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1. Reference Collection Health and Medicine. history. history ancient and Medieval. history United States hub/hub.cfm. Jiskha homework help. http//www.jiskha.com http//www.execpc.com/~dboals/histgen. html http://www.isu.edu/~semejenn/ref.htm |
2. Education Society. history. Education. ancient Civilizations. Lesson Plans 2000; features activities, homework help, and background on major Teachershttp//www.execpc.com/~dboals/ histgen.html http://www.slider.com/Society/History/Education__5.html | |
3. Web Directory: Society/History/Education ancient Civilizations 15 Lesson Plans 26, Personal www.execpc.com/~dboals/histgen.html Get 1066-2000; features activities, homework help, and background on http://web.politinfo.com/dir/Society/History/Education/ | |
4. Shopping Resources - Education Top Society history Education ancient Civilizations Lesson www.execpc.com/~dboals/histgen.html). 2000; features activities, homework help, and background http://uk.searchengine.com/directory/982/9823.htm | |
5. Education cover all of history from ancient times to Teachers http//www.execpc.com/~dboals/histgen.html. 1066-2000; features activities, homework help, and background http://www.checkburst.com/Society/History/Education | |
6. Boop.ca Everyone S Portal ancient Civilizations 13 Lesson Plans 26, Personal url www.execpc.com/~dboals/histgen.html. 10662000; features activities, homework help, and background on http://www.boop.ca/boop/cgi-bin/odp/index.cgi?base=/Society/History/Education/ |
7. Paul Pledger's Bookmarks http//familyeducation.com/ An American homework help site with This site has links to ancient Egypt, India http//www.execpc.com/~dboals/histgen.html general http://www.beaconhills.vic.edu.au/valleysite/library/Search_Web/WLHHPR.htm | |
8. Education In Society > History ancient Civilizations (15); Lesson Plans (26); Personal http//www.execpc.com/~dboals/histgen.html. 1066-2000; features activities, homework help, and background http://ilectric.com/glance/Society/History/Education/ | |
9. Excite France - Répertoire - Education Teachers http//www.execpc.com/~dboals/histgen.html. Europe 1066-2000; features activities, homework help, and background all of history from ancient times to http://www.excite.fr/directory/Society/History/Education | |
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15. Education history Sources/Sites http//www.execpc.com/~dboals/histgen.html Part of Britain and Europe 1066-2000; features activities, homework help, and background http://www.directory.net/Society/History/Education/ | |
16. Education History Society English and Europe 10662000; features activities ( Schools history ) homework help, and background history Sources/Sites www.execpc.com/~dboals/hist-gen.html Society http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Society/History/Education/ | |
17. Lukol Directory - Society History Education history of Britain and Europe 10662000; features activities, homework help, and background Site for K-12 Teachers http//www.execpc.com/~dboals/hist-gen.html. http://www.lukol.com/Top/Society/History/Education/ | |
18. I-une.com: History > Education K12 Teachers www.execpc.com/~dboals/hist-gen.html. Schools history history of Britain and Europe 1066-2000; features activities, homework help, and background http://dir.i-une.com/Society/History/Education/ | |
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20. Historie Includes links to ancient and recent documents, and college level historie homework help fra about.com. www.ex.ac.uk/library/internet/hist.html fra Exeter http://www.solroed-gym.dk/inger/historie.htm | |
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