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1. Animal Welfare Institute Nonprofit charitable organization founded in 1951 to reduce the sum total of pain and fear inflicted on animals by humans. Site includes information about programs, publications, and news. http://www.awionline.org/ | |
2. PAWS PAWS (Progressive animal welfare Society) advocates for animals through education, legislation since 1967, the Progressive animal welfare Society shelters homeless animals http://www.paws.org/ | |
3. OLAW: Office Of Laboratory Animal Welfare Web site for the Office of Laboratory animal welfare (OLAW), NIH. June 2930 Workshop on animal welfare and Good Laboratory Practices in Domestic Institutions Holding animal welfare Assurances. Foreign Institutions Holding animal welfare Assurances http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/olaw.htm | |
4. AWIC Home Page animal welfare Information Center. United States Department of Agriculture http://netvet.wustl.edu/awic.htm | |
5. USDA's Animal Care Home Page April 6, 2004 Regulation of Nondomestic air carriers and animal welfare Workshop. Animal Care Mission Statement For example "animal welfare act" or "annual report http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ac | |
6. Companion Animal Welfare Council Conducts and publishes independent studies into the welfare, care and treatment of companion animals and their role within society. http://www.cawc.org.uk/ |
7. 2004 IrishAnimals.ie: Pet Resources & Animal Welfare Ireland Gathering site featuring lists of Irish animal welfare groups, SPCA's, pounds, and a homes needed section. Also has current issues section and pet care tips. http://www.irishanimals.com/ | |
8. AWIC Homepage Home page of USDA, animal welfare Information Center. Provides bulletins, legislation The animal welfare Information Center. US Department of http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/ | |
9. Professional Opinions What the experts say about the welfare of animals in entertainment, industry, sport and recreation. Discusses horses in rodeos and the Premarin industry, also whether horses are livestock or companion animals (pets). http://www.animalwelfarecouncil.org/html/aw/opinions.php | |
10. International Fund For Animal Welfare IFAW's mission is to improve the welfare of wild and domestic animals throughout the world by reducing commercial exploitation, protecting wildlife habitats, and assisting animals in distress. We http://www.ifaw.org/ | |
11. Animal Welfare Act And Regulations animal welfare Act and Regulations. Animal Full Text. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A animal welfare. Available http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/legislat/usdaleg1.htm | |
12. International Fund For Animal Welfare distress. We seek to motivate the public to prevent cruelty to animals and to promote animal welfare and conservation policies. http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/ | |
13. International Fund For Animal Welfare | Page Not Found We seek to motivate the public to prevent cruelty to animals and to promote animal welfare and conservation policies. Choose Country, http://www.ifaw.org/pic.htm | |
14. Animal Welfare Centre About the animal welfare Center Other Activities Communications. What s New. Contact the animal welfare Centre Last Updated 20 April, 2004 Webmaster http://www.animal-welfare.org.au/ | |
15. European Animal Welfare Group Concentrates on reducing the number of street animals throughout Europe by launching sterilisation and educational programmes. http://paw-europe.com/ |
16. Animal Welfare Information Center animal welfare Information Center The animal welfare Information Center (AWIC) from the US Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library provides "information for improved animal care http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/&y=02EC4AC8770 |
17. Animal Welfare that the single most important factor which affects animal welfare is the attitude of management. Places that have good animal welfare have a manager who cares about welfare http://www.grandin.com/welfare/intro.welfare.html | |
18. SeniorRodeo.com National Senior Pro Rodeo Association article refuting many of the claims made about welfare infringements and cruelty to horses, cattle and calves used in rodeo sports. http://www.seniorrodeo.com/animal_welfare.htm | |
19. NetVet Animal Welfare / Rights / Humane / Rescue Organizations animal welfare / Rights / Humane / Rescue Organizations AdoptA-Greyhound of Central Canada. Adopt-a-Pet (animal welfare League of Virginia) http://netvet.wustl.edu/welfare.htm | |
20. Animal Welfare Board Of India, Alwarpet, Madras Based at Alwarpet, Chennai. Information about the main functions of the board, and the activities during the current year. http://envfor.nic.in/awb/awb.html | |
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