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21. Virtual Hospital: Lung Anatomy Lung anatomy. Editors Return to the M3 M4 Teaching Modules Home Page. Seerelated Provider Textbooks about anatomy and Cell Biology or Radiology. http://www.vh.org/adult/provider/radiology/LungAnatomy/LungAnatomy.html | |
22. Virtual Hospital: Atlas Of Human Anatomy In Cross Section A color atlas of cross sectional anatomy in the axial plane which serves as an anatomic reference text. http://www.vh.org/Providers/Textbooks/HumanAnatomy/CrossSectionAtlas.html | |
23. Anatomy On The Internet anatomy on the Internet. Here are some sites that include educational material foranatomy. Johannes Gutenberg University Workshop anatomy for the Internet; http://www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/GrossAnatomy/anatomy.htm | |
24. Male Sexual Anatomy - The Foreskin The Foreskin What is it and how it works - Pictures and Diagrams - Circumcision Issues - Foreskin Restoration - The Intact Penis Need to brush up on your anatomy of what the foreskin is and how it works? This site contains explicit pictures with all the details, along with guidelines on caring for intact children. http://net.indra.com/~shredder/intact/index.html | |
25. LUMEN - Structure Of The Human Body RESOURCES. LUMEN Dissector. Structure Web Forum; LUMEN Learn Em; Crosssectionalanatomy; Cross-sectional Tutorial; Radiology Curriculum; anatomy on the Internet. http://www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/GrossAnatomy/GA.html | |
26. Audition Cochlea Promenade Oreille Ear Organ Corti C.R.I.C. Montpellier The aim of this regularly updated site is to assist the teaching of the auditory system (its anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology) to medical and biology students. It may be used as well for Continuing Medical Education programs.This first version mainly addresses our current knowledge on the peripheral end organ the cochlea. http://www.iurc.montp.inserm.fr/cric51/audition/english/start.htm | |
27. Apollo Movie Guide's Review Of Anatomy Of A Murder Review, summary, cast and crew information, and links. http://apolloguide.com/mov_revtemp.asp?cid=2277 |
28. Radiographic Anatomy Of The Skeleton: Table Of Contents Radiographic anatomy of the Skeleton Michael L. Richardson, MD. Table of Contents. UWRadiology Webserver. Radiographic anatomy of the Skeleton Table of Contents. http://www.rad.washington.edu/radanat/ | |
29. Skull Anatomy Tutorial Skull anatomy Tutorial All images and maps on this tutorial created and ©by J. Crimando, GWCC. You can select from four basic views of the skull http://www.gwc.maricopa.edu/class/bio201/skull/skulltt.htm | |
30. Histology-World! Links, books, mnemonics and information about histology for undergraduate and graduate anatomy, medical, dental, and other health professional students. Includes reviews and recommendations. http://zyx.freeservers.com/histo/histo.htm | |
31. NetAnatomy.com Netanatomy anatomy instruction for students of the health care sciences http://www.netanatomy.com/ | |
32. XALATAN Includes full color illustrations of the human eye and structures of the eye, and information about glaucoma. http://www.anatomyoftheeye.com/ | |
33. The Anatomy Of A Search Engine The anatomy of a LargeScale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. Sergey Brinand Lawrence Page Computer Science profit. 4 System anatomy. First http://www7.scu.edu.au/programme/fullpapers/1921/com1921.htm | |
34. Circumcision Information And Resource Pages Contains medical, legal, historical, ethical, religious and human rights references. Resources for parents and educators including anatomy, circumcision methods, and foreskin restortion. http://www.cirp.org/ | |
35. Wiley Anatomy Web Site Books and journals from John Wiley and Sons in anatomy and related anatomical sciences,including developmental biology, mophology, and molecular biology. http://www.wiley.com/products/subject/life/anatomy/ | |
36. SCOI Presents Anatomy Of The Spine The normal anatomy of the spine is usually described by dividing up the spineinto 3 major sections the cervical, the thoracic, and the lumbar spine. http://www.scoi.com/spinanat.htm | |
37. Penis Research: Penis Enlargement Pills, Penis Enlargement Techniques, Penis Ana Resources and information on the male organ includes links and research on anatomy, circumcision, foreskin restoration and sexual functions. http://www.penisresearch.com | |
38. Anatomy Of An Eye A basic description of the various major parts of the eye along with an illustrated diagram. From the Suranaree Institute of Technology, Thailand. http://sut1.sut.ac.th/netscape/Netscape_Docs/frames/eye/ | |
39. Gold Standard Multimedia Comprehensive and upto-date pharmacology, human anatomy, physiology and pathology learning resources. Large selection of pathological photo-illustrations. http://www.gsm.com/ |
40. Dream Anatomy: A National Library Of Medicine Exhibit US National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894 NationalInstitutes of Health, Department of Health Human Services Copyright, Privacy http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/dreamanatomy/ | |
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