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1. Web Sites For The History Profession | Organization Of American Historians Web Links. Journal of american history. Job Listings Lehrman Institute of american history. The historical Society Lehrman Institute of american history. HarpWeek. historical Text Archive http://www.oah.org/announce/links.html | |
2. On This Date In North American Indian History By Phil Konstantin 3,000+ historical vents, tribal name meanings and alternative names, Indian moon names over 6,000 links to other sites http://www.americanindian.net | |
3. 301 Redirect Kansas history Web sites Kansas native tribes to for the Study of american historyAmDocs, from Collection Online Magazine; Kansas historical Quarterly, KanColl. http://history.cc.ukans.edu/heritage/heritage_main.html |
4. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - American History A categorized, annotated list of over 2000 sites to help educators, teachers, and parents enhance instruction and support the curriculum. Africanamerican history. African-american Migration. African-american Studies Center american history sites a selection of resourcs divided by eras and historical events http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/history/hista.html | |
5. The Wisconsin Historical Society Historic sites Passport; Patterns of history; Membership. Wisconsin HistoricalFoundation; Friends of the Society. Shop at the Museum Store. american Journeys. http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/ | |
6. The American Revolution Official National Park Service site. Information on their historical sites around the US, but also history and teachers' resources. http://www.nps.gov/revwar | |
7. CET -- RESOURCES: Asian American History Web Sites And Resources A comprehensive list of Asian american history Web sites, media sources and related online resources part of the CET and Ancestors in the Americas Web site ASIAN american history WEB sites. OTHER ASIAN american MEDIA PROGRAMS The Golden Legacy is a Chinese historical cultural project curriculum designed for California students in http://www.asianamericanhistory.org/res.html | |
8. Colonial America 1600-1775, K12 Resources Tremendous Timelines, historical information, maps. Links to numerous sites on colonialhistory and topics. The history Place american Revolution, Includes http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/colonial.htm | |
9. Paul Halsall/Fordham University: Internet History Sourcebooks Project and copypermitted historical texts presented cleanly (without texts to the various sites below. European history and Modern Civilization courses. North american and Latin american http://www.fordham.edu/halsall | |
10. Welcome To The Naval Historical Center The Naval historical Center, located in Washington, D.C., is the U.S. Navy's official historical program, interpreting naval history from 1775 to the present. Sources on U.S. Naval history. Dictionary of american Naval Fighting Ships Command history) Naval historyrelated web sites. USS Constitution " Old Ironsides" Naval historical Foundation http://www.history.navy.mil/ | |
11. Organization Of American Historians The historical Construction of Racism to american Nationalism in Comparative Perspective and Using Historic sites to Interpret Women s history, the OAH http://www.oah.org/ | |
12. Index Links to Idaho genealogical and historical sites. Includes a table of all counties in Idaho, with links to those which have already been adopted into the ALHN. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/id/state1/alhn/ | |
13. Cyndi's List - African-American to African american museums, monuments and cultural sites. Indiana historical BureauIndiana american Resources Researching Africanamerican history in the http://www.cyndislist.com/african.htm | |
14. New Jersey - ALHN The ALHN is a central point of entry to independent web sites with historical or genealogical content. http://www.usgennet.org/~alhnnjus/index.html | |
15. NA Maps, Language And Historical Sites american historical Images On File comprehensive collection of images of Nativeamerican people. The american WestA history of Native americans. http://www.plumsite.com/shea/history.html | |
16. Nipmuc Indian Association Of Connecticut Home Page Nonprofit membership organization promoting preservation of Nipmuc Indian and Native american history, culture, crafts, language, and sacred and historical sites. With news, links, and a community calendar. http://www.nativetech.org/Nipmuc/ | |
17. Index Of Art Historical Sites. Digital Imaging Project: Art Historical Images Of INDEX OF ART historical sites. See also Index to Sculpture and Architecture by Africanamerican Artists or Relevant to African american history and Culture http://www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/index/ | |
18. History Of Photography more interesting online collections of historical photographs and Photo history Finding the Chemistry How the actually be the first american photograph (more http://photography.about.com/cs/historymuseums/ | |
19. NATIVE NASHVILLE - NATIVE AMERICAN HISTORY TOUR GUIDE Begins with the origins traditions of Tennessee area tribes, describes archeology and other prehistory, and covers the historical period of interaction with Europeans through the removal in 1838. Includes map and descriptions of mounds, archeological, and historical sites in and near Nashville. http://www.nativenashville.com/History/tour_guide.htm | |
20. BlackNY, A New York City Tour Guide To Historical Sites From African American Hi Guide to African american landmarks, restaurants, museums, historical sites from the city's black american history. http://www.blackny.com/index.html | |
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