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41. Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre, Atlantic Veterinary College, University Of Provides service, research, and education in the welfare of dogs, cats, horses and wildlife. Site features news, mandate, information about personnel, publications, and list of projects. http://www.upei.ca/~awc/ | |
42. USDA's Animal Care Home Page Helps establish acceptable standards of humane animal care and treatment; monitors and achieves compliance with the animal welfare Act through inspections, education, and cooperative efforts. News, press releases, notices, policity manual, FAQ. USDA/APHIS. US. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ac/ | |
43. KOREA ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCIETY | HOME Dedicated to promoting animal welfare and protection in Korea through education, stricter animal cruelty laws, and the continued development of the KAPS shelter. Photos, news archives, current campaigns, and resources for activism. http://koreananimals.org/ | |
44. Animal Friends For Education And Welfare (AFEW) AFEW animal Friends for education and welfare, Helpingto place loving pets in their forever homes. http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/afew.html | |
45. The Home Of Rest For Horses. Horse, Pony And Donkey Care. Examines ways to educate horse owners about good welfare practices and how to overcome major barriers such as ignorance, poor advice from others and lack of commitment to the animal. http://www.homeofrestforhorses.btinternet.co.uk/ | |
46. VA Partnership For Animal Welfare Support VAPAWS irresponsible ownership and inadequate animal welfare legislation and the eliminationof animal suffering through 1. education and Public Outreach Companion http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/VA90.html | |
47. Animal Welfare HomePage With list of research, education, public information, photo galleries, and issues of interest. http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/animalwelfare/ | |
48. ISAE Home Page Promotes research and education on the behavior and welfare of domestic and captive animals. Publishers of the journal Applied animal Behaviour Science. http://www.applied-ethology.org/ | |
49. Animal Welfare League Of Benzie County, Michigan A nonprofit organization offering neuter-spay service, emergency medical treatment, pet hotline, and education regarding dogs and cats. http://www.awlobc.org/ | |
50. Douglas Animal Welfare Group -- Douglas County, Nevada Nonprofit organization provides animals for adoption and education for the community. Provides photos of dogs waiting to be adopted, includes upcoming events, wish list, donation and volunteering information. http://www.dawgrescue.com/ |
51. International Fund For Animal Welfare Charitable Trust (IFAW CT) Home Page organisation of the International Fund for animal welfare highlights the create abetter life for animals, worldwide, through funding education work and http://www.ifawct.org/ | |
52. Education was formed in 1824 to improve the lives of animals through campaigning, educationand practical means. The largest and oldest animal welfare organisation in http://education.independent.co.uk/careers_advice/az_careers/story.jsp?story=117 |
53. KOREA ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCIETY | HOME Dedicated to promoting animal welfare and protection in Korea through education, stricter animal cruelty laws, and the continued development of the KAPS shelter. Includes Photos, news archives, current campaigns, and resources for activism. http://www.koreananimals.org/ | |
54. Estonian Society For Animal Welfare the raising of ethical standards through education,; the actual improvementof animal welfare and support of local animal protection activity,; http://www.eau.ee/~ereintam/easaw.htm | |
55. Blue Cross Of India One of the largest animal welfare organizations in India in terms of service to animals. It runs a roundthe-clock ambulance service, has two hospitals and shelters and an active humane education program. http://www.bluecross.org.in/ | |
56. Index PAWS (People for animal Wellness Safety). A local animal welfare group dedicated to the promotion of spaying/neutering, education, and with a goal of decreasing the number of animals euthanized in Wise County. http://www.geocities.com/pawsofswva | |
57. Animal Welfare animal welfare Information Center. This website contains just about everything thereis to know about pigs and pork, from industry news and education to recipes http://www.grandin.com/welfare/intro.welfare.html | |
58. VA PAWS Home VA PAWS is a nonprofit organization in southwestern Virginia working to end the inhumane treatment of animals through education, legislation, and animal rescue. http://www.vapaws.org/ | |
59. PRCA - ProRodeo - Animal Welfare To coordinate its animal welfare efforts, the PRCA employs a fulltime animalwelfare coordinator to oversee internal and public education programs. http://prorodeo.org/animals/ | |
60. Montgomery County Animal Shelter Provides services that will insure public health and safety, and promotes animal welfare through enforcement, education, and the enactment of humane initiatives. http://www.co.montgomery.oh.us/AnimalShelter/ | |
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