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Animal Shelters United States: more detail | ||||||||||
81. Fayetteville Animal Shelter above is based upon information from The Humane Society of the united states, a leaflet Returnto the Fayetteville animal Shelter and animal Services homepage. http://www.uark.edu/ALADDIN/fayanim/lost.html | |
82. Redirecting... The public and private pounds and shelters of the united states were establishedto care for homeless animals, for both humane and public health reasons. http://www.peta.org/mc/facts/fsc15.html |
83. Companion Animals In Crisis For more information about animal shelter facts and issues, visit the Human Societyof the united states Web site at www.hsus.org or the Michigan Humane Society http://www.michigan.gov/mda/0,1607,7-125-1566_2310_2318-47720--,00.html | |
84. Cold Hard Facts Help Save Dog Rescue Los Angeles Pet Overpopulation Shelter Euth shelters (HSUS estimate); Number of animal shelters in the united StatesBetween 4,000 and 6,000 (HSUS estimate); Percentage of dogs http://www.billfoundation.org/html/cold_hard_facts.html | |
85. SHELTER DOGS - A Documentary Film By Cynthia Wade - RESOURCES AND LINKS Adopting from an animal Shelter From the Humane Society of the united states(HSUS) website. The Adopters Bill of Rights By Sue Sternberg. http://www.shelterdogs.org/resources.htm | |
86. PROFILE - THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES The Humane Society of the united states (HSUS) Mission time, HSUS staff joinedlocal animal groups in the firstever temporary pet shelter/veterinary MASH http://www.nhoem.state.nh.us/voad/hsusdisasterprofile.htm | |
87. PE.com | Inland Southern California | Digital Extra | Animal Shelters study seeks public s aid The Humane Society of the united states wants to knowwhat s happening at the Riverside CityCounty animal Shelter on Wilderness http://www.pe.com/digitalextra/metro/animalshelters/vitindex.html | |
88. United Animal Nations An estimated 5 million homeless dogs and cats are killed in animalshelters throughout the united states every year. The number http://www.uan.org/campaigns/top10types.html |
89. HSUS - Programs - Companion Animals - Animal Sheltering Online animal Sheltering Online The Online Resource for Community animal Care, Control, and Protection. specifically for animal care and control professionals. Learn more. More than 1 400 shelters have http://www.animalsheltering.com/ | |
90. {Hugs For Homeless Animals} Worldwide Shelter Directory - United States Of Ameri Hugs for Homeless Animals is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to homeless and displaced animals worldwide. is a list of shelters, humane societies and rescue organizations in the united http://www.h4ha.org/shelters/usa | |
91. Dog, Animal, Shelter, Sanctuary, No Kill Shelter All of the dogs at this Shelter are well loved and Hearts united for Animals is aplace of happiness, joy and Hearts united is a place to celebrate the joy of http://www.hua.org/welcome.html | |
92. Society, Organizations, Animal Welfare, Rescues And Shelters, Regional, North Am Adopta-Pet - Links to animal shelters around the country. Kyler Laird s animalRescue Resources shelters - Links to animal shelters listed by state. http://www.combose.com/Society/Organizations/Animal_Welfare/Rescues_and_Shelters | |
93. The City Of Valdez: Gateway To The Interior FVAS, the Valdez animal Shelter and all the shelter s furry inhabitants would liketo give a very special Thank You to united Way and to the citizens of Valdez http://www.ci.valdez.ak.us/animal_control/ | |
94. The Humane Society Of The United States homeless dogs and cats, and The Humane Society of the united states commends Elizabethfor providing exemplary care and training for shelter animals. If you |
95. HSUS Pet Overpopulation Estimates These statistics illustrate the harsh reality of pet overpopulation in the U.S. Number of cats and dogs reclaimed by owners from shelters each year of cats entering shelters (HSUS estimate) http://www.hsus.org/ace/11830 | |
96. Shelter Search - No Kill Shelter Search Page By Truparadox.com If main page does not automatically load in 5 seconds please click above! Lost or found a pet? Visit the Internet Lost and Found today! http://www.sheltersearch.net/shelters | |
97. State By State, Canada & Worldwide Guide To Online Pet Resources Prevention advise for pet illnesses from a veterinarian. Common cat and dog diseases and treatments at Pet Care tips. Heartwarming animal stories about feline and canine rescues and animal http://www.creatures.com/StateGuide.html | |
98. Animals In Our Hearts - The Tragedy Of Shelter Euthanasia The tragedy of masses of animals being euthanized in shelters across the UnitedStates is a deeply disturbing and challenging problem, emotionally and morally http://www.animalsinourhearts.com/shelter/ | |
99. LEX 18 Home unidentified woman against her will for a week through four other states. GRANT COUNTYAnimal Shelter Severely Overburdened Last week nearly 99 dogs were taken http://www.lex18.com/ | |
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