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101. Welcome To Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens AFRICAN american history AT TRYON PALACE HISTORIC sites GARDENS Tom, Surry, JohnC. Stanly, Lydia, Sarah, Andrew, Ann Hazle these are some of the African http://www.tryonpalace.org/pages/classpgs/d8_footpg.html | |
102. African American Resources - Black Studies - Social Studies- History MOVEMENT. historical PENN CENTER The only authentic African Americancommunity in the United States. history OF JAZZ. I http://blackquest.com/link.htm | |
103. Sites www.asians.org The Greatest Asian american Search Engine Mass., Dedham Pottery, andthe history of Dedham http//Boston Massacuttes historic sites all kinds of http://www.infonavigate.com/boston/188.htm | |
104. ¿ª»çÃà °ü·à Ã¥»çÃÃî Index of Resources for history Internet Resources Studies UCLA KHC Korean HistoricalConnection / ? Korea WebWeekly Koreanamerican WWW sites http://home.pusan.ac.kr/~hisedu/history.htm | |
105. Home Page: American Memory From The Library Of Congress american Memory is a gateway to rich primary source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States. The site offers more than 7 million digital items from more than 100 Today http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ | |
106. Historic Philadelphia Lights of Liberty Relive the american Revolution with 5 of Historic Philadelphia Directionsto Historic Philadelphia Bus picture and give you a history of that http://www.ushistory.org/tour/ | |
107. American Indian Studies On This Date In North american Indian history. This site lists over 3000 historicalevents which happened to or affected the indigeneous Native american Images. http://www.csulb.edu/projects/ais/ | |
108. Begin With Colonial U.S. Colonial Resources New England Historic Genealogical Society successful English settlementon american soil at a true historian s dream do history with the http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/colonial.html | |
109. KID_INFO_The_Web's_Best_Student_Homework_Reference_Resource historical World Leaders. Native Americans. Inventors and Inventions. The Renaissance.China s history. historical World Leaders. Eastern Europe and Russia s history. http://www.kidinfo.com/School_Subjects.html | |
110. ReferenceResources:FamousExplorers Outline of american history Chapter 1 Early America Early Explorers; historicalbackground on The First Europeans Early Settlements. http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Explorers.html | |
111. National Trust For Historic Preservation than 160 oneof-a-kind historic treasures threatened comprises a wide range of sitesÂfroma protect them and other irreplaceable pieces of America s history. http://www.nationaltrust.org/ | |
112. Top Ten Silliest Historical Sites In America our knowledge of the past and warped our view of the world. James Loewenin Lies Across America. Below are the Top Ten Silliest historical sites . http://www.uvm.edu/~jloewen/slideshow/slideshow.htm | |
113. Lies My Teacher Told Me Lies Across America What Our Historic sites Get Wrong. Told Me Everything Your HighSchool history Textbook Got It demonstrates how Americans get a distorted http://www.uvm.edu/~jloewen/liesacrossamerica/liesacrossamerica.html | |
114. Cemeteries, Graveyards, Burying Grounds White american attitudes concerning burials (with much interesting history). Servicesfor Historic Cemeteries Cemetery Updating Services, offering http://www.potifos.com/cemeteries.html | |
115. Cyndi's List - Historical Events & People Worldwide Emigrants by Kraig Ruckel; Palatines to America Homepage; Robert BURNS Family historyFamily history of the ROOTSL Resources historical Groups Links to several http://www.cyndislist.com/historic.htm | |
116. CNN - Black History Month Stories on historic sites in Montgomery, Tuskegee, Atlanta Birthplace of Black HistoryMonth gets facelift. roots in the migration of AfricanAmericans from the http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/black_history/ | |
117. Texas Parks And Wildlife Historic Sites And Exhibits Links to Other Texas history sites (Not under Texas The site of a famous Native Americanquarry near Amarillo Fort Concho National Historic Landmark Key http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/park/admin/historic.htm | |
118. Home Page: American Memory From The Library Of Congress source materials relating to the history and culture items from more than 100 historicalcollections. and families, featuring content from american Memory and http://memory.loc.gov/ | |
119. Historic Indiana County historical Society, LaPorte County historical Society, Inc. John Shaw BillingsHistory of Medicine Society, Inc. Max Kade Germanamerican Center at the http://www.visitindiana.net/historic.html | |
120. Primary Source Documents On the history of Civil Society, Adam Ferguson John John Adams Discusses the HistoricSources Which the Intellectual Foundations of american Political Theory http://www2.pitnet.net/primarysources/ | |
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