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1. WCP: Ancient Philosophy Archive of contributed papers in ancient philosophy. ancient philosophy. ancient philosophy. Author s Name, Affiliation, Paper Title. http://www.bu.edu/wcp/MainAnci.htm | |
2. Philosophy 320: History Of Ancient Philosophy Philosophy 320 History of ancient philosophy. A course taught by S. Marc Cohen at the University of Washington. Other Links. ancient philosophy in the News http://faculty.washington.edu/smcohen/320 | |
3. Ancient Greek Philosophy At Rice University Ancient Greek Philosophy. Delphi, photo by C. Freeland. Philosophy 201, Fall 1996 Freeland's current course in ancient philosophy at the the University of Houston (Spring 1998) can be http://www.uh.edu/~cfreelan/courses/riceanc.html | |
4. Ancient Philosophy -- Philosophy Resources For Everyone At Erratic Impact's Phil line Join the Free Newsletter Free Email Addresses. Click HERE for Books on Topicancient philosophy Resources. Books on ancient philosophy, Good Books. Get Help, http://www.erraticimpact.com/~ancient/ | |
5. Ancient Philosophy - Mathesis Publications Semiannual journal devoted to original research in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and science. Currently edited by Ronald Polansky, and published by Mathesis Publications. http://www.ancientphilosophy.com | |
6. Vedah Or Veda In Hinduism : Facets Of India : Ancient And Modern Facets of India Ancient and Modern. http://www.geocities.com/dipalsarvesh/indexVedah.html | |
7. Colloquium In Ancient Philosophy Boston Area Colloquium in ancient philosophy. 2002/2003 25th Anniversary Silver Jubilee. http://www.bu.edu/philo/events/bacap/ancient02.html | |
8. Philosophy 320: History Of Ancient Philosophy Lecture notes to S. Marc Cohen's course at the University of Washington. http://faculty.washington.edu/smcohen/320/index.html | |
9. Philosophy 320: History Of Ancient Philosophy Philosophy 320 History of ancient philosophy. University of Washington. This site has moved to a new Web Address. After clicking on http://faculty.washington.edu/smcohen/phil320.htm | |
10. Ancient Philosophy -- Philosophy Resources For Everyone At Erratic Impact's Phil Questia Online Library. ancient philosophy Resources. Site Index. Contact by Email, Go Home! Search, Indices, Go Back! Books on ancient philosophy, Good Books. http://www.erraticimpact.com/~ancient/site_index.htm | |
11. The Tracker Trail Website Home Page Information on primitive skills, tracking, nature, and wilderness awareness from the viewpoint of the ancient philosophy of living in harmony with the Earth. http://www.trackertrail.com/ | |
12. Ancient Philosophy ancient philosophy. General. Ancient Greek Philosophy via Galaxy.com. ancient philosophy via Philosophy Research Base. Specific. PreSocratics. Classical. The Sophists. Plato Exploring Plato's Dialogues. English Texts. See also here. http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/cm/classics/philosophy.htm | |
13. Ancient Greek Philosophy At The University Of Houston Ancient Greek Philosophy. See also OnLine Resource Texts in ancient philosophy (from Voice of the Shuttle; good source but slow to load; be patient). http://www.uh.edu/~cfreelan/courses/anc.html | |
14. Ancient Philosophy smathersblue.jpg (13439 bytes), ancient philosophy, twricn_smtrns.gif (2074 bytes). General. ancient philosophy via Philosophy Research Base. Specific. PreSocratics. http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/cm/classics/philosophy.htm | |
15. Ancient Philosophy Home Up ancient philosophy Medieval Philosophy Modern Philosophy 20th/21st Century Philosophy. smathersblue.jpg (13439 bytes), ancient philosophy, http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/cm/philosophycoll/ancient.htm | |
16. Ancient Skepticism Two movements in ancient philosophy, Pyrrhonism, and Academic Skepticism. By Leo Groarke. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/skepticism-ancient/ | |
17. Philosophy In Cyberspace ancient philosophy Home Page http//www.ic.nanzanu.ac.jp/~kaneko/. History of ancient philosophy http//weber.u.washington.edu/~smcohen/phil320.htm. http://www-personal.monash.edu.au/~dey/phil/ancient.htm | |
18. The Ancient Philosophy Society The ancient philosophy Society was established to provide a forum for diverse scholarship on ancient Greek texts. Honoring the richness http://www.trincoll.edu/orgs/aps/Default.htm | |
19. The Ancient Philosophy Society THE ancient philosophy SOCIETY. April 1618, 2004. Günter Figal Universität Freiburg. Papers on any topic in ancient Greek philosophy are invited. http://www.trincoll.edu/orgs/aps/paper.htm | |
20. Ancient Philosophy Resources - Directories - Links Banner college2 HSGPanCourse120x600 Academic Info ancient philosophy Ancient Greece A nice page with a section on Philosophy Maintained by Richard Hooker. http://www.academicinfo.net/philancient.html | |
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