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81. Local Anaesthesia For Inguinal And Femoral Hernia Repair (page 1) Advantages, disadvantages, local anaesthetic agents, technique, anatomy, method, complications of local anesthesia in this surgery. http://www.nda.ox.ac.uk/wfsa/html/u04/u04_012.htm | |
82. E-Testicles.com; Information, Urogenital, Urology, Penis, Prostate, Testosterone Testicular anatomy and functions. Spermatogenesis, hormonal regulation, testicular cancer, common disorders. Part of the ALtruis Biomedical Network. http://www.e-testicles.com | |
83. SpringerLink - Publication anatomy.tv Interactive anatomy THE WORLD S MOST DETAILED 3D MODEL OF HUMAN anatomy ONLINE. Welcometo anatomy tv throughout 2003! www.anatomy.tv requires Javascript. http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00429/ | |
84. THE VIRTUAL AUTOPSY Autopsy cases, anatomy and physiology information and images from Leicester University. http://www.le.ac.uk/pathology/teach/va/welcome.html | |
85. Vascular Anatomy Vascular anatomy. Cervical http://www.med.harvard.edu/AANLIB/vana.html | |
86. Redirect To New Anatomy Department URL Ph.D. program, specializing in evolutionary morphology, functional morphology, musculoskeletal biology, and vertebrate paleontology. http://www.informatics.sunysb.edu/anatomy/ | |
87. Do You Know About Anatomy ? Anatomia - Anatomie - Anatomy Do you know about anatomy ? 15 teachers present pleasure for everyone.A work book is available to keep a written part too. http://www.anatomia.learningtogether.net/ |
88. Anatomy Of Auditory Systematic presentation of light microscope, electron microscope, and scanning electron microscope images of ear structures. Basic anatomy, but the structural basis of the physiology of hearing is well shown. http://www.neurophys.wisc.edu/~ychen/auditory/fs-auditory.html | |
89. Skeletal System The following links will allow you to access real photographs of thehuman skeletal system. The purpose of these pages is to quiz http://www.bio.psu.edu/faculty/strauss/anatomy/skel/skeletal.htm |
90. Biology 29 Welcome to Biology 29 on the Web! This is an interactive web site allowing studentsto study the anatomy of various systems of the body. Penn State anatomy Lab. http://www.bio.psu.edu/faculty/strauss/anatomy/biology29.htm |
91. Dayton School Of Massage Two levels of study anatomy and Physiology (Level I) and Massage (Level II). Application for admission available online. http://www.massageschools.com/ | |
92. Please Update Links And Bookmarks UNC Neurosurgery has moved to http//www.neuroscience.unc.edu/, whereyou will be redirected in 5 seconds. Please up date your bookmarks. http://www.ibiblio.org/Neuro/anatomy.html | |
93. UNSW Embryology Illustrated tutorial of Carnegie stages and abnormalities, with serial images, movies, including K12 students class notes, news items such as stem cells cloning, from the Department of anatomy, University of New South Wales, Australia. http://anatomy.med.unsw.edu.au/cbl/embryo/ | |
94. CamWorld: Journal: Rants: 1.26.99 RANTS anatomy of a WebLog, Next Rant . Published 1.26.99, Last Rant. anatomy of a Weblog. Weblog. A few months back, I http://www.camworld.com/journal/rants/99/01/26.html | |
95. Eye Anatomy -- EyeMDLink.com Interested in learning how the eye works? This is the place to discoverthe process of vision from light rays to sight! The eye http://www.eyemdlink.com/anatomy.asp | |
96. MRS. WASHBURN'S BIOLOGY PAGE Teacherdesigned site meant to help AP Biology and anatomy students. Includes practice tests, lecture notes, and helpful diagrams. http://www.geocities.com/auburngirl71/ | |
97. Anatomy Home Page Disclaimer Accessibility Privacy Advanced Search Help. Link to UCL HomePage, Link to the anatomy Department Home Page, anatomy Intranet UCL only. http://www.anat.ucl.ac.uk/ | |
98. Eye MD Link Resource about eye conditions, procedures, specialties and eye anatomy. http://www.eyemdlink.com | |
99. LEARN THE NET: Anatomy Of A Web Page Surf the Web anatomy of a Web Page. http://www.learnthenet.com/english/html/14wbpganat.htm | |
100. Department Of Pathology Offers doctoral programs in pathology and teratology, as well as undergraduate courses for the medical school. Includes details of research projects and faculty profiles. http://www.jefferson.edu/pathology/ | |
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