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61. Krankheiten: Angina Pectoris (Herzenge) Translate this page Klicken Sie hier! angina pectoris (Herzenge). Prof. Dr. Manfred Zehetgruber. Was ist angina pectoris? anginapectoris 1.jpg (14791 http://www.netdoktor.at/Krankheiten/Fakta/angina_pectoris_herzenge.htm | |
62. IETA Online, International EECP Therapist Association Information on this organization EECP helps patients suffering from angina. http://www.ietaonline.com |
63. Angina Pectoris Overview of angina Pectoris. Related Tests CKMB, AST, Troponin. angina Pectoris is a term for chest pain due to the heart not getting enough oxygen. http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/conditions/angina.html | |
64. How To Have A Healthy Heart Information on angina, myocarditis and rheumatic heart disease. http://www.mamashealth.com/heart.asp | |
65. 10. Unstable Angina Unstable angina Diagnosis and Management. Essential Definitions Related to Unstable angina; Executive Summary Purpose; Process of Guideline Development; http://www.medana.unibas.ch/eng/internt/angina.htm | |
66. CHR::YOUR HEALTH A look at this disorder and what it means, the pain and what may bring it on, and suggested lifestyle changes. http://www.crha-health.ab.ca/hlthconn/items/angina.htm | |
67. Prodigy Guidance - Angina Surgical treatment. How might angina affect the person s lifestyle? The place of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in the management of angina. http://www.prodigy.nhs.uk/guidance.asp?gt=Angina |
68. Wikipedia Beschrijving en behandeling van angina pectoris. http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angina_pectoris |
69. Angina angina (Tonsillitis acuta). Jest postepowania. angina to bakteryjne zapalenie migdalków przebiegajace w dosc typowy sposób. http://klio.umcs.lublin.pl/~drumil/pio/angina.html | |
70. Bayside, New York Board Certified Cardiologist-Internal Medicine,Cardiovascular, Information about the practice and the doctor. FAQs, helpful links, and contact details. Services offered, which include treatment for heart attacks, angina, cardiovascular problems, strokes and prevention. http://www.thecardiologist.md | |
71. City Heart Center, Malaysia Cardiovascular information including risk factors, effects, and information on angina and cardiac medications. http://cityheart.onlyhere.net/ | |
72. Angina Pectoris (chest Pain) angina pectoris derives from Latin and translates as tight chest . It feels like an angina pectoris (chest pain). Reviewed by Dr Neal http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/angina.htm | |
73. Heart Disease, Angina, Chest Pains And Palpitations - Explained By Leading UK Ca Dr Diana R Holdright explains about angina, heart disease and cardiological investigations and treatments. Also some details about herself and contact information. http://www.cardiologist.uk.com | |
74. CVD - Angina Pectoris Looks at angina pectoris and explains what it is, the heart attack risks, diagnosis, treatment and the types. http://www.muschealth.com/Cardiac/anginap.htm | |
75.    Angina - ? -> !  Aktuálne Ahoj. Pozor pozor v KONTAKTECH je nový, velice speciálnà formulár na prihlásenà na nás fanouskovský majllist. http://angina.kvalitne.cz/ | |
76. Angina - Everybody - New Zealand Consumer Health Information Do you spend 30 minutes most days being physically active? angina. For more on keeping your heart in good health, visit our Heart Centre. What is angina? http://www.everybody.co.nz/docsa_c/angina.html | |
77. Health And Medical Information: Diseases And Conditions, Medical Dictionary, Pro Explains this disorder and its causes, testing, and treatment. Looks at other causes of chest pain other than angina. http://www.medicinenet.com/Script/Main/Art.asp?li=MNI&ArticleKey=262 |
78. Chapter 2: Stable Angina - Cardiovascular Diseases Team Leader Dr David Fone, Date of completion 30.9.98. 2 Stable angina. This atheroma. angina is more common in men and with increasing age. http://hebw.uwcm.ac.uk/cardio/chapter2.html | |
79. NewsRx - The World's Largest Source Of Health Information Get the latest information and news on angina Research with NewsRx.net's series of monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports. http://www.newsrx.net/partialreports/newsrx_current_quarterly_report_on_angina.h | |
80. Howstuffworks "How Heart Disease Works" Knowing something about the anatomy and functioning of the heart, in particular how angina and heart attacks work, will enable you to make informed decisions http://health.howstuffworks.com/heart-attack.htm | |
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