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1. Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Main Page site, I cannot answer specific research enquiries and for Canadian Society. Canadian regions. Australia and New modern European, american, and Latin american history, as well http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbook.html | |
2. Association Of American Geographers Click here for information about using ARGUS in american history Classes. major geographicconcepts in places that are typical of specific regions in the United http://www.aag.org/ARGUS/ARGUS.html | |
3. Error: Can't Find Web Site Main Page USA Outline of american history (1990) american history Era specific SitesSpanish Reviews in american history regions and Regionalism in US http://members.aol.com/TeacherNet/GenAm.html | |
4. Chronology On The History Of Slavery 1619 To 1789 this compilation of american history will help others who shipped from eight coastal regions in Africa including Senegambia influences that shaped specific acts of resistance simply http://innercity.org/holt/slavechron.html | |
5. American History Access sites on general american history. Resources are divided into General, Primary and Secondary Sources. Some sites include provide a mix of resources. sites on US history or by specific regions, subjects, and time. http://www.collegeofthemainland.com/library/internet/intsub/hi_us.htm | |
6. United State Trivia Quizzes And Quiz Questions USA specific regions (17), Washington, DC (3). you the names of five cities in aspecific state. How well do you know the places where american history was made http://www.funtrivia.com/dir/97.html | |
7. American History detailed but just cover a specific aspect of american history, such as a particular time on U.S. relations with specific countries and regions. Articles include brief bibliographies http://gulib.lausun.georgetown.edu/guides/ushistory/ushistory.htm | |
8. North American Cultures--U.S. History/World History Lesson Plan (grades 6-8)--Di 912 Subject area US history Standard Understands and Dutch settlers; Native Americaninvolvement in how human characteristics make specific regions of the http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/travelers-northamerica/ | |
9. The Nature Store - Butterfly And Moth Field Guides/Specific Regions and moth field guides or books on specific states/regions. Butterfly ecology andnatural history. Introductory field guide to North american butterflies. http://thenaturestore.com/bookbookfield.htm | |
10. Best Links About England Archive 11 history.uk.com - British history Portal 12 McClure 18 - Worcester ArtMuseum - american Art Collection. to make the claim that specific content in http://www.museumstuff.com/links/regions/world/england/ | |
11. Best Links About Ohio The project is funded by a federal Teaching american history grant from the Thehistory WORKS project not allow us to make the claim that specific content in http://www.museumstuff.com/links/regions/usa/ohio/ | |
12. History Links CalculatorCalculates comparative costs of living in specific US regions from 1914to a lengthy list of links relating to american history, culture, and http://www.barnard.columbia.edu/history/www/links.html | |
13. Dartmouth Library Collection Development Policy DT) Includes general history, exploration, ethnography, social life and customs,specific regions (eg, French history of Afroamerican literature (PS153.N5 http://www.dartmouth.edu/~cmdc/cdpci/aaasci.html | |
14. Regions.ivcf.org - In Search Of Identity: An Asian American Christian Perspectiv l Seeks out opportunities to learn about oneÂs own history and culture l Positiveimages of AsianAmericans are growing. The need for AA-specific ministry. http://regions.ivcf.org/multieth/3154 | |
15. UMUC-Europe :: Undergrad :: Bachelors :: Major-minor : specific course requirements are listed below. three areas United States, Europe,World regions (Asia, Africa 6 sh) HIST 255 African american history (3) HIST http://www.ed.umuc.edu/undergrad/bachelors/major-minor/history.html | |
16. American Geographical Society Library recent geographical serials the american Geographical Society and geographical descriptionsof specific regions of the research in the history of cartography. http://www.uwm.edu/Library/AGSL/intro.html | |
17. Regional Genealogy And Local History Research The SOURCE * StateGenSites * State specific Resources * United of history by Pictures All regions of Russia in the Americas Asian american history Web Sites http://www.academic-genealogy.com/geneal.htm | |
18. UTML - HIS271 - American History Since 1607 Library Page books and journal articles on a specific topic. Handbook for Research in AmericanHistory a Guide to Historical atlases that depict geographic regions as they http://www.erin.utoronto.ca/library/utml/common/instruction/history271.html | |
19. African American History Digital Library - Academic Info of the African diaspora, as well as with regions in Africa. . of web sites relatedto African american history and culture with specific sections of http://www.academicinfo.net/africanamlibrary.html | |
20. 1.7. Ecological Decline In Specific Countries & Regions, Excluding UK. 1.7. Ecological Decline in specific Countries regions, excluding UK. 1.7. IslandPr., 1993. Petulla, J. american Environmental history. Merrill, 1988. http://eco.gn.apc.org/resguide/1_7.html | |
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