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Animal Shelters United States: more detail | ||||||||
1. Comprehensive List Of No Kill Animal Shelters In The United States NoKill Organizations by states. Cat Only Activity. Dog Only Activity. Need to add a no-kill shelter. Click. Alabama. A to Z Rescue, Phoenix. AZ animal Wildlife League of the White Mountains, Show http://www.saveourstrays.com/no-kill.htm | |
2. HSUS - Programs - Companion Animals - Animal Sheltering Online The Humane Society of the united states presents this resource for animal shelters and rescues organizations. Online magazine, list of available publications, library of articles dealing with shelter work, and job listings. http://www.animalsheltering.org/ | |
3. Adopt-a-Pet - Online Animal Shelters And Animal Safety Information Directory An index of animal shelters around the World number of unplanned animal births by sterilizing their pets . For every person in the united states there are 7 you know of other animal shelters http://www.adoptapet.com/ | |
4. Adopting From An Animal Shelter A growing number of shelters also promote their web sites, and the animals theyhave for Copyright © 2004 The Humane Society of the united states. http://www.hsus.org/ace/11760 | |
5. Kyler Laird's Animal Rescue Resources : Shelters Equine Market Watch ( Malvern) united states. Alabama. Emergency animal Rescue Service Saint Roch Dog Rescue. San Diego County animal shelters. San Francisco SPCA http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~laird/animal_rescue/shelters | |
7. LookSmart - Directory - United States Animal Shelters united states animal shelters Browse a list of united states animalshelters and rescue organizations, organized by location. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us163430/us163785/us170839/us5 | |
8. Animal & Cat Rescue Groups In The United States Shelter Search Totally free service dedicated to providing an easy way for youto find No Kill animal shelters and sanctuaries across the united states. http://www.artzwild.com/cat/usrescue.html | |
9. The Inhumane Society Of The United States of the united states. Seeing the furry faces of Fido and Fluffy, you might evenhave sent a donation, thinking you were supporting animal shelters and pet http://www.consumerfreedom.com/headline_detail.cfm?HEADLINE_ID=2054 |
10. Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Control Top Ten Reasons for Pet Relinquishment to shelters in the united states. (NoteMany people assume that an animal is in the shelter because there is http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/fnsb.html | |
11. Renting With Pets: The Online Resource For Rental Managers And Pet Owners when relinquishing their dogs or cats to animal shelters. pet owners and their companionanimals by instituting a 2004 The Humane Society of the united states. http://www.rentwithpets.org/ | |
12. The Humane Society Of The United States | Shelter Partners shelters! As an animal sheltering professional, you may be familiar with the manyprograms and services available from The Humane Society of the united states ( http://www.hsus2.org/sheltering/general/shelter_partners/brochure1.html | |
13. The Humane Society Of The United States | Shelter Partners the Humane Society of the united states (HSUS) is not affiliated with, nor is ita parent organization for, local humane societies, animal shelters, or animal http://www.hsus2.org/sheltering/general/migratory_birds.html | |
14. Animal Shelters On Long Island According to the Humane Society of the united states, the overpopulation situationfor In many municipal shelters, animals that cannot be adopted are euthanized http://longisland.about.com/library/weekly/aa052901a.htm | |
15. ASPCA: United States District Court Throws Out Ringling Bros. Motion For Dismiss July 30, 2003 Today, the united states District Court extensive assistance andsupport to shelters nationwide. houses a fullservice animal hospital, animal http://www.aspca.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=14084&JServSessionIdr011=b11 |
16. Healthy Pet | Human/Animal Bond: Why Do Pets End Up In Shelters? in the July issue of the Journal of Applied animal Welfare Science (JAAWS), researcherswent into 12 selected animal shelters in the united states for one year http://www.healthypet.com/Library/animal_bond-12.html | |
17. Companion Animals the united states (HSUS); Pet Finder Large database of pets available for adoptionat local shelters in the US and Canada. Searchable by location, animal (breed http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/companimals/dog.htm | |
18. Animal Welfare Act And Regulations act can be found in united states Code, Title 7 Welfare Act and amending the animalwelfare regulations by requiring pounds and shelters to hold and http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/legislat/usdaleg1.htm | |
19. NCPPSP - Characteristics Of Shelter-Relinquished Animals... Understanding animal Companion Surplus in the united states Relinquishmentof Nonadoptables to animal shelters for Euthanasia. http://www.petpopulation.org/research_euthanasia.html | |
20. NCPPSP - Human And Animal Factors... Human and animal Factors Related to the Relinquishment of Dogs and Cats in 12Selected animal shelters in the united states, Mo D. Salman. . Abstract http://www.petpopulation.org/research_human.html | |
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