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1. Genealogical Notes And Anecdotes: American History: Presidential Administrations GENEALOGICAL NOTES AND ANECDOTES. american history presidential AdministrationsBefore That of George Washington, the Seventeenth. http://www.crosswinds.net/~marlerjc/administrations.html | |
2. The Living Room Candidate A history of presidential campaign commercials from 1952 to the present, from the american Museum of the Moving Image. http://www.ammi.org/livingroomcandidate/ | |
3. The Presidents Of The United States Room Art and Furnishings. Events Traditions. Africanamerican history Month. Presidents Day. Resources. Historical Association. presidential Libraries. Military. http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/ | |
4. ElectionsCentral- A History Of Presidential Elections history of presidential Elections, How Elections Work. All of the graphs and textsin this section have been excerpted from our american history CDROM. http://www.multied.com/elections/ | |
5. From Revolution To Reconstruction Contains outlines related to american history and culture, primary source materials, essays, biographies and presidential information. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/ | |
6. From Revolution To Reconstruction From the colonial period until modern times (Revolution to Reconstruction). This american history project contains outlines of american history and culture, source materials, essays, biographies and presidential information. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/usa.htm | |
7. Jensen's American Political History On-Line history Review; Reviews in american history; Social Science history; recent issues american economic history by Harold Underwood Faulkner (1960), solid old textbook. presidential http://tigger.cc.uic.edu/~rjensen/pol-gl.htm | |
8. Amercan History And World History history of american presidential elections including the 2004 election. Vitalstatistics, graphs, news, links maps, and more on the nations of the earth. http://www.multied.com/ | |
9. AHA Information: Joyce Appleby Presidential Address (1997) A paper read before the american Historical Association and subsequently published in The american Historical Review. http://www.theaha.org/info/AHA_History/jappleby.htm | |
10. TP: Images Of American Political History Map of the presidential Election of 1968. { Top of Page }. Images of AmericanPolitical history. All images are believed to be in the public domain. http://teachpol.tcnj.edu/amer_pol_hist/_browse_maps.htm | |
11. Documents For The Study Of American History: AMDOCS: 1400 - 2003 Primary History Bill of Rights and the Amendments to The Constitution. presidential Oath of Office Documents for the Study of american history. has been accessed times since it began counting, 1 http://www.ukans.edu/carrie/docs/amdocs_index.html | |
12. TP: Images Of American Political History Map of the presidential Election of 1948. { Top of Page }. Images of AmericanPolitical history. All images are believed to be in the public domain. http://teachpol.tcnj.edu/amer_pol_hist/_browse1950.htm | |
13. AHA Information: George Burton Adams Presidential Address (1908) George Burton Adams' presidential address to the american Historical Association in 1908. http://www.theaha.org/info/AHA_History/gbadams.htm | |
14. Today In History: June 6 Each day an event from american history is illustrated by digitized items from the Library of Congress american Memory historic collections. Sarsfield Gilmore), 1863. Historic american Sheet Music, 18501920 Civil War Photographs, 1861-1865. presidential Reviewing Stand, Several Today in history pages focus on New York http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/today/today.html | |
15. National Museum Of American History: Press Releases The Web site takes a thematic view of presidential history, building uponthe richness of the National Museum of american history collections. http://americanhistory.si.edu/media/pr001031.htm | |
16. Urban Legends Reference Pages: History (Linkin' Kennedy) that is hardly surprising, since nearly all american politicians have while the otherwon the biggest presidential landslide in history, or that one http://www.snopes.com/history/american/linckenn.htm | |
17. Museum Of American Political Life Political memorabilia housed at University of Hartford in West Hartford. Permanent exhibits include The history of presidential Elections and The Right to Vote. Includes hours and location. http://www.hartford.edu/polmus/polmus1.html | |
18. Urban Legends Reference Pages: History (Presidential S-Say) on file at the Truman presidential Museum Library Last updated 31 December 2002.The URL for this page is http//www.snopes.com/history/american/truman.htm http://www.snopes.com/history/american/truman.htm | |
19. University Press Of Kansas Publisher of scholarly books in political science, military history, american history, presidential studies, government and public policy, environmental studies, and philosophy. http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu | |
20. Presidential Proclamation For African American History Month, 2001 Gateway, 1 February 2001. National African american history Month, 2001A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America. http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/blackhis/proc2001.htm | |
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