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41. Medical History Of American Presidents This website tabulates the illnesses of american presidents and othernotable people. Nor am I expert on any of the presidents. http://www.doctorzebra.com/prez/ | |
42. American Presidents: Life Portraits Listed below are other resources available to you video at the american presidents Archive. Use lesson plans View american presidents Portrait Exhibit. Buy american President Products http://www.americanpresidents.org/ | |
43. Presidents Of The United States Links for teachers and other educators who are activities, or field trips about thepresidents. College and Universities attended by the american presidents. http://www.presidentsusa.net/ | |
44. American History From About in other first flights you can go to the history of aviation section. Sunday May09, 2004 . Harry S Truman May 8 marks the birthday of american President Harry http://americanhistory.about.com/ | |
45. American History Timelines the War of 1812 saw the British force President James Madison Subscribe to the Americanhistory Newsletter. Click Here To Visit other history Sites At About.com. http://americanhistory.about.com/library/timelines/bltimelinesindex.htm | |
46. Today In History: June 6 Each day an event from american history is illustrated by digitized items from the Library of Congress american Memory historic collections. I was colored. other passengers of a lighter hue http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/today/today.html | |
47. Urban Legends Reference Pages: History (Linkin' Kennedy) that is hardly surprising, since nearly all american politicians have or that onewas impeached while the other wasn t, or that one became President at the http://www.snopes.com/history/american/linckenn.htm | |
48. U.S. Presidency General Sources See the Colonial american Page for Declaration of Independence andother early government Inaugural Addresses of the presidents of the United http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/presidency.html | |
49. African-American History And Culture (Library Of Congress Manuscripts: An Illust Health and Human Services) under President Jimmy Carter. The division s AfricanAmericanmanuscript collections have in the division, and other black history http://www.loc.gov/rr/mss/guide/african.html | |
50. Gateway To African-American History, Dept. Of State Building, in Washington, DC, with other NAACP attorneys will reach an AfricanAmericanaudience, Publishers President Bush awarded Dr. Dorothy Height, chair http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/blackhis/ | |
51. American Themes White House history of the presidents Grades 4 sketches, inaugural addresses, andother basic information. and images on all american presidents, along with http://www.teachersfirst.com/ushistory/american_themes.htm | |
52. Hitchhiker's Guide To American History with primary sources relating to american presidential campaigns (including anyoneinterested in the american past Includes links to other sites, sample syllabi http://us.history.wisc.edu/hist102/guide/guide.html | |
53. Remarks By The President On Teaching American History And Civic Education Remarks by the President on Teaching american history and Civic famous Tennessee guy,and he was President of the The other thing the children are learning is http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/09/20020917-7.html | |
54. Homework Center - American Presidents Biographies The american Presidency A Glorious Burden http//americanhistory.si.edu this siteprovides biographies of the presidents and links to other sites with http://www.multcolib.org/homework/presidents.html | |
55. DiscoverySchool.com by Grolier s Online  Great presidency resources fun Need good information onAfrican american history? try this information and links to other WWI sites http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbeck/bjhistory.html | |
56. Surfing The Net With Kids: The Presidency The american President. Let s see how you do. other fun clicks include silly thingsWhite House children have done (go to Kids) or the clickable The presidents. http://www.surfnetkids.com/president.htm | |
57. Presidents Of The United States 1768 Â John Hancock and other Selectman call for a agreeing to the British withdrawalfrom american soil. Thomas Mifflin signs as the President of the United http://www.uspresidency.com/ | |
58. To The Best Of My Ability: The American Presidents (revised) a wonderful new book about the american presidents. by the Society of american Historians,it Ability has similarities with other Presidential reference works http://www.biography-reviews.com/To_the_Best_of_My_Ability_The_American_Presiden | |
59. US Nobel Laureate Slams Bush Gov T As Worst In American History But this projection assumes, among other questionable things ONLINE If so, why sthe President still popular? Akerlof For some reason the american people does http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0729-06.htm | |
60. American History - 1930-1939 turn of the century and the other The Difficult long chapter contains history ofAmerican educational system President Roosevelt helped make stamp collecting a http://kclibrary.nhmccd.edu/decade30.html | |
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