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81. Dorothy Parker - Poems And Biography By AmericanPoems.com House on unamerican Activities and pleaded the first instead of In 1959 she was inducted into american Academy of Arts The Little Old Lady in Lavender Silk 18 http://www.americanpoems.com/poets/parker/ | |
82. About Louisa Adams - Biography Of The First Lady US first Lady who was not born in America. Her father, a Maryland businessman whose brother signed the US Declaration of Independence, was the american consul http://womenshistory.about.com/cs/firstladies/p/louisa_adams.htm | |
83. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Presidents of the United States and contains information and documents of their speeches, writings, biographies and anything Websites dedicated to the american Presidents. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/P/ | |
84. Biography Of First Lady Pat Nixon the Nixons 1969 trip to South Vietnam, she became the first first Lady to visit in the Americas and Mrs. Nixon became the first North american woman to http://www.nixonfoundation.org/TheNixons/PatNixon.shtml | |
85. Eleanor Roosevelt Biography entry in World War I, she became active in the american Red Cross Franklin D. Roosevelt s presidency, Eleanor Roosevelt was an active first Lady who traveled http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/erbio.html | |
86. American Presidents: Life Portraits Personal  first Lady Abigail Adams, Wife  Wife s Maiden Street Gravesite United first Parish Church american Presidents Programming Week of March 21. http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/president.asp?PresidentNumber=2 |
87. Presidents & First Ladies Links - Suite101.com ,Links at Suite101 relating to Presidents and first ladies dewey decimal 973.099928.1 http://www.suite101.com/links.cfm/4996 | |
88. Presidents & First Ladies - Suite101.com ,Presidents and first ladies dewey decimal 973.099928.1 http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/presidents_and_first_ladies | |
89. LookSmart - Directory - Caroline Lavinia Scott Harrison House Biography View a portrait of Caroline Harrison and read a brief biography of the former first lady who founded the Daughters of the american Revolution. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317828/us317851/us4225550/us172074/us | |
90. Biography Of Dina Matos McGreevey Biography of Dina Matos McGreevey. and Treasurer of the Portuguese american Scholarship Foundation The McGreeveys proudly welcomed their first child, Jacqueline http://www.state.nj.us/firstlady/ | |
91. Encyclopedia Smithsonian Encyclopedia Smithsonian Features Separation of Powers, Federal and State Principles of american selfgovernment. Our Second President. John Adams A Biography The first Lady, Abigail Adams. http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Birth_of_a_Nation.html | |
92. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Biography In establishing these exhibits, the first Lady wanted to showcase the best of american sculpture, in AmericaÂs home, making it accessible to the thousands of http://clinton3.nara.gov/WH/EOP/First_Lady/html/HILLARY_Bio.html | |
93. Home Articles Author Here you will find biographical and fascinating information on to go to the listing for each first Lady. Understanding the american Revolution by John T. Marck. http://www.aboutfamouspeople.com/ | |
94. Reagan 2020 - Nancy Reagan Biography While first Lady, Mrs. Reagan served as Honorary Chairman humanitarian awards from the american Camping Association 12/31/91 Mrs. Reagan s biography is provided http://reagan2020.com/biography/nancy_reagan.asp | |
95. Explore DC: ExploreDC.org: Resources Buy @ AmazonBarbara Bush, first Lady Rose Blue and Corinne Buy @ AmazonBarbara Bush A Biography Pamela Kilian New AmazonBess and Harry An american Love Story http://www.exploredc.org/resources.php?m=print&c=W |
96. Target : Entertainment : Books : Children's Books : People & Places : Biographie A Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln (Picture Book Biography) by David A. Adler, John Wallner Avg. Dolly Madison first Lady (Spirit of american Our People http://www.target.com/gp/browse.html?_encoding=UTF8&node=69283 |
97. Ruth Laredo, America S First Lady Of The Piano Biography Hailed as America s first Lady of the Piano (NY Daily guest critic on WQXR s longrunning first Hearing , and (Publisher European american Music Corporation http://www.ruthlaredo.com/bio.htm | |
98. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu - The Academy Of American Poets during her life and were first collected posthumously Cambridge History of English and american Literature in Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 16891762 Biographical http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=323 |
99. Welcome To The American Presidency GOP Convention an Odd Fit For New York. american Muslims Won't Vote as a Bloc http://gi.grolier.com/presidents/nbk/prescont.html | |
100. Presidential Sites Network Presidential Sites Network Connecting all of the presidential sites into a world wide information resource. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.ibiblio.org/lia/president/&y=027 |
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