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Home - Basic_A - Animal Welfare Organizations |
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81. ABWS - Animal Welfare And Rights Sites Societies and organizations, newsgroups and discussion groups, legislation, web pages, education, journals, books and articles. From the animal Behavior and welfare Sites. http://users.erols.com/mandtj/welfare/welfare.html |
82. Animal Concerns Community - Animal Welfare Suggest a Resource. animal welfare organizations. Displaying 1 - 20of 296 resources in animal welfare and organizations Next Page. http://www.animalconcerns.org/topics.html?topic=Animal Welfare&topicsku=20021301 |
83. Bubba-Bear_Precious A sit about two Prairie Dogs called BubbaBear and Precious. Informative links about Prairie Dogs, animal welfare and other animal related organizations. http://www.geocities.com/prairie_dog_yipyip/Bubba-Bear_Precious.html | |
84. Welcome To Animal And Environmental Issues Extensive link list activists, clothes, companion animals, dissection, experimentation, entertainment, environmental, organizations, vegetarianism and wildlife. http://animalwelfare.bizland.com | |
85. Animal Welfare Trust - Home Page Devoted to promoting the well being of the animal community. Offers grants to organizations whose work helps reduce animal suffering and/or raises public consciousness toward related issues. http://fdncenter.org/grantmaker/awt/ | |
86. Alternatives organizations. Laboratory animal welfare Training Exchange A membershipsite for trainers, training coordinators, and IACUC administrators. http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/alternatives/alternat.htm | |
87. Companion Animals Selected animal welfare Issues American Humane Association (AHA); Shelters,Humane resources for rescues shelters, national organizations directories http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/companimals/dog.htm | |
88. World Animal Net Net Directory Listing 15,000 organizations with 8,000 links to Web sites Worldanimal Net Directory - Edition Française animal welfare Science - Cambridge http://www.worldanimal.net/ | |
89. Mikrotec Internet Services Association of animal care and control organizations in Kentucky promoting all aspects of animal welfare, including animal welfare legislation and local Kentucky ordinances. http://www.kacca.org | |
90. FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY LABORATORY ANIMAL PROGRAM Mission statement, administrative, training, animal care and use, animal research/welfare organizations. http://www.fsu.edu/~FSULAR/home1.htm | |
91. Chenault, Georgiana Passionfruit Studio Photos of family, friends, and dogs. Also includes a monthly newsletter and links to animal welfare and rescue organizations. http://passionsfruit.tripod.com/ | |
92. Information Resources For Animal Welfare & Alternatives FBR publications include the FBR newsletter and a Directory of animalrights/welfare organizations. Write for a current list of http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/Animal_Alternatives/organiza.htm | |
93. All Creatures Links To Animal Liberation And Welfare Organizations That Provide Page. Write us with your comments flh@allcreatures.org . AnimalWelfare organizations that Provide Rescue and Placement Services. http://www.all-creatures.org/links/welfare.html | |
94. GuideStar - GuideStar Articles - The Dogs Days Of Summer Animal GuideStar Home, Home GuideStar Articles The Dogs Days of Summer animalwelfareorganizations. The Dogs Days of Summer animal-welfare organizations. http://www.guidestar.org/news/features/animals01.jsp |
95. Zeal.com - United States - New - Lifestyle - Pets & Animals - Animal Welfare - O A great resource for United States New - Lifestyle - Pets animals- animal welfare - organizations. Find the web s best sites http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=10163070 |
96. National Western Stock Show: Rodeo - Animal Welfare Many organizations who in the past have been considered animal welfareorganizations have made the move towards animal rights. The http://www.nationalwestern.com/nwss/rodeo/animalwelfare.asp | |
97. Organizations @ Www.Sweden.org Home organizations (0), Categories related to Society Issues animal welfareorganizations Society organizations animal welfare (2,148). http://www.sweden.org/Society/Issues/Animal_Welfare/Organizations/ | |
98. AWA The UCLA Animal Welfare Association Unfortunately, the UCLA animal welfare Association is unable to you have rescued/foundan animal offcampus one of these other rescue organizations listed on http://www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/awa/ | |
99. Environmental Organization WebDirectory - AnimalsAnimal Interest International Fund for animal welfare (IFAW) One of the world s largest animalwelfare organizations, IFAW fights against animal cruelty around the globe. http://www.webdirectory.com/Animals/Animal_Interest_Groups/Animal_Rights/ | |
100. The AquaThought Foundation - Dolphin And Research And Welfare Organizations Dolphin and Cetacean Research and welfare organizations. American Cetacean SocietyPO Box 2639 San Pedro, California 90731 USA; animal Protection Institute 2631 http://www.aquathought.com/aquamore/conserv.html | |
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