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American History Historical Docs: more detail | |||||||||
41. American History Henry Steele, and Milton Cantor Documents of american history. http//www.ukans.edu/carrie/docs/amdocs_index.html 1789.);CHRONOLOGY OF US historical DOCUMENTS. http://www.library.rochester.edu/index.cfm?PAGE=275 |
43. Theological Research Exchange Network : E-docs 2 Kings 3 history or historical Fiction? Conference Evangelical TheologicalSociety. Conference american Society of Church history. http://www.tren.com/e-docs/search.cfm?oid=x&action=query&title=History |
44. Home Page possible by a US Department of Education Teaching american history Grant Program HeatherBender, Buffalo Bill historical Center Walter Fleming, Montana State http://www.bozeman.k12.mt.us/history/docs/colloquium.html | |
45. Ohio5 Docs: Historical Cataloging, Project Proposal these institutions became depository libraries there are early american history materialsin look at their collection to identify the historical strengths and http://www.wooster.edu/Library/Gov/Ohio5Docs/Catalog/Proposal.html | |
46. Southeast Tennessee Tourism: Historical Interests Scenic City history A Time Line of Chattanooga, the Scenic City set along the citybecame the first major southern city to have Africanamerican Police Officers http://www.southeasttennessee.com/www/docs/347 | |
47. Patriot Policy - Historical Documents Archiving Early America America s historical documents in their original formats Documentsfor the Study of american history - maintained by Dean Richards, a http://www.patriotpolicy.com/docs.htm | |
48. Metropolitan State U: Priors: American Past To 1865 research, development of historyrelated presentations, or historical exhibits thatfocused on subjects such as historical figures, colonial America, the nation http://www.metrostate.edu/fc/docs/textonly/priors/amerto.html | |
49. NVC College Bulletin: History (HIST) Students address those historical events and trends that seem mostimportant for understanding the evolution of american history. http://www.accd.edu/nvc/docs/catalog/cdhist.html | |
50. Finding Historical Government Publications print documents collection ( Joyner docs Stacks ), with The american Memory HistoricalCollections, a primary source material in american history available on http://www.lib.ecu.edu/govdoc/historydocs.html | |
51. Grade Six Social Studies: Location(Content/Concepts) Information from a prehistorical period is obtained eg stories, legends, myths, etc.).* Oral history was and of great value to North american Indigenous people http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/midlsoc/gr6/g62conss.html | |
52. Chronology Of US Historical Documents Chronology of US historical Documents This site is a collection of documents, laws, speeches, treaties, and other primary sources of significance in american history. The materials are listed in http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.law.ou.edu/hist/&y=0257A0D2A3888 |
53. A Century Of Lawmaking For A New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents And Debate These documents record american history in the words of those who and useful to Congressand the american people and to a wide range of historical and cultural http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/lawhome.html | |
54. American History Resources american history. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. Patrick Henry s Libertyor Death speech. Thomas Paine s Common Sense. The Declaration of Independence. http://www.luminet.net/~tgort/docs.htm | |
55. American History South Nat Security Archive Historic WWII Pubs history Historiography HistoricalText Archive Hypertext on Am Hist Making of America Primary Source docs. http://library.uml.edu/home/e-amhist.htm | |
56. Federal Government Resources On The Web/Historic Documents sites, primarily on historical and artistic subjects around the world; Samples includeConnecticut history, Hungarian electronic library, North american slave http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/fedhis.html | |
57. Historical Research  Library Guide Angelo Oversize Stacks G1201 .S1 N3 1988); historical Maps on America history and Life 1861(Volpe Library Web Site - Online Databases); MarciveWeb docs (Catalog of http://www.tntech.edu/library/web_guides/HistoricalResearch.html | |
58. UG Library: Subject Guides Urban America a historical bibliography, Catalogue HT123 .U725 Location SocialSciences and Arts Reference. Women in american history a bibliography, http://www2.lib.uoguelph.ca/subject_guides/index.cfm?code=amhist |
59. American Women's History: Specific States Key Sites. Wisconsin historical Society http//www.wisconsinhistory.org/ Wyoming. Guideto Women s history Resources at the american Heritage Center. http://www.mtsu.edu/~kmiddlet/history/women/wh-state.html | |
60. Historical Images - LibrarySpot.com american Memory historical Collections from the National Digital Library. Galleryof the Open Frontier Traverse the history of the american frontier. http://www.libraryspot.com/imagegalleries/imageshistorical.htm | |
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