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61. Section 8.24.490 Animal Shelters, Kennels And Pet Shops--General Conditions. Chapter 8.24 animalS. Section 8.24.490 animal shelters, kennels and pet shopsGeneral conditions. animal shelters, kennels, and pet shops shall meet the following conditions ( http://www.ci.vancouver.wa.us/vmc/Title_8/24/490.html | |
62. Cat Fanciers: Animal Welfare, Cat Rescue, And Shelters animal Welfare, Feline Rescue, and shelters. Breed Rescue. What to Expect from Breed Rescue ( Savea-Pet Online) Rescuing Purebreds ( Cat Fancy Magazine) Cat Purebred Rescue (CPR) Seattle, WA. Tarrant County Purebred Cat Rescue Dallas/Ft. Worth area, TX http://www.fanciers.com/rescue.html | |
63. LA Animal Services City of Los Angeles. Department of animal Services. City of Los Angeles, Dept. of animal Services. Administrative Offices. Jerry Greenwalt. general MANAGER. Paul Jolly, President. Kathleen Riordan http://www.lacity.org/ANI | |
64. General Information unwanted livestock or fowl, nuisance animal investigations, bite or veterinary careto the general public. and 4pm on weekends (Camarillo Shelter Phone Number http://www.ventura.org/animreg/main_shelter.html | |
65. UK ANIMAL RESCUERS - RESCUE CENTRES IN UK LOCAL CENTRES REHOMERS (general) Centres on this page found by following linksin the ANIMALS section. MESSAGE FOR SHELTER PEOPLE PLEASE SCAN ABANDONED/LOST http://www.animalrescuers.co.uk/html/centresgeneral.html | |
66. Broward County - Animal Care And Regulation general Directions The shelter is located on the southwest corner of Then turn rightinto the shelter parking lot. Back to animal Care Regulation Main Menu. http://www.broward.org/animal/ani00900.htm | |
67. HSUS - Programs - Companion Animals - Shelter Employment Listings look for a job by category Administrative Adoptions animal Care animal Control DevelopmentExecutive Director Humane Education Shelter Management Veterinarian http://www.hsus2.org/sheltering/general/shelter_employment.html | |
68. HSUS - Programs - Companion Animals - The Shelter Library general Policies If your shelter is a municipal animal care and control facility,the commissioners in charge must fully acquaint themselves with the http://www.hsus2.org/sheltering/library/policies.html | |
69. Directory Of Animal Resources clinics South County Shelter (619) 263-7741 5821 Sweetwater Road Bonita, CA 91902North County Shelter- general Line-(760) 438-2312 animal Shelter Line-(760 http://www.escondidohumanesociety.org/Directory_of_Animal_Resources | |
70. Directory Of Animal Resources South County Shelter (619) 2637741 5821 Sweetwater Road Bonita, CA 91902 NorthCounty Shelter general Line-(760) 438-2312 animal Shelter Line-(760) 746-7307 http://www.escondidohumanesociety.org/Directory_of_Animal_Resources.html | |
71. Madera-County.com | Animal Control In Need (PIN) is a private nokill adoption shelter. and promoting the benefits ofthe human/animal bond. is a site with lots of general information reguarding http://www.madera-county.com/animalcontrol/ | |
72. Animal Services Be Kind to animals month is a great time to promote our humane societies andanimal shelters. 2. Never tolerate animal cruelty. 3. Adopt a shelter pet. http://www.cabq.gov/pets/ | |
73. Spaying And Neutering - General Health Information - Spaying And Neutering Is Re Spaying and Neutering general Health Information Since its inception in 1995,Sp. http//www.pigsaspets.org/. Iowa animal Shelter - Adel Iowa Humane Society. http://www.allhealthlinks.com/dir/455/1.php | |
74. Branches & Shelters -- BC SPCA How Can You Help Us Help the Animals? of highquality pet food and cat litter, sheltersfrequently are See the BC SPCA Wish List for general shelter needs, as http://www.spca.bc.ca/branches.htm | |
75. General Shelter Wish Lists -- BC SPCA general Shelter Needs. You can help animals by supplying any of the followingitems to your local BC SPCA Branch. animal Care Supplies. cat and dog toys. http://www.spca.bc.ca/community/wishlistsforshelters.htm | |
76. City Of Wichita - Animal Shelter Main Daily animal Pickups Check the list to see if your lost pet has been pickedup. general FAQ s Frequently asked questions about the shelter. http://www.wichita.gov/CityOffices/Health/AnimalShelter/default.htm | |
77. Punto De Información Turistica De Tenerife animal Collection and La Orotava Kennels and Cat Shelter24-hour emergency Hospital Tel 922 612476 Carretera general del Sur, Km http://www.puntoinfo.idecnet.com/seccion.php?zona=SS&zona_id=78&idioma=2&slc_men |
78. Shelter Medicine Zoonotic Diseases it is critical that animal shelter professionals be familiar with the most commonzoonotic threats in a shelter environment, and the general principles of http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/CCAH/Prog-ShelterMed/zoonotic.htm | |
79. About Animal Shelter Manager About. animal Shelter Manager is a free computer package, coveredby the terms of the GNU general Public Licence. It is designed http://sheltermanager.sourceforge.net/about.php | |
80. Casa Grande Animal Control Rabies/animal Control general Information. Shelter Location 102 SouthSacaton Street. Phone Numbers Shelter, (520) 4269300. After http://www.ci.casa-grande.az.us/animal_control/pet.php | |
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