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61. Links To Educational Websites Smithsonian Education, http//educate.si.edu, ss/History, Staff/Student, com/~sumfun/index.htm, Math, Student, homework help, links, search Welcome To America Links Up http://www.stoughton.k12.ma.us/Stoughton/South/edlinks.html | |
62. Links To Educational Websites Smithsonian Education, http//educate.si.edu, ss/History, Lessons idirect.com/~sumfun/index.htm, Math, homework help, links, search All. Welcome To America Links Up! http://www.stoughton.k12.ma.us/Stoughton/West/Pages/edlinks.html | |
63. Edinformatics Directory Regional and Geography North America, Asia, Africa palc.sd40.bc.ca/palc/feature/ssfeature.htm 2 Science and Math Initiatives (SAMI) homework help Up Flashcards http://www.blueglobus.com/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?results&keywords=Edinformati |
64. Curriculum Connection A+ Math, Flash cards, practice worksheets, homework help, math games. american History Timelines, Major events in US history searchable by decade. http://www.parisisd.net/InternetRoot/Curriculum/DistrictLibrary/curriculumconnec | |
66. Social Studies site; lots of material Teachers Home Page homework help, Expedition Hall american Memory 100+ historical collections; check out Collection Finder and http://www.gillespie.macoupin.k12.il.us/socialstudies.htm | |
67. The Spokesman-Review.com - Amount Of Homework Not The Problem ss the United States banned homework altogether golden age when most american kids, willingly to promoting academic achievement, homework can inculcate http://www.spokesmanreview.com/breaking-news-story.asp?submitdate=2003121216346 |
68. New Page 1 top sites and directories covering homework help and resources which can assist in research for homework. employment resources, the american Learning Exchange http://www.researchspot.com/schools3.htm | |
69. Ms. Joyce Barney's Assignments mayo Clase Students will make class presentations relating Cubanamerican Literature and we are doing in class or about a homework assignment, please 376 ss. http://www.coylecassidy.com/homework/jbarney.html | |
70. Otsego Middle School Homework Page A check of $25.00 made out to the american Red Cross Read Chapters 12 and 13 in class, homework Read Chapters 14 Language Arts Math ch 8 test ss - Read and http://www.otsego.k12.oh.us/otsegoms/Homework.htm | |
71. Arapahoe Library District: Our Librarians Suggest - True Adventure the Deep Blue Sea by Gary Kinder This fascinating account brings two stories to life the sinking of the ss Central America, laden with homework help. http://www.arapahoelibraries.org/ReadersCorner/SuggestedReading/OLR_Nonfic_Adven | |
72. BFIS Teacher Site 11, ESL 10, ss 7, ESL 7, ss 10. While the students learn the basics of american history all the way from prehistoric times up until the Assignments homework, http://www.bfis.org/people/teachers/elliemartinez/splash.html | |
73. CyberSleuth Kids.com: A K-12 Homework Helper And Directory PANDA ss INFO CENTER Score 65http //geocities.com/RainForest/3019/morepanda Bear DenOfficial Web Site of the Bear Taxon Advisory Group of the american Zoo http://cybersleuth-kids.com/cgi-bin/search/hyperseek.cgi?Terms=Panda &submit=Go |
74. Websites Found By Students In ELE 386 american Civil War Homepage http//sunsite.utk.edu Discovery School.com  BJ PinchbeckÂs homework Helper Place http//www.eduplace.com/ss/index.html. http://faculty.mansfield.edu/cburns/websites386f01.htm | |
75. Teacher Resources Love from the Japanese american Internment. History Place A magazine of the past that s filled with pictures, helpful historical timelines, and homework help. http://home.earthlink.net/~jkash/teachers.htm | |
76. Ohio Historical Society - History Sites! house, where exhibits tell the story of Ohio s Native american tribes. FOR KIDS BY KIDS TELLZALL OHIO HISTORY CENTRAL homework HELPER ONLINE EXHIBITS http://www.ohiokids.org/ss/hsafari.shtml | |
77. WFY: Asian Pacific America Heritage Month 2003 Short Stories for Young Adults Y ss Ame These Sal Tomikazu Nakaji s biggest concerns are baseball, homework, and a refugee family and his new american way of http://www.wiredforyouth.com/month/apah2004/bibliography.cfm | |
78. FreeLists / Nethappenings / K12> HIT: Native American Websites wednet.edu/EagleCreek/Barnard/sites/ss/US/nativeamer multnomah.lib.or.us/lib/homework/natamhc.html Curtis s The North american Indian (american Memory, Library http://www.freelists.org/archives/nethappenings/11-2003/msg00057.html | |
79. DiscoverySchool.com A wonderful site to find good information on World/american history Index Archaeology  A real cool site on shipwrecks Inventors homework Helper  If you http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbeck/bjhistory.html | |
80. Public Library Of Youngstown And Mahoning County, OH - Homework The Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County serves the informational, educational and recreational needs of Mahoning and surrounding Counties. .us/faculty/ss/tomthumb.htm. Designed and http://www.librarykidsville.org/transportation.htm |
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