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121. CAWS - Cat Psychology Offers articles on a wide variety of feline topics, including understanding your cat's territorial nature, tips on litterbox training and controlling cat aggression. http://www.caws.org/catpsych.html | |
122. Vermont Animal Cruelty Task Force A statewide coalition of private and governmental agencies that have joined to coordinate Vermont's efforts to prevent and respond to animal cruelty through communication, education, training, legislation and enforcement. http://www.vactf.org/ | |
123. YARC Home Information on animal procurement, husbandry, veterinary clinical services, biotechnology, rodent service and regulations and training. http://info.med.yale.edu/yarc/index.htm | |
124. Pet Therapy Society Of Northern Alberta training, support, and coordination of volunteers and companion animals for animalassisted therapy and animal-assisted activity in healthcare settings. http://paws.shopalberta.com/ | |
125. Dr. Pitcairn's Training In Homeopathic Medicine training and information for veterinarians and guidance to owners interested alternative medicine for their animals, with emphasis on homeopathy. http://www.drpitcairn.com/ | |
126. Clicker Training Karen Pryor method of operant conditioning using clickers to manage animal behavior. http://www.clickertraining.com/home/index.htm | |
127. FAQ: How Can I Become An Animal Trainer? How can I become an animal trainer? For training to become an animaltrainer, contact Moorpark College (near Los Angeles, CA). Back http://www.jackhanna.com/faqs/faq-animal-trainer.html | |
128. Animal Planet :: Cat Guide -- Training -- The Basics Teaching your cat to behave well. http://animal.discovery.com/guides/cats/training/thebasicsintro.html | |
129. Colorado Federation Of Animal Welfare Agencies Statewide network of animal welfare agencies working together for the greater good of animals. Includes issues supported, articles, emergency rescue training courses, and links to member agencies. http://www.cfawa.org/ | |
130. Training The animal Care Committees will implement the training program asanimal protocols get renewed in 20032004. Everyone listed in http://www.mcgill.ca/rgo/animal/training/ | |
131. Gary Gero, Birds & Animals Unlimited, "Sorcerer's Stone" Animal Trainers and the Sorcerer s Stone weren t animatronic or computer generated images, theywere from the stable of Birds Animals Unlimited training and Coordination http://www.angelfire.com/mi3/cookarama/gero.html | |
132. Denver Pet Partners Home Page training and evaluations for people and their pets interested in animalassisted activities and therapy. Affiliated of Delta Society. http://www.denverpetpartners.org | |
133. Australian Veterinary Chiropractic Association Information about animal chiropractic, member directory, training, and FAQs. http://www.chirovet.com.au/ | |
134. AdviceMonkey: Animals, Train, Trainer, Teach, Obedient, Commands, Training information. animal Trainer. companion. training an animal for entertainmentis more difficult then just to train it to be an obedient companion. http://www.advicemonkey.com/animaltrainer.html | |
135. C3 Seattle | Animal Services, Vegetarian Info, & More A community of businesses and consumers dedicated to promoting animal and environmentally friendly choices for Seattle area residents. Offers emergency clinic listings, shelters, spay and neuter clinics, offleash areas, pet sitters, training and behavior, and educational resources. http://www.c3seattle.com/ | |
136. Dog-Play: Great Activities You Can Do With Your Dog Having fun with your dog. All dogs welcome, including mixed breeds. Learn about therapy dogs, pet facilitated therapy, animal assisted activities, agility, flyball, starting a dog park, behavior and training and dogs and kids. http://www.dog-play.com/ | |
137. Bark Ave On Parade-MN,Therapy Dogs Provides certification and training to dog and handler teams as well as continuing education regarding animal assisted therapy. A nonprofit charitable organization in St Paul - Minneapolis, Minnesota. http://www.barkavenue.org/ | |
138. Tellington TTouch® Information on TTouch, training programs and companion animal practitioner directory for Northern California. http://www.ttouchnorcal.com/ | |
139. BRTI - Biomedical Research Institute A regional centre for cocoordinated research and training in the fields of biomedicine, epidemiology, laboratory technology, health systems research, and related areas of human and animal medicine and health. http://www.brti.co.zw/ | |
140. Therapy Dog Training Animal Assisted Therapy Dog Trainer Sirius Healing Seattle An animal assisted therapy and animal assisted activity program in Seattle, Washington. Therapy dog training to Delta Society Pet Partners standards. http://www.siriushealing.com/ | |
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