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181. Sauk County Humane Society - Home Photographs of animals available for adoption, newsletter, wishlist, volunteer opportunities, and a schedule for dog training classes. http://www.saukhumane.org/ | |
182. ROCCO ANIMAL TRAINER 9 (VoD) Stars Sandra Russo, Caroline De ROCCO animal TRAINER 9 (VoD) Stars Sandra Russo, Caroline De Jaie, Krystal DeBoor at Bookfinders.com. ROCCO animal TRAINER 9 (VoD). Now Only $10.99! http://www.bookfinders.com/Products/ROCCO_ANIMAL_TRAINER_9_VoD.htm | |
183. Ozaukee County Humane Society Photographs of animals available for adoption, schedule of dog training classes offered, pet care tips, volunteer opportunities, and donation wish list. http://www.ozaukeehumane.org/ | |
184. SIT STAY READ! - About SIT STAY READ! Improves literacy skills and fosters a love of animals by partnering reading assistance dogs with children. Includes training and testing for pet and handler. How it works in Chicago. May not work for all browsers. http://www.sitstayread.org/About.aspx | |
185. Rocco Animal Trainer #3 DVD Video Movie Rocco animal Trainer 3 DVD Video Movie Starring Natalie, Michaela, Susanne, Vanessa,Bamboo, Brandy C., Laura Turner, Kelly Stafford, Martina Mercedes, Nacho http://excaliburfilms.com/AdultDVD/dvd_87181D3.htm | |
186. Shiloh Project Mission of the Project is to break the cycle of violence for juvenile offenders and children atrisk by instilling them with a sense of compassion, respect and responsibility toward animals and others through the experience of training and nurturing homeless dogs awaiting adoption. Goals, newsletter, articles, and adoptable dogs. http://www.shilohproject.org/ | |
187. Zoo Job Profiles For Kids animal trainers share conservation messages to Zoo and Park visitorsduring shows. This sea lion helps spread the message about http://www.sandiegozoo.org/kids/jobs_animal_care.html | |
188. CNN.com - Animal Trainer Gebel-Williams Dies - July 20, 2001 Gunther GebelWilliams, the world-renowned circus animal trainer, died of cancerThursday at his home in Venice, Florida. animal trainer Gebel-Williams dies. http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/07/20/gebelwilliams.obit/ | |
189. AMERICAN ANIMAL TRAINER MAGAZINE AMERICAN animal TRAINER MAGAZINE. Tammikuussa 2000 alkoi USAssa ilmestyä eläintenkoulutukseen keskittynyt aikakauslehti, American animal Trainer Magazine. http://ctc.laikanet.com/artikkelit/aatm.html | |
190. Shaolin West Kung-Fu Kwoon Home Page Instruction offered in Southern Sil Lum Black Tiger, North Shaolin, Southern Sil Lum 5 Animals and Green Dragon Pa Kua. Located in Winnipeg, Canada. http://www.mts.net/~sillum/Index.htm | |
191. Helicopter Training Combines learning to fly helicopters with the thrill of capturing wild animals in South Africa's national parks. Details of course, different locations, costs, helicopter specifications and hire and fly. http://www.helicopter-training.org/ | |
192. Rescue Critters!® Brand Mannikins Refine, Reduce, and Replace. animals in veterinary instruction and animaltraining. Please click on any of the paws below to get started! http://www.rescuecritters.com/ | |
193. LAWTE http://www.lawte.org/ | |
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