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81. Alternative Fuel Vehicles alternative Fuel vehicles 1. National Renewable Energy Laboratory 2 alternative fuels include ethanol, methanol, natural gas, liquefied http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/BODY_EH268 | |
82. Alternative Fuel Vehicles - Autos & Auto Racing - Liberal Arts & Crafts Network Innovative Automotive Center New Technologies alternative Fuel vehicles Flexfuel vehicles What is flex-fuel technology? A flexible http://www.liberalartsandcrafts.net/contentcatalog/autos/altfuels.shtml | |
83. Fueling The Future - Activities - Alternative Fuels And Vehicles The demand for alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and cleaner burning fuels must come from the consumer before an affordable supply will be provided by the http://www.nef1.org/ftf/af1.html | |
84. Michelin Challenge Bibendum For Alternatively Fueled Vehicles The Michelin Challenge Bibendum continues to use its odd name to promote alternatively fueled vehicles. http://popularmechanics.com/automotive/auto_technology/2001/12/alternative_fuel_ | |
85. Los Angeles Times - Registration ORANGE COUNTY COMMENTARY alternativeFuel vehicles Are Ready to Clean Up The technology is becoming more affordable, and more people understand the importance http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-oe-oc-catz30nov30,1,4608530. |
86. Air Quality: Pushing For Alternative Fuels fueled vehicle able to travel 100 miles would travel only 85 miles on propane and 31 miles on compressed natural gas (CNG) because the alternative fuels have http://www.texasep.org/html/air/air_5mob_caralt.html | |
87. Fanshawe Chosen To Host Showcase Event For Alternative Fuel Vehicles Fanshawe chosen to host showcase event for alternative Fuel vehicles. National AFV Day Odyssey Showcasing Cleaner Choices in Transportation http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/news/2004/afv1.asp | |
88. Motor Fuels > Alternative Fuel Vehicle Aquisition Mandate Issue Brief | NACS Onl several different mandatees on state and local governments, private fleet operators, and alternative fuel providers to purchase alternative fuel vehicles. http://www.nacsonline.com/NACS/Resource/MotorFuels/alternativefuelmandate.htm | |
89. Any Alternative Fuel For Dream Of The Open Road? Csmonitor.com street corner. The alternativefuel vehicles, as they are known, are still a novelty, expensive to buy, and inconvenient to refuel. http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0625/p09s02-cojh.html |
90. Clean Air Vehicle (Alternative Fuel Vehicles) Laws Beginning in 1993, federal vehicle fleets were required to begin purchasing alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) followed by state and alternative fuel providers http://www.valleycleancities.org/laws.html | |
91. Alternative-Fuel Vehicles Are Ready To Clean Up alternativeFuel vehicles Are Ready to Clean Up. The technology is alternative-Fuel vehicles Are Ready to Clean Up. The technology is http://www.c-u-i.org/info/Alternative-Fuel_Vehicles.html | |
92. SF Environment: News Article alternative fuel vehicles roll into SF. City adds two fuel cell cars to its fleet of ecofriendly vehicles. Two boxy little Hondas http://www.ci.sf.ca.us/sfenvironment/articles_pr/2003/article/092603.htm | |
93. Uncle Mark's Alternative Fueling Station Welcome to Uncle Mark's. alternative Fueling Station! What's New as of 12 January 2004. What are alternative Fuels? You've heard the expression, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." Sound advice http://www.altfuels.org/ | |
94. FreedomCar: Advanced Vehicle Testing Activity light, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles that feature one or more advanced technologies, including Internal combustion engines burning advanced fuels, such as http://avt.inel.gov/ | |
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