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1. Food For Thought: Biographies Gable, (William) Clark (american actor) 19011960 Garner, John Nance (american politician; vice-pres. 1933-1941 Gerry, Elbridge (american vice-pres. 1813-14; "gerrymander http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_G.htm | |
2. U.S. Bishops - Biographies M-Z OSV Home. biographies of american Bishops, MZ of Spokane, Apr. 17, 1990; vice-pres. of USCCB, 2001-. http://www.osv.com/catholicalmanac/14b.asp | |
3. American Presidents & Their Wives -- Am-pres.htm with Horoscopes and biographies) Copyright é 19961997 american Presidents and their wives features the vice-presidents and First Ladies. That's over 200 years of american history http://www.aisa.net/astrology/am-pres.htm |
4. John Cabell Breckenridge See a full text list of biographies , Name John biography An american lawyer and statesman, John C in religion, 5 John Cabell Breckinridge (vice pres. http://www.virtualology.com/johncabellbreckenridge/ | |
5. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Francisco I. Madero and vice pres. Jose american Revolution, and of the US, 17901800 biographies OF US presIDENTS The World Almanac and Book of Facts 1997 http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
6. Search Results For Vice - Encyclopædia Britannica Stevenson, Adlai E. ( vice pres. of U.S.) Stevenson from american Federation of Laborâ Congress of Industrial Organizations show's music, links to biographies of Don Johnson and http://www.britannica.com/search?query=vice&submit=Find&source=MWTEXT |
7. Thor Heyerdahl (body). Pirámides De Güimar Patron United World Colleges 1980; vice pres. 1938; The Kon-Tiki Expedition,1948; american Indians in biographies Señor Kon-Tiki, by Arnold Jacoby 1965; The http://www.fredolsen.es/english/Piramides/Thor_body.htm | |
8. College Of Cardinals - Biographies A-N biographies OF CARDINALS. biographies of the cardinals, as of Aug their own ordinary and second vicepres. of the Argentine the Org. of american States, 1990; pres., Admin. of the http://www.osv.com/catholicalmanac/09a.asp | |
9. Smithsonian Speech Synthesis History Project (ss_btl4.htm) 4. biographies MARK D. ANDERSON BISHNU S. ATAL 1952 Image Processing Services Research Laboratory, AT T Labs 1998 vice pres. american Telephone and Telegraph Co http://www.mindspring.com/~ssshp/ssshp_cd/ss_btl4.htm | |
10. Smithsonian Speech Synthesis History Project (ss_nec.htm) The american interest in NEC quality Top biographies TAKASHI Corporate Strategy 1976 vice pres. http://www.mindspring.com/~ssshp/ssshp_cd/ss_nec.htm | |
11. Gulfstream : News And Events preston pres Henne is Senior vice president for Programs As Senior vice president, Programs, Engineering and Test is a Fellow of the american Institute for http://www.gulfstream.com/news/biographies/henne.html | |
12. Food For Thought: Biographies Johnson, Richard Mentor (american vicepresident 1837-1841 Jordan, Elizabeth Garver (american writer), 1865-1947. Josquin des pres (or Desprez) (French composer), c http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_J.htm | |
13. TWWH Answers biographies OF THOSE WOMEN WRITING HAIKU. First haiku published were two in american Haiku, No. 2, 1963 Former president of Haiku Society of America, vice pres. http://www.ahapoetry.com/twwbios.htm | |
14. Women Legislators Of Maryland Biographies Women Legislators of Maryland biographies. ELLEN R. SAUERBREY House, Dist. of Directors, american Legislative Exchange Council. Past vicepres., Md. http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/speccol/4492/bios/html/msa12334.html | |
15. This Page Has Moved... The index of biographies may be useful for quick 1968) led Association of Arabamerican Uni Graduates. to give up PNC position), appointed vice-pres of BZU http://middleeast.reference.users.btopenworld.com/Castlist.html | |
16. Council For National Policy (CNP) - Ho - Member Biographies Female Executives; listed in Who s Who of american Women, Who s Nelson Bunker Hunt CNP vice president, 1982-1983 Stone, Dr. Jacob Malik (former pres of the http://www.seekgod.ca/cnp.ho.htm | |
17. Council For National Policy (CNP) - W - Member Biographies CNP 1984, 1988; former exec vice pres of the United States Defense Committee; former vice president of Strategies (AIMS) 7, North american Congresses On http://www.seekgod.ca/cnp.w.htm | |
18. Biographies And Abstracts In November 1995 Susan was among eight recipients of the american Management Systems and Carnegie Mellon University s of Physics 198187, 1988-92 (vice-pres. http://www.ucisa.ac.uk/events/1997/conference/abstracts.htm | |
19. History And Biographies were MM Souza, pres., MW Rogers, vicepres., MS Furtado John Pacheco, president; Manuel Rocha, vice-president; John had been built for american dances, while http://www.seslife.org/history-ext.html | |
20. Victoria County History List of Condensed biographies. Anderson, John (18301892). Fellow and governor of the american College of Surgeons. vice-pres. National Cash Register Co. http://www.ontariogenealogy.com/Victoria/History/Victor24.html | |
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