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161. Miami Valley Career Technology Center "Your 21st Century JVS" - Providing Educat Teaches students skills that they can carry into the work place. An alternative to typical high schools. http://www.mvctc.com/ | |
162. BBC News | EDUCATION | New York Schools Return Most New York schools are now open again, with alternative arrangements for those most affected by the World Trade Center attacks. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/education/newsid_1548000/1548736.stm | |
163. HUUmans On The Web A voice for alternatives to traditional public schools and for school reform ideas that include homeschooling as a viable educational choice. http://www.uuhomeschool.org | |
164. ED344342 1992-06-00 Controlled Choice: An Alternative School Choice Plan. ERIC D Controlled Choice An alternative School Choice Plan. ERIC Digest, Number 70. Title Controlled Choice An alternative School Choice Plan. http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed344342.html | |
165. The Scarsdale Alternative School The Scarsdale alternative School. A program of the Scarsdale High School, come and learn about the school and it s alternative learning styles. http://www.scarsdaleschools.k12.ny.us/hs/Aschool/ | |
166. ADD: Alternative Schooling Overview of alternatives such as homeschooling and free schools. http://borntoexplore.org/addsvs.htm | |
167. Douglas County School District School Closure Status. West, OPEN. Scholarship awards honor students success. District administrators recognize seniors from six high schools, Read more http://www.dcsd.k12.co.us/ | |
168. Churchill Alternative School I went to my teacher and asked her what made Churchill an alternative school. She said we would discuss it as a class. Churchill alternative School JK to 6. http://www.ocdsb.edu.on.ca/churweb/ | |
169. Home Page Topics of conferences include youth violence and substance abuse, school crisis management, sexual assault and harassment, and alternatives to suspension and expulsion. http://www.thesafeschools.org/ | |
170. Infoshop.org - Activists' Kiosk -- Deschooling Jon s HomeSchool Resource Page Windsor House School Virtual High The Alternate Press American Indian schools- Colleges- Tribes Home Education Resources Center http://www.infoshop.org/activist/descool.html | |
171. The Objector: Home Of The Central Committee For Conscientious Objectors Supports conscientious objectors and promotes individual and collective resistance to war. Provides information on alternatives to the military, military discharges, draft registration, and getting the military out of schools. http://objector.org/ | |
172. A Citizen's Guide To Education Reform -- School Choices Latest worldwide research shows competitive schools serve families better than government run schools. Compares public school systems to free market alternatives based on vouchers, taxcredits, and privatization. Many essays, articles, book reviews, and complete book chapters included. http://www.schoolchoices.org | |
173. The Santee Alternative School The Santee alternative Education School is a home school center designed to assist, encourage, and equip parents who wish to home school their children. http://www.santee.k12.ca.us/alternativeschool/ | |
174. Washington Toxics Coalition Dedicated to protecting public health and the environment by identifying and promoting alternatives to toxic chemicals. Provide reliable information about preventing pollution in homes, schools, workplaces, agriculture, and industry. http://www.watoxics.org/ |
175. Muir School Home Page we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. John Muir, 18381914. John Muir alternative School for Humanistic Studies. http://www2.sandi.net/muir/ | |
176. News 14 Carolina | 24 Hour Local News | Durham/Chapel Hill After years of planning and searching for the perfect site, Orange County s second alternative school opens Monday. http://rdu.news14.com/content/your_news/durhamchapel_hill/default.asp?ArID=47125 |
177. Education World ® : School Administrators: Alternative School Calendars: Smart SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR S ARTICLE. alternative School Calendars Smart Idea or Senseless Experiment? If American students are to compete http://www.education-world.com/a_admin/admin126.shtml | |
178. Education Alternatives Montessori Schools Locations, programs, online tour, FAQs, admission information, calendar, teachers, and contact information. http://montessorislc.com/index.htm | |
179. Welcome To Greeley Alternative School GREELEY alternative SCHOOL 919 NE Jefferson Peoria, Il. 61603 Pride of the 4th Ward . http://www.peoria.psd150.org/greeley/greeley.html |
180. MECLA Serves students in grades 9 through 12 who have been unable to achieve and/or progress satisfactorily toward receiving a high school diploma. Sponsored by the Marshall Public schools. http://www.marshall.k12.mn.us/MECLA.htm | |
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