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121. The EnviroLink Network - Animal Welfare mission is to provide public interest research, education, and advocacy on publicpolicy issues, including, but not limited to, animal welfare, the environment http://www.envirolink.org/topics.html?topicsku=2002130111042&topic=Animal Welfar |
122. Animal Welfare with respect to animal welfare and quality of life within research facilities, italso looks to optimise the contribution of animals in research and education. http://bioresearch.ac.uk/browse/mesh/C0003061L0003061.html | |
123. People At Cambridge University Animal Welfare Information Centre thinking. Main interests animal behaviour and welfare; evolutionarypsychology; promotion of education and awareness on animal welfare; http://www.animal-info.net/cuawic/people.html | |
124. RCVS Online Veterinary Surgeons Postgraduate Education Veterinary Surgeons Postgraduate education Subject List RCVS Certificates. Pleaseselect your RCVS Certificate subject animal welfare Science, Ethics and http://www.rcvs.org.uk/vet_surgeons/education/rcvscertificate.html |
125. Animal Welfare Groups In The Washington DC Area Virginia animal welfare League of Alexandria {Alexandria}; animal welfare Leagueof Arlington {Arlington}; Companion animal Rescue education (CARE) {Reston http://www.rawdc.org/dc/animalDC.html | |
126. Petnet - Urban Animal Management Conference. Information On Management Of Dogs A education over 10 years and gives practical guidelines for those wishing to achievean improvement in animal control or animal welfare through education. http://www.petnet.com.au/uam/hindle92.html | |
127. Society, Issues, Animal Welfare: Animal Rights Includes information about various animal welfare issues and related a Heart foranimals animal Rights literature Humane education Group - The education of http://www.combose.com/Society/Issues/Animal_Welfare/Animal_Rights/ | |
128. Society, Issues, Animal Welfare, Animal Rights, Activism: Education And Research International Institute for Humane education Dedicated to creating lasting vegetarian veganrecipes, facts about health, vivisection and animal welfare. http://www.combose.com/Society/Issues/Animal_Welfare/Animal_Rights/Activism/Educ | |
129. @LA Pets/Animals In Southern California: Los Angeles County, Orange County, Rive League, San Pedro Penny education Network Pet education Now Nuturing and San GabrielValley Humane Society SCpaw (people for animal welfare), Downtown - USC http://www.at-la.com/@la-pets.htm | |
130. Humane Education - Sample Lesson Plan Teaching children to be kind to animals through humane education in school. Humane education. The following is a sample lesson plan help easily incorporate humane education into the school curriculum to be "animalhelpers" and report animal abuse to adults http://www.theanimalspirit.com/AWE.html | |
131. International Fund For Animal Welfare IFAW's mission is to improve the welfare of wild and domestic animals throughout the world by reducing commercial exploitation, protecting wildlife habitats, and assisting animals in distress. We http://www.ifaw.org/ | |
132. Scientists Center For Animal Welfare The Scientists Center for animal welfare (SCAW) is a nonprofit educational associationof individuals and institutions whose mission is to promote humane care http://www.scaw.com/ | |
133. Animal Concerns Community - Animal Welfare Suggest a Resource. animal welfare Educational Resources. ActionsYou Can Take (26) Articles (26) Educational Resources (13) E-Mail http://www.animalconcerns.org/topics.html?topic=Animal Welfare&topicsku=20021301 |
134. Educational Resources About Animal Research Educational Resources. animal research has played a vital role in virtually everymajor medical advance of the last century  for both human and animal health http://www.fbresearch.org/education/ | |
135. Brownchumanes.org located in New Ulm, Minnesota, the BCHS is dedicated to the protection and welfare of animals employing nokill shelter for dogs and cats. Adoption and education resources are available. http://www.brownchumanes.org |
136. Celebrating The Life And Works Of American Author Illustrator Tufts offers an encompassing education in modern themselves through their compassionatecare of animals, including their health, welfare and conservation http://www.edwardgoreyhouse.org/ani.html |
137. SEB - The Society For Experimental Biology - Plant, Animal, Cell, Education And Link back to SEB home page, animal welfare and the SEB. The Societyfor Experimental Biology operates within a Code of Conduct for http://www.sebiology.org/Animal/pageview.asp?S=4&mid=49 |
138. Welfareinitiaves This Center will focus on research and promotion of education concerning animal welfareand behavior, and serve as a source of knowledge and expertise for the http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/animalwelfare/initiatives.html | |
139. A11 Animal Welfare requirement in law for schools to have an animals policy, the Ministry of Educationrecommends that This policy must not contravene the animal welfare Act 1999 http://www.ero.govt.nz/handbks/schools/a11.htm | |
140. The EnviroLink Network - Animal Welfare Suggest a Resource. animal welfare Educational Resources. ActionsYou Can Take (1) Articles (2) Educational Resources (5) E-Mail http://www.envirolink.org/topics.html?topic=Animal Welfare&topicsku=200213011104 |
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