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101. Nederlandse Hartstichting Inleiding, Afwijkingen aortaklep (aangeboren), angina pectoris, Atriumseptumdefect (aangeboren), Hartfalen, Ventrikelseptumdefect (aangeboren), angina pectoris. http://www.hartstichting.nl/go/default.asp?mID=5544&rID=59 |
102. Home Page Discussion about Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) in the treatment of angina or chest pain. Case histories and details about insurance are provided. http://www.heartgen.com/ | |
103. Angina - Patient UK angina is caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries. Usual treatments attack. Also, medication can ease and prevent angina pains. In http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc.asp?doc=23068677 |
104. Cardiomedics -- Company History; Angina Pain:Angina Treatment, Angioplasty Alter Offers information on external counterpulsation for treatment of angina, chest pain, coronary artery disease and heart failure. http://www.cardiomedics.com |
105. Encyclopaedia Topic : Angina, Section : Introduction NHS Direct Online Health Encyclopaedia. angina. Search. Help. Introduction. angina is not a disease. It is a pain, a symptom of another http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/en.asp?TopicID=28 |
106. Vasogenics, Offering Non Invasive EECP® Treatment For Angina Sufferers. Offers non surgical EECP treatment for sufferers of angina at a number of locations throughout the United Kingdom. http://www.vasogenics.com | |
107. Tuotromedico: Angina De Pecho Translate this page angina DE PECHO. comidas pesadas. Sentimiento de ansiedad o de muerte inminente. La angina es un sÃntoma, y no una enfermedad. Es el http://www.tuotromedico.com/temas/angina_de_pecho.htm | |
108. ANGINA DE PECHO Translate this page Patrocinado por Sanitas. angina DE PECHO. Sentimiento de ansiedad o de muerte inminente. La angina es un sÃntoma, y no una enfermedad. http://www.ecomedic.com/em/angipech.htm | |
109. Hjertekrampe (angina Pectoris) angina Pectoris er latin og betyder snævert bryst . Og sådan føles hjertekrampe Hjertekrampe (angina pectoris). Af Sabine Gill, læge http://www.netdoktor.dk/sygdomme/fakta/anginapectoris.htm | |
110. Antianginals, Angina Relief, Nitrates, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicine Antianginals, angina Relief, Nitrates, Prescription Drugs, Medications, Medicines This page is a prescription and over the counter drug index. http://www.nursefriendly.com/nursing/drugs/antianginals.angina.relief.nitrates.h | |
111. Angina angina, or angina pectoris, is chest pain due either to reduced blood flow to the heart or to certain other abnormalities of heart function. Search angina. http://www.vitacost.com/science/hn/Concern/Angina.htm | |
112. Angina Diagnosis angina Diagnosis, Indications Likelihood of angina as cause for Chest Pain. Determining Cardiac Chest Pain Criteria Substernal Chest Pain; Exertional Chest Pain; http://www.fpnotebook.com/CV46.htm | |
113. Angina Pectoris angina pectoris. angina pectoris er eks. gjelder det angst, aggresjon, tidspress osv. Hvordan kjennes angina for pasienten? angina kjennes http://www.helsenytt.no/artikler/angina_pectoris.htm | |
114. Bmj.com North Of England Stable Angina Guideline Development Group 312 (7034): 8 North of England evidence based guidelines development project summary version of evidence based guideline for the primary care management of stable angina. http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/312/7034/827 | |
115. Angina Pectoris Treatments angina Pectoris Treatments What drugs are used to treat angina pectoris? angina patient. What procedures are used to treat angina? |
116. Angina De Pecho - Instituto Del Corazón En Texas (Texas Heart Institute) Translate this page angina de pecho (in English). El término «angina de pecho» viene del latÃn «angor pectoris» y significa «estrangulamiento en el pecho». http://www.texasheartinstitute.org/angin_sp.html | |
117. Angina, Pectoris, Herzbeschwerden, Brustschmerz, Thoraxschmerz Translate this page angina Pectoris und wie es definiert wird. Wie einer angina Pectoris entgegengewirkt werden kann. Ablagerungen. angina Pectoris. Die http://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/angina.htm | |
118. EMedicine Health - Overview Do not drive yourself. Call 911 for emergency transport. br / br / /strong p angina,. Search, You are in Circulatory Problems, angina Pectoris, Overview, http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/10807-1.asp | |
119. Angina angina. angina is pain, discomfort, or pressure localized in the chest that is caused by an insufficient supply of blood (ischemia) to the heart muscle. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/angina.html | |
120. Heart Foundation - Health & Lifestyle - Your Heart - Heart Diseases And Conditio HEART DISEASES AND CONDITIONS angina angina is temporary chest pain or discomfort, resulting from a reduced blood supply to the heart muscle. http://www.heartfoundation.com.au/index.cfm?page=186 |
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