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81. Wellpet - Diseases/Conditions - Parasites diseases/conditions Parasites. According to Dr Endo, Federal and Stateinspectors examine farm animals for parasites and bacteria. http://www.listservice.net/wellpet/disease/parasitesinmeat.htm | |
82. Animal Health Australia - Australia S Animal Health Status National animal Health Information System (NAHIS). Some of the notifiable diseasesare only applicable in certain species or conditions. top. http://www.brs.gov.au/usr-bin/aphb/ahsq?dislist=alpha |
83. EUROPA - Food Safety From The Farm To The Fork - Home Page Regulatory Committees Standing Committee on the Food Chain and animal Health Section Controls and import conditions Agenda - of the Meeting held on 2 April http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/ah_pcad/ah_pcad_index_en.html | |
84. Animal Aid : Factory Farming : Farmed Animal Diseases rain and snow or in summer drought conditions - without shelter. miscarriage andchronic disease. flock, fewer shepherds to attend to the animals basic needs http://www.animalaid.org.uk/campaign/vegan/disease01.htm | |
85. Texas A&M System » Agencies ⺠TVMDL Facts much of the animal health testing required by foreign countries, and has educatedforeign officials here and abroad about realistic disease conditions in Texas http://tamusystem.tamu.edu/agencies/tvdmlfact.html | |
86. DBIRD - Primary Industry And Fisheries (General) Cattle Tick. K39. Coccidiosis in Cattle. K26. conditions for the Entry of Cattleto Other States. K34. diseases that can be Transmitted from Animals to Humans. K50. http://www.nt.gov.au/dbird/dpif/pubcat/agnotes/andis.shtml | |
87. Why Are Animals Needed In Research? Certain strains or breeds of animals get the same diseases or conditionsas humans. animal Models are frequently critical to understanding http://www.osera.org/why.htm | |
88. Mammal Diseases diseases and conditions of Mammals. A vital part of educating the generalpublic relates to animals who are truly in crisis. Injuries http://www.roanokewildlife.org/mammal_diseases.htm | |
89. Medicine Online Medical Reference, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, Bid Veterinary Medicine animal diseases. Category Veterinary Medicine animal diseasesClick here to Visit the Site More Sites Like This - More Detail Info http://www.medicineonline.com/Default.asp?SubCatID=192&Main=1 |
90. SHARED Global - SHARing Point Server add  Rinderpest add  Rodent diseases add  Salmonella Infections, Animaladd  Sheep Stomatognathic diseases add. Pathological conditions, Signs and http://www.sharingpoint.net/searchMDL.asp?searchType=thesBrows&id=3047 |
91. Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Animal Products - Animal Disease Surveillance development of appropriate response strategies as information emerges on animaldiseases. In the process, import permit conditions were standardized and are http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/anima/surv/1998oie_e.shtml | |
92. DVM Curriculum - Third Year 2/2. Second Semester, VB 324 Food animal Nutrition Clinical aspects of aspectsof the etiology, prevention, and treatment of specific disease conditions. http://www.cvm.uiuc.edu/admissions/curr3.html | |
93. KWSnet Diseases/Conditions, Specialty Healthcare Index Healthy Pets Healthy People Learn what diseases your pet and other animals cancarry. the complex nature of heart-related conditions, treatments and http://www.kwsnet.com/medidise.html | |
94. Healing Your Pet Naturally With Herbs And Homeopathy chronic disease, incurable conditions, and a plethora of allergic maladies whichseem to plague all veterinary practices. I was frustrated with giving animals http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/ahealth.htm | |
95. Care For Animals disease in cats is a serious and potentially fatal condition caused by Mosquitoestransmit the disease by biting an infected animal, then passing the http://www.avma.org/careforanimals/animatedjourneys/pethealth/feline.asp | |
96. AllRefer Health Health Links Directory AnimalConditions And AnimalConditions and DiseasesVeterinary CancerSpecific Tumor Types . Uncover resources and links to Web sites related to AnimalConditions and DiseasesVeterinary CancerSpecific Tumor Types . http://www.1uphealth.com/links/desc-1237.html |
97. VESTIBULAR DISEASE IN ANIMALS On the other hand, idiopathic vestibular disease occurs in many animals and inanimal species where exposure to lizards plays no role in the condition. http://neuro.vetmed.ufl.edu/neuro/vestibular/vestib.htm | |
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