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Ancient Philosophy: more books (100) | ||||
141. Ancient Rome - Philosophy Overview of ancient Roman philosophy by Richard Hooker. http://www.crystalinks.com/romephilosophy.html | |
142. In Wednesday’s Lecture, Professor Hutchinson First Introduced Aristippus O Notes from a philosophy class session focusing on this ancient hedonist. http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~dhutchin/j23b.htm | |
143. BaseballTao - The Object Of Baseball Is To Return Home. John W. Hart III's poetic blending of baseball, the ancient Chinese philosophy of the Tao, and inspired illustrations with a bit of humor. http://baseballtao.com/ | |
144. Under Construction Please Return Later Sales of Mayan hammocks and information on Maya Sutra the teachings of ancient Mayan spiritual techniques and philosophy. http://www.maya-sutra.com | |
145. Ancient Greek Skepticism [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] An article on skepticism in ancient Greece from the Internet Encyclopedia of philosophy, by Harald Thorsrud of Temple University. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/s/skepanci.htm | |
146. Epicurus And Epicurean Philosophy Offers ancient texts, history, bibliography, related links, and email discussion group. http://www.epicurus.net/ | |
147. Www.JinShinJyutsu.com - Welcome To Jin Shin Jyutsu.Inc! Physiophilosophy and ancient art of harmonizing the life energy in the body. Classes and training in Scottsdale, Arizona. http://www.jinshinjyutsu.com/ | |
148. THE MILESIANS An online quiz for students being introduced to the teachings of these ancient Ionians. http://academic.uofs.edu/faculty/pm363/apology/milesi00.htm | |
149. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa A religious and educational charity, (Reg.No.801629,) established on 7th October, 1987CE to promote the ancient teachings and philosophy of Odin. Located in London, England. http://www.gippeswic.demon.co.uk/odinshof.html | |
150. SAGP Founded in 1953 and based at Binghamton University. The society sponsors sessions with the annual meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Society for the Study of Islamic philosophy and Science, and the International Association for Greek philosophy. Site contains membership information and conference dates, locations, and submission deadlines. http://sagp.binghamton.edu/ |
151. Lycoming College Program In Archaeology And Culture Of The Ancient Near East A multidisciplinary program of Anthropology, Art, Economics and Geology to History, Literature, philosophy, Political Science, and Religion. Offers ancient Greek and Hebrew. http://www.lycoming.edu/arch/ | |
152. The Academy [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Brief article on the development of this ancient school. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/a/academy.htm | |
153. Ancient History Sourcebook: George Long: Philosophy Of Antoninus Essay on Antonious and Stoicism in general. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/long-anton.html | |
154. World Wide School Library - Philosophy-Ancient, Medieval & Oriental Philosophy philosophyancient, Medieval Oriental philosophy. Alexandria and her Schools by Charles Kingsley. These Lectures were delivered http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/catalogs/bysubject-phil-ancientmedievalor | |
155. Walk Like An Egyptian With Horoscope FAQ and glossary from Ramona Louise Wheeler, author of a guide to the religion and philosophy of ancient Egypt under this title. http://members.aol.com/tokapu/Walkle01.htm | |
156. Boethius, C.475-524 A brief biography with a selection from The Consolation of philosophy. http://www.historyguide.org/ancient/boethius.html | |
157. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Nominalism, Realism, Conceptualism These terms are used to designate the theories that have been proposed as solutions of one of the most important questions in philosophy, often referred to as the problem of universals, which, while it was a favourite subject for discussion in ancient times, and especially in the Middle Ages, is still prominent in modern and contemporary philosophy. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11090c.htm | |
158. Consent Form philosophy and ancient religion, including information about divine sexuality. http://www.sexualecstasy.org | |
159. Sacred Space Yoga Sanctuary Offers Trika/Kundalini Yoga and ancient tantric practice. Includes history and explanation of each Yoga philosophy offered. http://sacredspaceyogasanctuary.com/ | |
160. Classics Library Collection covers Greek and Latin literature, philology, mythology, paleography, textual criticism, and epigraphy, as well as ancient history, law, religion, philosophy, science, archaeology and art. http://www.library.yale.edu/htmldocs/classics.html | |
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