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21. Biographies - Text of cong.; under pres. 1880; Resident Physician, Bayview Asylum, 188081; vice-president, Maryland Society of the Daughters of the american Revolution Volume http://www.joeydragon.com/Calvert County/Biotext.htm | |
22. The Council For National Policy - Selected Member Biographies W - Z CNP 1984, 1988; former exec vice pres of the United States Defense Committee; former vice president of Mission Strategies (AIMS), North american Congresses On http://www.cephasministry.com/state_of_the_union_cnp_w-z_bios.html | |
23. Transition--Building The New Administration...Biographies He is a Resident Scholar at the american Enterprise Institute During pres. presidential Advance and then as deputy director of advance for vice president Quayle http://www.gwu.edu/~action/buildbio.html |
24. Philippines -- Encyclopædia Britannica That same day vice pres. See biographies.). is the only predominantly Christian nation in Asia and has a unique heritage of Malay, Spanish, and american cultures http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=409024 |
25. Media And Publishing -- Encyclopædia Britannica The dominant news in american radio was the Paul Harvey (see biographies), fresh off a 10year telephone companies would get together to create vice pres. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=409257&tocid=222328&query=limbaugh, rush |
26. Pmag V05n6p08 -- Merchants Of Death Conference In the Speakers biographies of the conference, the the Delegate List, 10 are american, 2 Swedish Rhoton, vice pres., Defence Industries, United Research Wm http://www.peacemagazine.org/archive/v05n6p08.htm | |
27. The Plex.us Outbursts: Marx Motivation / 773-632-0002 Gerry Pannaralla, Director Executive biographies James L Gary, IN, joined as vice pres of franchise Chamber of Commerce directory. american Budget Counselors http://plex.us/outbursts/marx_motivation.html | |
28. Renton Technical College Foundation Board Biographies of King County as well as the american Red Cross Chair, 199394, 1998-99, 2002-2003; vice Chair, 1992 UW; Cities in Schools, Renton Board; Trustee and past pres. http://www.renton-tc.ctc.edu/visitors/fdboard.htm | |
29. Miguel De San Roman Virtual american biographies. he served in the constitutional army, and was pres, ent in the of the council of state, and in consequence vice-president of the http://www.famousamericans.net/migueldesanroman/ | |
30. BIOGRAPHIES OF THE BERAC MEMBERSHIP of Science; Fellow, Amer Meteorology Soc (pres, 1984); Member Sciences; a Director of the american Elec. the Electric Power Research Institute; viceChair,Board http://www.er.doe.gov/production/ober/berac/bios.html | |
31. Breckinridge Biographies 1 supporter of woman s suffrage, she served as vicepresident of a charter member of the Chicago branch of the american Association of Social Workers (pres. http://www.breckinridge.com/breckbio.htm | |
32. Thor Heyerdahl biographies OF THOR HEYERDAHL Patron, United World Colleges 1980; vice-pres., Worldview International Kon-Tiki An Argument for american-Polynesian Diffusion http://www.plu.edu/~ryandp/thor.html |
33. Short Biographies Of Wayne County Residents SHORT biographies OF WAYNE COUNTY RESIDENTS from american ANCESTRY . american Ancestry, Vol. organizations, collector of rare books and engravings, vicepres. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nywayne/history/aabios.html | |
34. UALR Presidential Studies Program - Websites potus.com/; Grolier presents The american presidency biographies to sites on specific presidents and vice presidents www.npg.si.edu/col/pres/; Federal Government http://www.ualr.edu/~presidents/websites.html | |
35. CSV Presentation Event: Presenter Biographies He recently completed a twoyear term as president of the american Law Deans Association Mr. Morgan was sworn in by President George W. Bush as vice chairman of http://www.pres.csv.cornell.edu/presenters.cfm | |
36. Brief Biographies Of Jackson Era Characters (S) and they agreed on the wrongs of the Mexicanamerican War the impeachment procedings against Andrew Johnson, Lincoln s vice-president and Stokes, William (pres. http://www.earlyrepublic.net/BIOG-S.htm | |
37. Brief Biographies Of Jackson Era Characters (T) Importer from 183255; pres. tax because some of the procedes would support the Mexican-american war Governor of New York 1807 - 17 and vice-president of the US http://www.earlyrepublic.net/BIOG-T.htm | |
38. About Us - Viking Fest - Nordic Celebration In Texas vicepres, Barbara Van Niel, Carl Widen Lodge/Austin, Sweden, barbara Rod Johnson, Former Swedish american of the Year and member of BOARD OF DIRECTOR S biographies http://www.vikingfest.com/aboutus.html | |
39. Torben Wolff 1973 (Caribbean, deep sea); american Thomas Washington for Biological Oceanography 197076; vice-pres. Natural History Society, many biographies on zoologists http://www.zmuc.dk/inverweb/staff/tw3.htm | |
40. Central Washington University - Department Of History : History 302.01 in the 1930s Differences in her biographies. Beware of Charles L. McNary of Oregon (vicepres candidate in 1940 in 1936 Mary Bethune, African american leader. http://www.cwu.edu/~history/kb_30201_042syl.html | |
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