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141. Foreskin :: Ridged Band :: Home Page Information about the anatomy and function of the prepuce by researcher Dr. John R. Taylor. English and French http://research.cirp.org |
142. Tutankhamun: Anatomy Of An Excavation. Tutankhamun anatomy of an Excavation. Copyright Griffith Institute Noneof this material may be reproduced in any form without permission http://www.ashmol.ox.ac.uk/gri/4tut.html | |
143. JayDoc HistoWeb A comprehensive histology atlas from the Kansas University Medical Center. http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/anatomy/histoweb/index.htm | |
144. Review Of Anatomy Core Curriculum Syllabus. REVIEW OF anatomy. The anatomy of the head and neck canbe divided into the following sections I. Temporal Bone. II. Ear. III. Nose. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/oto/studs/anat.html | |
145. Respiratory System : Anatomy : Humans : Types Of Primates : Order Primates : Sub Structure, regulation, hazards, and diseases. http://www.bioproject.info/Subclass_Placental_mammals/Order_primates/Types_of_pr | |
146. Anatomy Of The Human Heart - Texas Heart Institute Heart Information Center anatomy of the Human Heart (En español). Click here for a nonFlashversion of this illustration of anatomy of the heart. The Heart. http://www.texasheartinstitute.org/anatomy.html | |
147. RetinaCentral Genetics, diseases and anatomy of the human retina. Includes links to related resources. http://www.retinacentral.org/ |
148. Related Pages: Male And Female Circumcision anatomy and Function Commentary - Ethics, Law, Human Rights - Religion - Science and Sociology - Statistics http://www.noharmm.org/morepages.htm | |
149. Cambridge Journals Online - Journal Home Page My CJO Index, My CJO Homepage Journal of anatomy, Journal of anatomy Publishedfor the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Show Back Volumes. http://www.journals.cambridge.org/journal_JournalofAnatomy | |
150. Lap-Surgery English and French anatomy of the preperitoneal space, description of repair technique, experience and results. University Hospital Saint Pierre Brussels http://www.lap-surgery.com/en/ingui.htm | |
151. Urogenital.com: Information, Penis, Prostate, Testicles, Testosterone, STD, Urol Men's urogenital development, anatomy, and physiology. Infertility, impotence, gynecomstia, common disorders and treatments, sexually transmitted diseases. Part of the ALtruis Biomedical Network. http://www.urogenital.com | |
152. Department Of Anatomy Department of anatomy. The Department of anatomy is a part of the Divisionof Immunity and Infection. For further information please visit http://medweb.bham.ac.uk/http/depts/anat/ | |
153. The Best USMLE Books Guide to study books, such as pathology, pharmacology, physiology, and anatomy. http://usmlebooks.tripod.com/index.html | |
154. Anatomy Of An Exhibition - Art Nouveau, 1890-1914 Conversation with V A Curator Paul Greenhalgh. Conversation with Chief ofExhibitions D. Dodge Thompson. Introduction to Art Nouveau, 18901914. http://www.nga.gov/feature/nouveau/nouveau.htm | |
155. SUNY Stony Brook - Interdepartmental Doctoral Program In Anthropological Science Ph.D. program specializing in physical anthropology. http://www.informatics.sunysb.edu/anatomy/IDPAS/index.htm |
156. Anatomy Of A Comparative Gene Expression Study anatomy of a Comparative Gene Expression Study. Disclaimer I ma computerscientist, not a medical doctor. If you re interested in http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~jbuhler/research/array/ | |
157. PT Central - Online University Courses, outlines, syllabi, educational links in anatomy, Embryology, medical terminology aimed toward physical therapy students. http://www.ptcentral.com/university/ | |
158. Radiology Education Gateway (tm) Internet and Distance Learning materials for teaching anatomy, Radiology, Neuroradiology, Pathology and Medical Physics. http://rad.usuhs.mil/index.html | |
159. Anatomy Of A URL In our example, we re looking at a file called anatomy.html which is in a directory(or folder) called URL which itself is in a directory called web_class http://www.colby.edu/web_class/URL/anatomy.html | |
160. Berkowitz Lab Homepage MRI of retinal oxygenation and angiogenesis in diabetic retinopathy, retinopathy of prematurity, and other retinopathies. http://www.med.wayne.edu/anatomy/berkowitz/ | |
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