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61. BookFinder.com: Book Directory 56 Phrygia and the Peoples of anatolia in the 0521-04480-4 The Cambridge ancient History (fascicle Prehistory of the Balkans, and the middle east and the http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/887520-887679/ |
62. Dictionary Of The Ancient Near East this major reference work covers anatolia, Mesopotamia, the freelance lecturer in the ancient Near east Lecturer in Archaeology, middle east Technical University http://www.upenn.edu/pennpress/book/13360.html | |
63. University Of Chicago Time Schedules in civilization studies; this quarters focus anatolia/Syria. NEHC, 22F, 30031, 01, ancient Near east Relign Meso, NEHC, 22F, 30623, 01, Islamic middle east3 Modern, http://timeschedules.uchicago.edu/spring2004/NEHC.html | |
64. ★ Reviews Of Books About Middle East He discusses the records of ancient Egypt, the texts, the cuneiform documents of anatolia, Assyria, Babylonia Napoleonic wars in the middle east, the Allenby http://middle_east.vacationbookreview.com/middle_east_14.html | |
65. Ege University in ancient Times History of Ottoman Empire from Rise to Fall Political and Social History of PreOttoman anatolia Islamic Civilizations middle east History http://w3fp.arizona.edu/mesassoc/directory/EgeU.htm | |
66. Columbia University 18th Century The Art and Architecture of the ancient Near east Art of anatolia Problems of primary consideration on the role of the middle east and North http://w3fp.arizona.edu/mesassoc/directory/Columbia.htm | |
67. UW-Madison Middle East Studies Program - Courses Readings in the ancient translations. Hist 539 The middle east and the Balkans during the Ottoman structures, the Seljuki and Ottoman Rule in anatolia and the http://www.mesp.wisc.edu/courses.htm | |
68. Middle East Studies-- Related Courses-- All Course Offerings women; includes poetry and prose from ancient to Modern the historical evolution of the middle east and North Muslim Spain); North Africa, anatolia; Central Asia http://faculty.virginia.edu/mesp/MESP-all-course-offerings.html | |
69. Liens De BIBLIB Avec Les Sites Sur L'Archéologie dont deux revues annuelles, anatolia Antiqua et anatolia Moderna and middle eastern culture of an ancient Canaanite people of the middle east called the http://www.biblib.com/siteslies/Liens_Archeologie.htm | |
70. Jones | The Arabic Language: Its Place In The Middle EastÂs Culture And Politic Seljuk Turks completed the conquest of anatolia up to for 1500 years) have resuscitated an ancient language and lies close to the center of the middle east. http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/jonsarab.htm | |
71. History 230: Web Links For Ancient Near Eastern Studies www.serve.com/archaeology/books/index.html Bibliography ancient anatolia. of Chicago Library ancient Near east Univ. of Chicago middle east Photo Archive Univ http://www.cofc.edu/~piccione/hist230/hist230weblinks.html | |
72. Ancient Near East Bibliography supplement (called the Catalog of the middle Eastern collection and religion from the areas of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, anatolia, and Iran http://www.library.yale.edu/ref/err/neareastbib.html | |
73. MRC FilmFinder-Middle East Studies Filmography 17 After the Storm Power and People in the middle east, 1992. N/A. VHS. 22 anatolia Through the Ages, 1990. Nesli Colgecin. VHS. 23 ancient Egypt, 1952. N/A. 16mm. http://www.lib.unc.edu/house/mrc/films/genre.php?genre_id=98 |
74. Bibliography Of Internet Resources On Ancient Societies in Arabia and the middle east. http//www history.idbsu.edu/westciv/ancient/ Koeller, David W anatolia. http//www.turkishnews.com/DiscoverTurkey/anatolia http://department.monm.edu/classics/Courses/bibliography_of_internet_resourc.htm | |
75. Fulbright-Hays Seminar In Turkey Central anatolia Cradle of Early Civilization by Anne Rye. Selected ancient Sites of Turkey by Scott Ludwig. Relations with Europe and the middle east by Pia C http://socialscience.tjc.edu/mkho/fulbright/ | |
76. UW Libraries - Database Search civilization (161), computer (1689), east (207), ellwood institute (1619), jones (37), middle (124), near (14 as resources for ancient anatolia (Turkey), american http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=keyword&ID=10157 |
77. UW Libraries - Database Search civilization (162), computer (1690), east (207), ellwood institute (1621), jones (37), middle (124), near (14 as resources for ancient anatolia (Turkey), american http://www.lib.washington.edu/Resource/Search/ResFull.asp?Field=keyword&ID=10157 |
78. Ancient Mesopotamia - Modern Iraq Resources Turkey anatolia ancient residents of this area included Hittites, Kurds, Phrygians, and Lydians. ancient Near and middle east Religion and http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_mesopotamiaresources.htm | |
79. Total Entries 34 a small, littleknown kingdom in the western anatolia of the Web Site virtual environments in ancient Egypt. the Great in the various parts of the middle east. http://www.britishbattles.homestead.com/files/mideast/20030401_mideast_gbk.htm | |
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