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41. Angina - HeartCenterOnline For Patients: Heart Health Encyclopedia American Heart Association member edited encyclopedia article on angina. Includes what angina. (angina Pectoris, Classical angina). http://www.heartcenteronline.com/myheartdr/Common/gotoWhere.cfm?topicID=9&ArtId= |
42. Timolol.com | The Official Timolol Site Information Anakena Pharma Marketing about this medication prescribed for treatment of high blood pressure and prevention of angina, heart attacks, and migraine headaches. http://www.timolol.com/ | |
43. Angina Center angina pectoris is a type of temporary chest pain, pressure or discomfort. It is the primary heart disease symptom. The angina Center. http://www.heartcenteronline.com/The_Angina_Center.html | |
44. Kardiologische Praxisklinik - Mannheim Informationen ¼ber angina pectoris, Kardiologie, Koronarangiografie, koronare Herzkrankheit, Herzinfarkt und Herzschrittmacher, sowie ein Klinikrundgang, Untersuchungen und ein Lexikon werden auf diesen Seiten angeboten. http://www.kardiologie-ma.de/ | |
45. Kardovite Heart Drops Herbal Medication Herbal products, heart drops, natural herbal medicine for heart disease that may help with clogged arteries, circulation, angina pain and cholesterol levels. http://www.kardovite.com/ | |
46. Contemporary Management Of Angina: Part I. Risk Assessment - December 1, 1999 - AFP December 1, 1999. Contemporary Management of angina Part I. Risk Assessment. TABLE 1 New York Heart Association Functional Classification of angina. http://www.aafp.org/afp/991201ap/2543.html | |
47. Heart Drops Clears Clogged Arteries, Restores Poor Circulation, Shrinks Enlarged Stops angina, unclogs arteries, removes cholesterol from arteries and heart valves. http://www.straussheartdrops.com/ | |
48. Ludwig's Angina In Children - July 1999 - American Academy Of Family Physicians July 1999 AFP. Ludwig s angina in Children. (Am Fam Physician 1999;60109-12.). Ludwig s angina was described initially by Wilhelm Frederick von Ludwig in 1836. http://www.aafp.org/afp/990700ap/109.html | |
49. Clear Your Arteries And Save Your Life. Method of clearing arteries that become blocked either fully or partially with fatty plaque. Information about cholesterol, heart attack, stroke, heart disease, angina, and atherosclerosis. http://www.arteryfacts.com | |
50. PLC Medical Systems, Inc. Offers carbon dioxide lasers used in TMR therapy for angina patients. Background for doctors and patients is provided, along with details about the device. http://www.plcmed.com/ |
51. Heart Attack - Symptoms And Warning Signs should. Heart muscle pain angina - is likely to be the first warning of blocked coronary arteries, the cause of most heart attacks. http://www.heartinfo.org/hrtatkang.html | |
52. Angina Pectoris Discussion on stable and unstable angina, variant and Prinzmetal's angina, testing, treatments, and invasive procedures. http://www.medceu.com/tests/ANGINA.htm | |
53. KYOWA HAKKO Co., Ltd. Pharmaceutical company producing chemicals through fermentation processes as well as drugs for hypertension and angina. With R D information, news, and annual report. http://www.kyowa.co.jp/text/ind3.htm |
54. Heart Info-Angina: A Patient Guide angina A Patient Guide By Dr. Joseph Toscano What is angina? angina is short enough blood flow. How does angina occur? What causes it? http://www.heartinfo.org/ms/guides/3/main.html | |
55. CNN.com - Health: Condition Clinic CNN http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/condition.clinic/angina.html | |
56. Angina your own keywords. angina. Printerfriendly version PDF file, 244 Kb. What is angina and how will I know if I have it? angina, or angina http://www.4woman.gov/faq/angina.htm | |
57. Angina - Texas Heart Institute Heart Information Center Published for friends of the Texas Heart Institute. angina (En español). angina pectoris is a Latin phrase that means strangling http://www.tmc.edu/thi/angina.html | |
58. NHG-Patiëntenbrief: Angina Pectoris: Behandeling Van Een Angina Pectoris Aanval Pati«ntenbrief van het Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap. http://nhg.artsennet.nl/upload/104/patbrieven/k3b.htm | |
59. Angina And Coronary Artery Disease Coronary Artery Disease and angina. September 2001. angina. angina is the primary symptom of coronary artery disease and, in severe cases, of a heart attack. http://www.reutershealth.com/wellconnected/doc03.html | |
60. Debra Braverman, M.D., Specializing In EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation) Specializes in Enhanced External Counterpulsation treatment for angina/chest pain, fatigue, shortness of breath and other heart disease symptoms. There are three clinics in the Philadelphia region, and New Jersey. http://www.vitalheart.net | |
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