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41. Alternatively Fueled Vehicles Domestic and import automakers have been developing a range of alternativefuel vehicles, and those are expected to be available in showrooms over the coming http://www.nsc.org/ehc/mobile/alternat.htm | |
42. Availability Of Alternative Fuel Vehicles Manufacturers are also placing advertisements for their alternative fueled vehicle offerings in fleet and alternative fuel publications. http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/rules/rulings/CAFE/alternativefuels/availability1. | |
43. Alternative Fuel Vehicles by using alternative fuels in AFVs more than 50 % of the time, improving the average fuel economy of new lightduty petroleum-fueled vehicle acquisitions by 1 http://www.va.gov/afv/ | |
44. Alternative Fuel Vehicles Many heavyduty vehicles such as buses, refuse haulers, and street sweepers can be fueled by alternatives. Sunday, May 23, 2004. alternative Fuel vehicles. http://www.eerc.und.nodak.edu/programareas/renewableenergy/cleancities/afv.asp | |
45. > Applications > Automotive > Alternative Fuel Vehicles The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team (HEVT) of Virginia Tech is a student organization which designs and builds hybrid electric and alternativefueled vehicles. http://www.mathtools.net/Applications/Automotive/Alternative_Fuel_Vehicles/ | |
46. Alternatively Fueled Vehicles - Transportation Master Plan - Public Works - Tran and other organizations to create an infrastructure to support alternatively fueled vehicles, as well as to generate demand for alternative fuel vehicles. http://www.ci.boulder.co.us/publicworks/depts/transportation/master_plan_new/how | |
47. Alternatively Fueled Vehicles - City Fleet - Transportation Master Plan - Public alternatively fueled vehicles City Fleet. The goal is to replace 60% of light duty vehicles with alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles (such as a Toyota Prius). http://www.ci.boulder.co.us/publicworks/depts/transportation/master_plan_new/how | |
48. Fleet - Alternative Fuel Vehicles Fuel Types flexible fuel vehicles. Using an ethanolfueled vehicle has plenty of positives, including flexibility of fuel choice, for example. http://www.fleet.chrysler.com/afv_fueltypes.jsp |
49. MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company alternativefueled vehicles Introduced Into Company Fleet MidAmerican is actively involved in introducing alternative Fuel vehicles (AFV) to its vehicle fleet http://www.midamerican.com/html/environment8e.asp | |
50. Energy Policy Act Requires Purchase Of Light-Duty Alternative Fuel Vehicles Federal, state and alternative fuel providers fleets are mandated by EPAct. The vehicles must also be centrally fueled or capable of being centrally fueled. http://www.greentruck.com/air_emissions/033103_epact.html | |
51. Alternative Fuels State and federal regulations focus on the purchase of alternativefueled vehicles but do not presently require the use of alternative fuels, according to NEVC http://www.seco.cpa.state.tx.us/alt.html | |
52. Seattle Parks & Recreation - Discovery Park Hosts Alternative Fuel Vehicles "Ral Discovery Park Hosts alternative Fuel vehicles Rally . The rally will feature a variety of alternatively fueled vehicles from independent companies. http://www.cityofseattle.net/parks/communitynotices/2004/985_Discovery_Park_Host | |
53. Alternative Vehicles alternative Fuel vehicles (AFVs). Vehicle Options. DedicatedDedicated vehicles are designed to be fueled only with an alternative fuel. http://www.emnrd.state.nm.us/ecmd/html/altvehicles.htm | |
54. MoDNR - Energy Center alternative Fuels and vehicles. These same cities are making efforts to provide the fueling infrastructure nescessary to operate alternatively fueled vehicles. http://www.dnr.state.mo.us/energy/transportation/altfuels.htm | |
55. The Boston Foundation - Indicators Project How are we doing? In 2000, with 5,784 alternativefueled vehicles, Massachusetts ranked 30th out of 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. http://www.tbf.org/indicators/environment/indicators.asp?id=1180&fID=218&fname=S |
56. ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES on the tax return that you file for the year in which you purchased the AFV or converted your conventionally fueled vehicle to operate on alternative fuel. http://www.revenue.state.az.us/altfuel/faq_alt.htm | |
57. Alternative Fuel Transportation Grant Program Guidelines those that involve the purchase of alternative fuel vehicles, the conversion of conventionally fueled vehicles to run on alternative fuels, the installation of http://www.in.gov/doc/businesses/AFTGPguidelines.html | |
58. The Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Site Was Designed To Make It Easier For S The alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Site was designed to make it easier for State Drivers to fuel alternatively fueled vehicles (AFV s). http://www.dgs.state.md.us/cngFacilities/ | |
59. AN ACT CONCERNING CLEAN AND ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES. forty miles per gallon, and (2) comply with the requirements set forth in 10 CFR 490 concerning the percentage of alternativefueled vehicles required in the http://www.cga.state.ct.us/2004/fc/2004SB-00218-R000683-FC.htm | |
60. NYS OGS - Clean Fueled Vehicles Program Further details on Executive Order No. 111, alternative fueled Vehicle Requirements, are included in the Questions and Answers document. http://www.ogs.state.ny.us/cleanfuels/default.asp | |
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