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41. Animal Shelter Resources and Southern California s Dog, Cat and Companion State by State, canada Worldwide Guide to O Adopta-Pet - Online animal shelters a nd Anim http://heg.sphosting.com/shelterresources.html | |
42. PET RESCUE animal shelters across canada and the USA euthanize millions of unwanted dogs cats each month, and SCPR rescues as many slated for Death Row as possible in http://members.shaw.ca/saveastray/ | |
43. ANIMAL PLANET AND THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF CANADA (HSC) TEAM UP TO HELP SPAY/NEUTER Despite the best efforts of animal shelters and rescue groups, each year in canada,tens of thousands of healthy dogs and cats are killed because there are http://www.humanesociety.com/newsrel/newsrel.asp?thisrel=25112003&page=1 |
44. Animal Shelters And Rescue In California, Dog Pound And Animal Rescue Locator. Also see Petsville for other shelters and humane societies in the US, UK, and canada.Read animal stories and letters from readers in Adopting a Pound Pup. http://www.crystalbay.net/ilovepoundpups/dogshelters.html | |
45. Canada Coordinators volunteered at the Cochrane Humane Society and eventually became an employee fillingthe position of animal Care Coordinator. Like so many shelters, when the http://www.noahswish.com/Canada Coordinators.htm | |
46. AR-News: (Canada) Homeward Bound http//www.canada.com/vancouver/news/story.asp?id=43456B116287-43F3-9B21-0E4A Thereare 4,000 to 6,000 animal shelters in the US, all of them overcrowded. http://lists.envirolink.org/pipermail/ar-news/Week-of-Mon-20031110/010121.html | |
47. LINKS TO SHELTERS Wyoming, St. Francis animal Shelter (Buffalo, Wyoming). canada, Whistler animalShelter (Whistler, British Columbia). other, Defenders of Wildlife. Forlorn Ferals. http://www.catclaws.com/linkstoshelters.html | |
48. Animal Rescue And Rehabilitation Resources : The Zero 5.0laf - The Official Webs homes. It is also a directory of almost 2,000 animal shelters andadoption organizations across the USA and canada. Organizations http://www.vachss.com/help_text/animal_rescue.html | |
49. Rescue Index Other BC Societies and shelters. Vancouver animal Control canada s first no-killshelter BC SPCA Fraser Valley Humane Society Royal City Humane Society. http://www.cahr.ca/ads/rescueindex.htm | |
50. About Local animal shelters continue to be the major source of dogs and cats for Canadianresearchers says Jacqui Barnes, director of the animal Alliance of canada http://www.animalalliance.ca/pressroom/mediareleases.html |
51. Site Map animal shelters. Issues Affecting Our Pets. Road Runners The Deadly Fall Ritualof animals Crossing Roads. To Feed or Not to Feed Wildlife? Urban canada Geese. http://www.hsus.org/ace/514?exp=19400 |
52. Humane Society, SPCA, Animal Shelter, Rescue Links Mississippi. Wyoming. Ontario SPCA Toronto, canada. Pendleton County animal ShelterKentucky. Pet Haven Sanctuary Draper, Utah. In Defense of animals Bombay, India. http://www.flealess.org/Humane_Society.html | |
53. Pets911: Pet Adoptions,Local Animal Shelters,Pet Friendly Apartments,Lost And Fo Pet adoptions, animal shelters, help to find lost dogs and services to find lost cats. Pets 911 for all your pet adoption information. Thousands of homeless dogs, abandoned cats and other animals http://www.1888pets911.org/ | |
54. State By State, Canada & Worldwide Guide To Online Pet Resources Prevention advise for pet illnesses from a veterinarian. Common cat and dog diseases and treatments at Pet Care tips. Heartwarming animal stories about feline and canine rescues and animal http://www.creatures.com/StateGuide.html | |
55. Welcome To PetHarbor! Searching Pet Harbor offers a simple step by step process to find animals acrossthe US and canada. Check back frequently, we re adding new shelters all the http://www.petharbor.com/ | |
56. SPCA.COM animal Rights Video 'Shows Hare Torn in Half' animal rights campaigners released today what they animal Population more. In canada there are 5 http://www.spca.com/ | |
57. Animal_welfare_orgs.html European Cetacean Organization. * Exploits Valley SPCA (canada). * Fairfax County(VA) animal Shelter. * FARM Farm animal Reform Movement. * Farm Sanctuary. http://www.arkonline.com/animal_welfare_orgs.html | |
58. S.H.A.I.D. Tree Animal Shelter WHO WE ARE. SHAID, which stands for Shelter for Helpless Animals inDistress , is located in Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, canada. http://www.shaid.petfinder.org/ | |
59. Pets911: Pet Adoptions,Local Animal Shelters,Pet Friendly Apartments,Lost And Fo shelters and Rescues Your local animal shelters or rescue groups. Feralor Stray Cats Learn how to humanely help feral/stray cats. powered by, http://www.pets911.com/index.php?set_country=can |
60. Animal Shelters, Humane Society, Pet Locator For animal shelters, animal welfare organizations, and humane societylocations in your community, enter your ZIP code. animal shelters http://www.pets911.com/animal_shelters.html | |
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