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1. The Boer War (South Africa, 1899-1902) in my collection about the boer war angloboer wars, The - The boer war, The - Denis Judd, Palgrave Macmillan 2003 Co A history of the boer war with special http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8141/boerwar.html | |
2. Anglo Boer War Museum anglo boer war Museum. Total Visitors One of the most significant events in the history of South Africa was the angloboer war of 1899-1902 http://www.anglo-boer.co.za/ | |
3. African History -- Anglo-Boer War About history African history angloboer war. Search. in this topic Also known as the South African war, the anglo-boer war was fought between the republics of the http://www.africanhistory.about.com/cs/angloboerwar | |
4. The Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902 THE angloboer war, 1899-1902 Africa A Modern history. 4th ed. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991. 662 p. The anglo-boer war of 1899-1902 http://www.au.af.mil/au/aul/bibs/boer/boerwr.htm | |
5. Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902 Snapshot view British and Commonwealth involvement in the South African war, including battle honours, orders of battle, bibliography, and web links. 2000. Corrected and updated 07.05.2004. Disclaimers. Second. angloboer war. 1899-1902 The Second anglo-boer war ( South African history Online) The boer war 1899-1902, by http://www.regiments.org/milhist/wars/19thcent/99za-abw.htm | |
6. BBC Radio Retrospective On The Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902 history that is in line with new nationalist conceptions. In postapartheid South Africa, the Baralong see the vindication of their part in the anglo-boer war http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/sep1999/boer-s29.shtml | |
7. History Of The Boer War in this dramatic period of the Southafrican history and the changes brought to it from angloboer conflict ), can the principal protagonists of the war, thi is http://www.geocities.com/iturks/html/engboerwar.html | |
8. The Anglo Boer War: A Chronology 1910. Copyright 2002 by PageWise, Inc. Your are here Pagewise Home history historyEvents The anglo boer war a chronology. http://sc.essortment.com/angloboerwar_rqrz.htm | |
9. The Anglo-Boer War - Brief History Of South Africa The angloboer war and the end of the boer Republics. South African history on www.suedafrika.net. http://www.southafrica-travel.net/history/eh_boer1.htm | |
10. Blockhouses Of The Boer War Blockhouses of the boer war. by Maurig Jones. photos author's collection image of a blockhouse of the Second angloboer war (1899-1902) is that of a circular metal Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http//www http://www.magweb.com/sample/scol/scc11blc.htm | |
11. South African Military History Society - Journal- ANGLO-BOER WAR TOWN GUARD FORT References 1. D Reitz, Commando A boer Journal of the angloboer war (Faber and 8. TS Bodill, history of the Port Elizabeth Water Supply in Looking Back http://rapidttp.com/milhist/vol102rt.html | |
12. Danie Theron -- Hero Of The Anglo-Boer War Danie Theron was a true patriot believing in the just and divine right of the boer to stand against British interference. African history. Danie Theron Hero of the angloboer war. Part 1 http://www.africanhistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa031201a.htm | |
13. South African Military History Society - Journal- BICYCLES IN THE ANGLO-BOER WAR Die SuidAfrikaanse Krygshistoriese Vereeniging. Military history Journal - Vol 4 No 1. BICYCLES IN THE anglo-boer war OF 1899-1902. by DR Maree. http://rapidttp.com/milhist/vol041dm.html | |
14. Boer War - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia See also history of South Africa. More Detail on the Second boer war. war Museum of the boer Republics. anglo boer war Museum (accessed 24 December 2003). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boer_War |
15. South African Military History Society - Details Of Boer War Centenary The South African Military history Society Die SuidAfrikaanse Krygshistoriese Vereniging. anglo-boer war CENTENARY. Link to Commercial Tour Organisers. http://www.rapidttp.co.za/milhist/boercenk.html | |
16. South African Military History Society - Northern Cape Anglo-Boer War - Centenar Greater wars than the angloboer war of 1899-1902 have pushed the Transvaal and Orange Free State boer Republics into minor chapters of military history. http://www.rapidttp.co.za/milhist/boercn13.html | |
17. Colin Roe's Military History Page Colin s Military history (boer war) Page. The angloboer wars. the First anglo-boer war, 1880-1881 (also known as the Transvaal war http://www.pcug.org.au/~croe/mil_hist.htm | |
18. Oz-Boer Database Project - Main participation by Australia in the Second angloboer war by making of web pages (including family history pages) dealing URLs of web pages on boer war units and http://www.pcug.org.au/~croe/oz_boer0.htm | |
19. Facts About The Anglo-Boer War shows brought events like the angloboer war into neighbourhood weatheras unpredictable as a boer attack.Glass in European South African history, dies (26 http://users.westconnect.com.au/~ianmac5/facts.html | |
20. Anglo-Boer War Reading Room Click here for details about recent publications by members of the. anglo boer war Study Group of Australia. Click here for military history publications with a http://users.westconnect.com.au/~ianmac5/readroom.htm | |
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