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American Wars Gen Information: more detail | |||
1. Native American Genealogy Links For this week in Native american history Nation on gen Web ( link site added 18 February 1997) Enrollment information link site History. Seminole Removal. Seminole wars. Cultural http://members.aol.com/bbbenge/newlinks.html | |
2. Primary & Secondary Education In Latin America - LANIC Primary Secondary Education. This page is designed to provide resources for parents, educators, and students. need more indepth information, please visit the appropriate country Empire The Spanish-american War PBS. Guerrilla wars PBS. Food English, bilingualism, and gen. resources. Portuguese http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/k-12 | |
3. American Women In Uniform, Veterans Too! Women Veterans a history of military women from the Revolutionary War to present day. information about combat issues, current women veterans issues, and extensive information about military Kirkuk Air Base. gen. Hal Hornburg praised MSgt Whitaker Squadron, gathers weather information to brief inbound and Native american. woman killed by enemy action in our nation's wars. http://userpages.aug.com/captbarb | |
4. United States Military Wars, Deployments And Conflicts gen wars, Contingencies, and Deployments Guide picks. information about US Militarywars, contingencies, and american Battle Monuments Monuments for battles http://usmilitary.about.com/cs/warsgeneral/ | |
5. The American Civil War Homepage Farley, CSA. gen. John Bell Hood, CSA historical information) Michigan Civil War Files. Minnesota. The Great Rebellion The american Civil Georgia, Hospitals. wars and Conflicts of the http://sunsite.utk.edu/civil-war/warweb.html |
6. Information Warfare, I-War, IW, C4I, Cyberwar The Web's central clearinghouse for information on all aspects of information Warfare, IWar, IW, C4I, Cyberwar, cyber-crime, cyberterrorism, and related topics. without communications is irrelevant." gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC Cybernation The american infrastructure in the information age. Wilson) wars of the near future. ( Sundarji) http://www.psycom.net/iwar.1.html |
8. Genealogy Resources On The Internet - Wars/Military Mailing Lists Georgia Veterans) genMariners ( British mariners, seafarers HIS-Napoleonic-wars ( Napoleanic wars) HONEYHILL ( american Civil War sharing of information regarding the american Civil War http://www.rootsweb.com/~jfuller/gen_mail_wars.html | |
9. American Civil War History Guide .. The History Beat gen. american Civil War Wealth of information. american wars and Military History- The american Civil War was one of the most momentous and controversial http://history.searchbeat.com/civilwar.htm | |
10. Spanish-American War who supplied this information from Bee s grave marker at Smyrna Cemetery in Texas).FM Culpepper (Ancestry Unknown), US Volunteers, Spanishamerican War, 1898 http://gen.culpepper.com/military/wars/spanish.htm | |
11. Indian Wars :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius discovery of gold on Cherokee land led to pressure on Native american lands. Red RiverWar (18741875 between Comanche and US forces under the command of gen. http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/i/in/indian_wars.html | |
12. Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative: Information Gateway Service records for the Indian wars, the Spanishamerican War and the United StatesMilitary Records, Volume 3 1866- World War II, Heritage gen milrecs (10/02 http://www.hcplc.org/hcplc/ig/userguides/gen/genmilrecs.html | |
13. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Society > ... > Lineage > American Wars And Confli Lineage american wars and Conflicts Texas Brigade Lists officers, local camps,and officers; photographs and information about the reburial of gen. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=1160745&mode=general |
14. Spanish American War - United States Of America In Battle, When The U.S. Acquire gen. Spanishamerican War - US Navy - United States Navy s Naval HistoricalCenter information page on the Spanish american War. http://www.spanishamericanwar.com/ | |
15. USCWC -- Civil War Soldiers And Units Information 2 I Lt. Col. Arthur Fremantle Major general John Charles Fremont Fulkersons in theCivil War Jewishamerican US Civil War Veterans Joseph Hooker Joseph gen. http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/cwc/links/cwsuinfo2.htm | |
16. USCWC -- Miscellaneous, General Information, And Facts About States In The Civil Illinois Economic Development Labor in Civil War Illinois IL gen Web Civil NC IredellCounty, NC Macon Co., NC in the american Civil War Money Troubles http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/cwc/links/cwinfo.htm | |
17. Redirect Page Male descendents of the Great wars gather to honor and network. Contains list of officers, detachment news and information, and squadron locator. http://www.geocities.com/salillinois/ | |
18. Gen. John J. Pershing Boyhood Home State Historic Site - General Information - M general information. gen. Chief Sitting Bull was killed, and the Tenth (Black) Cavalryin the Battle of San Juan Hill during the Spanishamerican War in 1898. http://www.mostateparks.com/pershingsite/geninfo.htm | |
19. Pershing State Park - General Information - Missouri State Parks And Historic Si of Laclede first expressed an interest in honoring gen. J. Pershing, commandinggeneral of the american Expeditionary Forces during World War I, the http://www.mostateparks.com/pershingpark/geninfo.htm | |
20. Chapter 3: The American Revolution: The First Phase The american Revolution came about incurred in the wars of the preceding gen. William Alexander (Lord Stirling) on the right. Four roads ran through the hills toward the american http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/amh/amh-03.htm | |
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