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21. OPRR: PHS Policy On Humane Care And Use Of Laboratory Animals Tutorial Sample annual report to OLAW, animal welfare assurance, semiannual program and facility review checklist, and semiannual report to the institutional official. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/tutorial/ | |
22. Animal Welfare League NSW Helping to formulate policy on animal welfare issues, and taking an active part in the welfare of companion animals. http://www.animalwelfareleague.com.au/ | |
23. Scientists Center For Animal Welfare The Scientists Center for animal welfare (SCAW) is a nonprofit educational association of individuals and institutions whose mission is to promote humane care http://www.scaw.com/ | |
24. Scottish Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals, Scotland's Oldest And The Scottish SPCA is the oldest and largest animal welfare charity in Scotland, offering inspectorate and animal welfare centres covering the whole of Scotland. Not associated with the RSPCA animal rights charity. http://www.scottishspca.org/ | |
25. Home Page UFAW, an animal welfare charity that uses scientific knowledge to improve welfare. UFAW is a scientific and technical animal welfare charity. http://www.ufaw.org.uk/ | |
26. UFAW Annual Report 2000 Quarterly scientific journal bringing together the results of scientific research and technical studies http://www.ufaw.org.uk/journal/Animal welfare.htm |
27. KOREA ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCIETY | HOME Dedicated to promoting animal welfare and protection in Korea through education, stricter animal cruelty laws, and the continued development of the KAPS shelter. Photos, news archives, current campaigns, and resources for activism. http://koreananimals.org/ | |
28. Eurogroup For Animal Welfare - Welcome http://www.eurogroupanimalwelfare.org/ |
29. Animal Welfare Trust - Home Page Devoted to promoting the well being of the animal community. Offers grants to organizations whose work helps reduce animal suffering and/or raises public consciousness toward related issues. http://fdncenter.org/grantmaker/awt/ | |
30. Animal Welfare League Rain or Shine For Registration or Donation Information contact the animal welfare League at (708)6368586 Click here to download the Strutt-your-Mutt promo http://www.animalwelfareleague.com/ | |
31. AAWL Intro Arizona animal welfare League Arizona s Oldest and Largest NoKill Shelter. Copyright © 2004 Arizona animal welfare League. You are visitor number. http://www.aawl.org/ | |
32. Bulgarian Animal Defence League - Home Page The League actively campaigns on a variety of issues concerning the improvement of animal welfare standards in Bulgaria. These include spaying and neutering, pet registration and responsible pet ownership. http://www.angelfire.com/co/BADL/ | |
33. Partnership For Animal Welfare LowCost Spay/Neuter Sources Finding a Home for Your Pet Other Rescue Groups. The Partnership for animal welfare Animal Rescue and Adoption, http://www.paw-rescue.org/ | |
34. About The Partnership For Animal Welfare About the Partnership for animal welfare. The Partnership for animal welfare, Inc. PO Box 1074 Greenbelt, MD 20768 (301)5724PAW. Special Thank-yous! http://www.paw-rescue.org/PAW/paw.html | |
35. WSPA CANADA - World Society For The Protection Of Animals - Canada Describes the aims, ideals, projects, and recruitment efforts of the Canadian arm of an international organization promoting animal welfare and global conservation. http://www.wspa.ca | |
36. Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre, Atlantic Veterinary College, University Of Provides service, research, and education in the welfare of dogs, cats, horses and wildlife. Site features news, mandate, information about personnel, publications, and list of projects. http://www.upei.ca/~awc/ | |
37. Welcome To Zoo Outreach Organisation Conservations, education and society working in the field of animal welfare and zoos in South Asia and India. http://www.zooreach.org/ | |
38. Animal Welfare League Of Arlington The animal welfare League of Arlington Since 1944, the animal welfare League of Arlington has been committed to the humane treatment of animals and to the http://www.awla.org/ | |
39. Animal Welfare The Journalanimal welfare a quality journal with an excellent citation index. Instructions for authors,recent content pages, etc. animal welfare - the Journal. http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~ufaw3/animalwelfare.htm | |
40. Performing Animal Welfare Society PAWS is the only animal welfare society dedicated to the rescue of performing and exotic animals from cruel confinement and performances of pain. http://www.pawsweb.org/ | |
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