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121. Sophists [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Teachers of philosophy in ancient Greece, including Protagoras, Gorgias, Prodicus and Hippias. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/s/sophists.htm | |
122. Windwalker - Awareness, Philosophy And Spirit Training and adventures in ancient physical living and survival skills and in the spiritual ways and skills that integrate with the physical. Weekend workshops, scheduled or arranged, held in the Pacific Northwest and Canadian Prairie provinces. http://www.windwalker.ca/awareness/ | |
123. Hippocrates [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Article by Michael Boylan on this key figure in ancient medicine. By_Topic/Science/Medicine http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/h/hippocra.htm | |
124. About Search - Find It Now! FAQs/phil/blphil_branches.htm (About Agnosticism / Atheism) Philosophers Individual ancient philosophers, their biographies, writing, and philosophical ideas. http://philosophy.miningco.com/msubancient.htm |
125. The Kybalion Resource Page An online ebook edition of 'The Kybalion A Study of The Hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt and Greece,' by Three Initiates, along with links that explore the identity of the authors and other Kybalion related information. http://kybalion.home.att.net | |
126. ThinkQuest : Library : Xiang Qi - The Ancient Art Of Chinese Chess Packed with ancient Chinese history, philosophy and mythology. Visitors to the temple can learn about Chinese religions. Stop by the cafeteria to explore an interactive tutorial. http://library.thinkquest.org/12255/ | |
127. Nuhati Am Nutjeru - Welcome Teachings, devotional practices, prayers, meditation techniques, and faith philosophy of the Native African, ancient Egyptian faith culture NuhatiAm-Nutjeru. http://www.thelivingnuhati.org |
128. Ancient Greek Philosophy Outline of the major schools, including primary sources. For a course taught by Barry Smith at Atlantic Baptist University. http://www.abu.nb.ca/Courses/GrPhil/IndexGrPh.htm | |
129. The Glory That Was Greece An online resource for students of the history and culture of ancient Athens; features sections on drama, history, mythology, and philosophy. Includes annotated link directory, bibliography, and index of illustrations. http://www.watson.org/~leigh/athens.html | |
130. Temperance [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Moderation, advocated by much of ancient Greek and Scholastic philosophy. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/t/temperan.htm | |
131. Love Center: Oneness Spirituality Metaphysics Ancient-Wisdom A group teaching oneness, ancient wisdom, spiritual philosophy, and metaphysics in Huntington, Long Island, New York. http://lovecenter.bravehost.com/ | |
132. History Of Ancient & Medieval Lecture notes for a course taught by Dr. Charles Ess at Drury University. http://www.drury.edu/ess/History/Ancient/Overview.html | |
133. Ancient Greece Resource by Richard Hooker; summarizes history, philosophy, arts and provides maps of cities and regions of the ancient atlas. http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/GREECE/GREECE.HTM | |
134. Greek Philosophy: Hellenistic Philosophy This chapter of the learning module, ancient Greece, briefly outlines the ideas of the major Hellenistic philosophies including Epicureanism, Stoicism, and Cynicism http://www.wsu.edu:8001/~dee/GREECE/HELLPHIL.HTM | |
135. Rome Resources Links to many resources on ancient Rome collated by Neil Goldberg literature, military, archaeology, religion, drama, philosophy and maps. http://www.dalton.org/groups/rome/ | |
136. Virtual Religion Index Large link collection from Rutgers University, categorised by religion. Also includes resources for ancient religions, archaeology, philosophy, sociology of religion, and psychology of religion. http://religion.rutgers.edu/vri/index.html | |
137. Ziniewicz On Greek Philosophy A number of essays on ancient Greek philosophy. http://www.fred.net/tzaka/greek.html | |
138. Oroboros Yoga Hempwear Offers Stylish Women's Hemp Clothing. Women's stylish hemp clothing hemp candles and body products. ancient fabric, symbol and philosophy. http://www.oroborosproducts.com/ | |
139. Ancient Roman Philosophy: Discourses By Epictetus A selection from the Discourses of Epictetus, ancient Roman philosopher who was born 60 AD, on surrender and the will of God. http://www.publicbookshelf.com/public_html/Outline_of_Great_Books_Volume_I/ancie | |
140. The Infography About Lao-Tzu -- Tao Te Ching Sources (mostly books) recommended by a professor who specializes in the study of ancient Chinese philosophy. http://www.infography.com/content/231880758531.html | |
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