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21. Grade 9 Resources Information and Pictures 7. Great Pictures and Links 8.homework help and Map DemocracyRoots 2 Prince of Wales ss site 3. ss.Resources 4 7.american Imperialism! http://dt-ss.tripod.com/nine-resources.html |
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24. Web Links Lightspan homework help, games, puzzles - http//www.lightspan american History Links - http//library.thinkquest.org http//www.eduplace.com/ss/ssmaps/index http://www.pwcs.edu/Enterprise/WebLinks.html | |
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35. Msad48.org - Maine School Admin District 48 Corinna Homework Help american Collection memory.loc.gov/ammem. Social Studies Center - www.eduplace.com/ss/index.html. Math Goodies - www.mathgoodies.com/homework/. http://www.msad48.org/mainfrm.cfm?tpid=395 |
36. Untitled This site offers homework help resources for grades K4 original publication, Brinton s Library of Aboriginal american Literature ss PC 970 HAL; Hauptman, Laurence http://www.albany.edu/~lm1622/pathfinder.html | |
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40. Homework Helper - Social Issues Initiative Constitutional Amendment http//Vote96.ss.ca.gov lib.tx.us/library/child/homework/biology.htm oif/intr_inf.html From the american Library Association http://www.mcallen.lib.tx.us/library/child/homework/social_issues.htm | |
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