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1. NIH: National OLAW Workshop Program Return To OLAW Home Page National animal welfare education Program.OFFICE OF LABORATORY ANIMAL WELFARE. The National Institutes of http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/workshop.htm | |
2. AWIC Newsletter: National Animal Welfare Education Workshops For 1997 Animal Welfare Information Center Newsletter, Winter 1996/1997, Vol. 7 No.34 on implementing the Public Health Service Policy on animal welfare education. Each of the workshops scheduled for fiscal http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/newsletters/v7n3/7n3nawew.htm | |
3. Animal Welfare Education Webring Homepage. We have had 216 visitors in the last 24 hours. Powered By Perlonline.comanimal welfare education. Welcome to the animal welfare education Ring. http://www.animals-in-distress.net/educate_ring.htm | |
4. Animal Welfare Education Petition I would like to thank everyone that signed this petition and those that posted the banner on their site. The petition generated almost 10 000 signatures and has been sent off. Back to All Creatures http://www.drdolittle.net/greatandsmall/petition | |
5. Animal Welfare Education Webring AOL Generic Code Page. bgcolor= AE9999 font face= arial,helvetica size=3 B This A href= http//www.animalsin-distress.net/educate_ring.htm AnimalWelfare Education Ring /A http://www.animals-in-distress.net/educate_aol.htm | |
6. Animal Welfare Education Petition I would like to thank everyone that signed this petition and thosethat posted the banner on their site. The petition generated http://drdolittle.net/greatandsmall/petition/ | |
7. Animal Welfare Education Teaching children to be kind to animals. Henry Adams. animal welfare education. " A teacher affects eternity; no one can tell Voices Companion Animal Education Association. Make animal welfare education Mandatory In Schools http://www.krystalstar.com/mybeautifulpets2.html | |
8. Laboratory Animals Laboratory animal resources used by USDA, Animal Welfare Information Center. Provides bulletins, legislation, bibliographies, and other information resources related to the care and use of the Public Health Service Policy on animal welfare education. NetVet Veterinary Resources listing of http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/labanimals/lab.htm | |
9. Mayhew Animal Home Animal Welfare Education And Rehoming In London - Petplanet.c Head of Kennels; Head of Cattery; Animal Welfare Officers; NVQ students; NVQ Coordinator;Fundraising Manager; Education and Community Affairs Co-ordinator; Special http://www.petplanet.co.uk/petplanet/charity/mayhew.htm | |
10. NIH Guide: NATIONAL ANIMAL WELFARE EDUCATION WORKSHOP NATIONAL animal welfare education WORKSHOP NIH GUIDE, Volume 23, Number 34, September23, 1994 PT 34 Keywords Animal Care Animal Research Policy National http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/not94-274.html | |
11. Animal Welfare Education Main There are also books, journals and magazines on animal welfare, veterinarymedicine and wildlife. Educational Items for download http://www.ava.gov.sg/aweb/ | |
12. Animal Welfare Education For Teachers. Welcome to our animal welfare education site. On this site, you willbe able to find information on our educational programmes for your students. http://www.ava.gov.sg/aweb/forteachers.html | |
13. 1996 LCI National Youth Livestock Program Ethics Symposium Efforts in animal welfare education. Dr. David Coffey Western KentuckyUniversity. Introduction. Acquiring contemporary, nonbiased http://www.animalagriculture.org/Proceedings/1996 NYLPES/efforts in animal welfa | |
14. 1995 LCI Annual Meeting Efforts in animal welfare education by the National FFA Foundation. By Dr.David M. Coffey Department of Agriculture Western Kentucky University. http://www.animalagriculture.org/Proceedings/1995 Proc/efforts in animal welfare | |
15. Humane Education When designing an animal welfare education program, 0analogies such as thisare very useful. Programs should also concentrate on the following http://www.saveourstrays.com/humane.htm | |
16. BVET OVF UFV Animal Welfare Education animal welfare education. The Swiss Veterinary Service is heavily engagedin the further education of its members. Ordinance Governing http://www.bvet.admin.ch/tierschutz/e/ausbild_beratung/1_index.html | |
17. *~Animal Welfare Education Ring~* Random Contact Ring Owner. Submit a site to *~animal welfare educationRing~*, Site Title Site Owner EMail Address Site URL http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?ring=educate;action=addform |
18. WSPA - Education - Training Programmes - Concepts In Animal Welfare - A Syllabus international levels. It is vital therefore that their training includesa good grounding in animal welfare education. WSPA hopes http://www.wspa.org.uk/index.php?page=84 |
19. World Animal Net: Humane Education Resources the following publications Good Practice in animal welfare education (Showsanimal welfare education in practice in schools across England and Wales); http://worldanimal.net/hme-resources.html | |
20. Cool Pet Sites - Educational Farm To Promote Animal Welfare The Society, which plans to begin operating the farm in September, currently runsthree mobile veterinary clinics, three animal welfare education centers and http://coolpetsites.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=29 |
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