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1. Animal Concerns Community - Animal Shelters Suggest a Resource. animal shelters general Information. ActionsYou Can Take (6) Articles (12) Educational Resources (7) E-Mail http://www.animalconcerns.org/topics.html?topic=Animal Shelters&topicsku=2002130 |
2. Animal Concerns Community - Animal Shelters animal Rescue Foundation Tucson, AZ, USA animal Rescue Foundation to reducing euthanasiaat traditional shelters through rescue Category general Information 15 http://www.animalconcerns.org/topics.html?topicsku=2002130111054&topic=Animal Sh |
3. Maine Animal Coalition : General Tips And FAQs Maine animal Coalition, advocating animal rights, animal education, vegetarian alternatives, wildlife rehabilitation general Tips. Local shelters provide much more than comfort and care for Maine's. unwanted animals. animal shelters can do to help shelters and the animals http://www.maineanimalcoalition.org/artman/publish/article_50.shtml | |
4. Texas "No-Kill" Animal Shelters shelters DO practice euthansia when it is medically indicated or they may refer an aggressive animal to animal control. In general information about new shelters or a change in http://www.dogpack.com/directory/txnokill.htm | |
5. Freshmeat.net: Project Details For Animal Shelter Manager for animal sanctuaries, rescue shelters, and veterinary It features complete animaland owner management License, OSI Approved GNU general Public License http://freshmeat.net/projects/sheltermanager/ | |
6. Freshmeat.net: Project Details For Animal Shelter Manager solution for animal sanctuaries, rescue shelters, and veterinary been added for trackingdeclawed animals and owner 0.02, 23Sep-2003, GNU general Public License http://freshmeat.net/releases/152201/ | |
7. LookSmart - Directory - General Animals Shelters And Rescue Organizations YOU ARE HERE Home Lifestyle Pets animals animal Welfare Pet Rescue general shelters Rescue. general animals shelters http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us163430/us163785/us170839/us5 | |
8. Healthy Pet | Human/Animal Bond: Why Do Pets End Up In Shelters? Human/animal Bond Why Do Pets. End Up in shelters? Study Finds the Top 10 Reasons for Pet Relinquishment. Every day in communities across the US a bond is broken. Welfare Science (JAAWS), researchers went into 12 selected animal shelters in the United States for one year of data has no comparison data from the general petowning population http://www.healthypet.com/Library/animal_bond-12.html | |
9. Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Control a commemorative tile, or if you have questions about donations in general, emailShelter Fund Visit our homepage at Fairbanks animal Shelter animal Control http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/fnsb.html | |
10. Adopt-a-Pet - Online Animal Shelters Directory An index of animal shelters around the World Helping to unite loving families with homeless animals animal shelters OnLine We are here to help connect the general public to the http://www.adoptapet.com/States/state_index.html | |
11. Welcome To The Norman Animal Shelter a Norman animal Shelter employee. All animals impounded from the City of Normanare available for viewing to the general public. Once an animal has been held http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/OK72.html | |
12. Colorado Animal Shelters NetPets Your Complete Internet Pet Connection For Dogs Colorado animal shelters. STATE shelters by CITY Boulder CO 80301 (303) 442-4030. general Services Corp. 7140 Olde Stage Rd http://www.netpets.com/dogs/dogresc/colorado.html | |
13. Rhode Island Animal Shelters A guide to animal shelters in Rhode Island, and information for pet owners in general. Rhode Island animal shelters. This web site is devoted to people who have pets, are looking This site includes some good general veterinary information, under the subheading "local http://www.angelfire.com/ri/animalshelters | |
14. @LA Pets/Animals In Southern California: Los Angeles County, Orange County, Rive org Complete List of animal Welfare Organizations on Pet Rescue Resources SouthernCalifornia shelters ValleyPetNews.com Programs/Shows TV in general Pet Place http://www.at-la.com/@la-pets.htm | |
15. Shelters, HS And Advocacy send a listing of local, participating animal shelters to your email address; "For Kids Only page includes links to general, Veterinary animal and International sites related to http://www.doginfomat.com/dog04.htm | |
16. The EnviroLink Network - Animal Shelters envirolink logo, advanced search. Suggest a Resource. animal shelters general Information. Actions You Can Take (0) Articles (0) Educational http://www.envirolink.org/topics.html?topic=Animal Shelters&topicsku=20021301110 |
17. THE TAME BEAST - GENERAL links to general care and information about pets. animal shelters Adopta-Pet- in New Jersey; animals at Risk Sanctuary - in Stanislaus County, California; http://www.tamebeast.com/9.htm | |
18. Companion Animals Selected animal Welfare Issues American Humane Association (AHA resources for rescues shelters, national organizations dog as well as general dog information http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/companimals/dog.htm | |
19. Animal Shelters States Environmental Studies Science Environmental Science Nature Cats Cats Care/Health Pets Cats - general Trapping animal shelters . http://topics.practical.org/browse/Animal_shelters | |
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