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61. Cyndi's List - U.S. - History The Beverly, Massachusetts home of President Taft s summer history and genealogicallinks to other TAFT related and Sally Hemings An american Controversy A http://www.cyndislist.com/hist-us.htm | |
62. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Information: Other Projects On The WWW This is a list of other projects, which are either very good Facts about the Statesand about all presidents, compiled by the american Studies Students http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/I/projects.htm | |
63. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Outlines: American History (1990): Chapter Ei own citizens and those of other nations. people s confidence in their government,President Ford gave address, he forthrightly told the american people the http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/H/1990/ch8_p20.htm | |
64. Critical History :: 19th Century American Westward Expansion. to complete the process of american Westward expansion traders, trappers, goldprospectorsand other emigrants passed. probably go down in history as America s http://www.synaptic.bc.ca/ejournal/hstryidx.htm | |
65. H-Law Discussion Network digital future by joining the history Cooperative and other online President HarrySchreiber Bob Gordon, the outgoing president of the american Society for http://www.h-net.org/~law/ | |
66. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY BYLAWS american SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL history BYLAWS have been approved by the President,and shall Information concerning these and all other transactions shall http://www.h-net.org/~environ/ASEH_ByLaws2002.htm | |
67. Powell's Books - John Quincy Adams (American Presidents) By Robert V Remini this title in other formats as a dynamic secretary of state under President JamesMonroe, he solidified many basic aspects of american foreign policy http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=7-0805069399-1 |
68. Government Resources american Expansion 18201890 (american Memory, Library Archives and Records Administrationother Related Information US Presidency and presidents other Related http://library.louisville.edu/government/subjects/hist/amhist.html | |
69. Tracks World Wide Web Links Portraits of american presidents Historical photographs and a The presidents of theUnited States (White House inaugural speeches and other information about http://www.ecb.org/tracks/links.htm | |
70. The American President: Resources text of speeches, writings, and other material related to each of the presidentsof the american presidents Life Portraits www.americanpresidents.org With the http://www.pbs.org/wnet/amerpres/resources.html | |
71. History Of Cinco De Mayo - MexOnline.com - Mexican Holidays Puebla, but is also celebrated in other parts of a violent and chaotic time in Mexico shistory. Although american President Abraham Lincoln was sympathetic to http://www.mexonline.com/cinco.htm | |
72. American Presidents The american Presidency http//www.grolier.com/presidents/preshome.html clips, resultsof presidential elections, and other materials. INDIVIDUAL presidents. http://pblib.utpb.edu/uspres.htm |
73. Shop PBS - History American President, The 5PK (VHS) other Media Formats and Related Items history of Britain Complete Collection 5pk (DVD),Our Price american President, The 5PK (DVD), Our Price $99.98, Add to Cart, http://www.shoppbs.org/product/index.jsp?productId=1404186&cp=1401356&parentPage |
74. Education World® - *History : By Region : North America : USA : Famous People : the Union, inaugural, farewell and other major speeches Grolier Online The AmericanPresidency Ranging from Grover Cleveland to recent presidents, this site http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=5841 |
75. Wit And Wisdom Of The American Presidents: A Book Of Quotations enlarge Wit and Wisdom of the american presidents A Book is `Yankee Doodle and theother isn t material for public speakers and students of american history. http://store.doverpublications.com/0486414272.html | |
76. Jensen's American Political History On-Line Steven Schoenherr; other Leaders; VP Walter Mondale; Bombings in US history; Presidentialspeeches re Cartoonists of Color African american cartoonists recomended; http://tigger.uic.edu/~rjensen/pol-gl.htm | |
77. Photojournalism And The American Presidency - About donating their archives to the Center for american history, each has other Resourcesat UT. An evergrowing resource of presidential photography is available on http://www.cah.utexas.edu/photojournalism/about.php | |
78. John Quincy Adams: (The American Presidents Series) best foreign relations people in american history, one of strong an effort as hisother biographical works was imposed by the american presidents Series editors http://www.history-europe.com/John_Quincy_Adams_The_American_Presidents_Series_0 | |
79. Warren G. Harding : (The American Presidents Series) Warren G. Harding (The american presidents Series) Customer Review becoming specialcounsel to the President, Mr. Dean likely stole funds for other purposes http://www.historyofmilitary.com/Warren_G_Harding__The_American_Presidents_Serie | |
80. Internet Public Library: POTUS the PBS series The american President, this biography includes quotations, linksto other websites, and Lincoln s Obituary from Dead presidents The text http://www.ipl.org/div/potus/alincoln.html | |
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