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101. Animal Welfare League The animal welfare League s The animal welfare League s Humane education Departmentoffers a valuable experience on the magical world of animals and the http://www.animalwelfareleague.com/education.cfm | |
102. Research_Banner Universities Federation for animal welfare, c1990. 148 p. ill., map ; 21cm. education and training in the care and use of laboratory animals. http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/Animal_Alternatives/iacucs.htm | |
103. Higher Education Information Resources for animal welfare and Alternatives Higher education. Journalof Applied animal welfare Science (JAAWS). Journal of Biological education. http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/Animal_Alternatives/highered.htm | |
104. Animal Welfare Society - Education people to their pets. Home, The animal welfare Society Post OfficeBox 43, West Kennebunk, Maine, 04094 Â 207/9853244 education. http://www.animalwelfaresociety.org/education.html | |
105. Animals In Research And Education Use of animals in Research and education. FASEB President Comments on ProposedAmendment to the animal welfare Act Regarding Medical Records June 4, 2003. http://www.faseb.org/opa/animal.research.education.html | |
106. Animal Welfare Undergraduate Sciences, UBC students with a strong interest in animal welfare can take the animalwelfare Certificate Program (General level) by distance education from The http://www.agsci.ubc.ca/animalwelfare/education/undergrad.htm | |
107. Careers In Animal Welfare are facing an increasing need to deal with animal welfare issues, but few peoplein the animal industries have specialized education in animal welfare. http://www.agsci.ubc.ca/animalwelfare/education/careers.htm | |
108. VEIN Links : Animal Welfare, Alternatives And Ethics Its website includes an education section that includes a syllabus for veterinarystudents, a brief outline of animal welfare concepts, and a resource library http://vein.library.usyd.edu.au/links/animalwelfare.html | |
109. Animal Welfare And Bioethics Centre University Centre for practical, sciencebased and ethical advice, education andsolutions to animal welfare problems and for bioethical analysis and education. http://animalwelfare.massey.ac.nz/ | |
110. Education - Animal Welfare League Of Arlington Are you interested in learning more about animal welfare? Our education Coordinatorcan visit your school, scout troop, church, nursing home or community http://www.awla.org/education.html | |
111. QC Animal Welfare Center, Education Public education is a vital link to the Quad City animal welfare Center s goalof providing safe, healthy environments for all Quad City area s pets. http://www.qcawc.org/educate.html | |
112. Works & Achievements Of The Animal Welfare Foundation Of Canada The animal welfare Foundation of Canada has always supported a variety of humaneeducation projects organized by local or provincial humane societies. http://www.awfc.ca/works--humane-education.html | |
113. THE ANIMAL WELFARE PHILOSOPHY - The Foundation For Animal Use Education - Animal The Foundation for animal Use education is a program of the American animal WelfareFoundation, a national charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1991 to http://www.animaluse.org/html/animal_welfare.html | |
114. Animal Welfare Principles - KFC.com Brands recognizes that maintaining high standards of animal welfare is an ongoingprocess. Training and education has and will continue to play a key role in http://www.kfc.com/about/animalwelfare_principles.htm | |
115. Network For Good :: Animal Welfare animal rescue, education programs Donate. animal Haven New York, NY 11365Volunteer. Humane education Network Menlo Park, CA 94026 Volunteer. http://www.networkforgood.org/topics/animal_environ/animalwelfare/ | |
116. Animal Welfare in order to promote the welfare and quality of life within research facilitiesand to optimise the contribution of animals in research and education. http://vetgate.ac.uk/browse/cabi/detail/94f6293166176cbea8ac4919048da39e.html | |
117. Animal Resources Internet Resources Dealing with animals welfare, Rights, Alternativesin Testing and in education. animal welfare. AWIC Home Page http://www.lib.msu.edu/health/hw/vetmed/animals.htm | |
118. Dogs 'n Cats - Animal Welfare League Services The animal welfare League has a fulltime education Officer who, by appointment,attends community groups for the purpose of dissemination of information http://www.dogsncats.asn.au/animal/services2.htm | |
119. Animal Welfare Links Society The National Humane education Society (NHES), with offices located nearCharles Town, West Virginia, is a non-profit animal welfare organization that http://www.monroehumane.org/links.php?catID=3 |
120. Animal Rights And Welfare Organisations - Animal Rights And Animal Welfare Group KAPS is dedicated to promoting animal welfare and protection in Korea through education,stricter animal cruelty laws and the continued development of the KAPS http://www.ecocities.net/Animal_Rights_and__Welfare_Organisations.htm | |
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