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21. Executive Order 12844: Federal Use Of Alternative Fueled Vehicles Federal Use of alternative fueled vehicles. Federal Register Vol. The Federal Government can exercise leadership in the use of alternative fueled vehicles. http://echsso.noaa.gov/documents/Exec_Orders/eo12844.html | |
22. 7.7 Vehicle And Road Maintenance - FFVs & HEVs I, Glossary. VEHICLE AND ROAD MAINTENANCE alternative fueled vehicles FFVS HEVS. 7.7 alternative fueled vehicles FFVs HEVs. Environmental and Health Issues. http://www.swmcb.org/EPPG/7_7.asp | |
23. Geniusfind Automotive > Alternative Fuel Vehicles The Society of Automotive Engineers is a great place to look for topics dealing with alternative fueled vehicles. The ideas usually start here. http://www.geniusfind.com/Automotive_Alternative_Fuel_Vehicles.htm | |
24. Michigan State Plan For Alternative Fueled Vehicles, 1996 Michigan State Plan for alternative fueled vehicles, 1996. Author State of Michigan, Alternative Fueled Vehicle InterDepartmental Task Force. Year 1996. http://www.michigan.gov/cis/0,1607,7-154-25676_25753_30083-90074--,00.html | |
25. Green Seal - Product Standards And Certification Back to Standards. alternative fueled vehicles (GC02). Scope This criteria document establishes environmental requirements for alternative fueled vehicles. http://www.greenseal.org/standards/alternativefuelvehicles.htm | |
26. Labeling Alternative Fueled Vehicles Labeling alternative fueled vehicles. The Rule has separate requirements for the labeling of alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles. http://library.lp.findlaw.com/articles/file/00002/002089/title/Subject/topic/Tra | |
27. Executive Order 12844, Alternative Fuel Vehicles Moreover, Federal action can provide a significant market impetus for the development and manufacture of alternative fueled vehicles, and for the expansion of http://www.denix.osd.mil/denix/Public/ES-Programs/Pollution/Energy/note1.html |
28. Alternative Fueled Vehicles Apr 11 2002, FSEC, Cocoa FL Photo Gallery By Jay Whe Vehicles apr 11 2002, FSEC, Cocoa FL, tree view thumbnails. alternative fueled vehicles apr 11 2002, FSEC, Cocoa FL. Several of the http://www.pbase.com/wherley/afv_2002 | |
29. MASSPORT: Logan Airport: Airport Programs: Environmental - GTU To support this growing fleet of alternative fueled vehicles, Massport has developed and maintains an extensive infrastructure for electric vehicles with http://www.massport.com/logan/airpo_gtu_afv.html | |
30. NCBuy: Auto Features - Alternative Fueled Vehicles And Fuels Navigator NCBuy Home Home Leisure Auto alternative fueled vehicles and Fuels. Center Feature alternative fueled vehicles and Fuels. http://www.ncbuy.com/auto/articles/01_10612.html | |
31. EO 12844 : FEDERAL USE OF ALTERNATIVE FUELED VEHICLES 21, 1993 _ Responsible Office JL Subject FEDERAL USE OF alternative fueled vehicles TEXT By http://www.worldnetdaily.com/resources/govdocs/eos/eo12844.html |
32. Executive Order 12844 EXECUTIVE ORDER 12844. FEDERAL USE OF alternative fueled vehicles. The Federal Government can exercise leadership in the use of alternative fueled vehicles. http://www.thecre.com/fedlaw/legal28/eo12844.htm | |
33. USDA-APHIS-Marketing And Regulatory Programs Business Services (MRPBS) The National Energy Act states that Federal agencies must acquire alternative fueled vehicles as an effort to reduce pollution and emissions in Metropolitan http://www.aphis.usda.gov/mrpbs/property/altfuelguide.html | |
34. 2003 CFR Title 16, Volume 1 PART 309LABELING REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTERNATIVE FUELS AND alternative fueled vehicles. TEXT, PDF, 309.10, Alternative vehicle fuel rating. http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/16cfr309_03.html | |
35. 303 FW 4, Alternative Fueled Vehicles 303 FW 4, alternative fueled vehicles. This chapter provides procurement policies and requirements for alternative fueled vehicles. 4.2 Authorities. http://policy.fws.gov/303fw4.html | |
36. Alternative Fuel Vehicles (a) The purpose of this order is to ensure that the Federal Government exercise leadership in the use of alternative fueled vehicles(AFVs). http://www.hq.usace.army.mil/celd/trans/afv.htm | |
37. Green Vehicles gasoline. History of alternative fueled vehicles. History of Biodiesel from Pacific Biofuel. Alternative Fueled Vehicle Classifications. There http://www.hcdoes.org/airquality/vehicles/greenvehicles.htm | |
38. Alternatives To Traditional Transportation Fuels 1999 - Table 3. Estimated Numbe Home alternative Fuels alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 2000 Estimated Data Estimated Number of alternative-fueled vehicles in Use, by State, 2000-2002 http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/alternate/page/datatables/table3.html | |
39. ENN News Story - More Alternative Fuel Vehicles Seen In U.S. In 2004 That s slower growth than the 8.4 increase from the 471,098 alternativefueled vehicles in use from 2002 to 2003, said the Energy Department s analytical arm. http://www.enn.com/news/2004-03-02/s_13592.asp | |
40. Approaching Alternative-Fueled Vehicle Crashes - The Police Notebook" Described below are the key features and emergency approach procedures for five of the most common types of alternativefueled vehicles (AFV). http://www.ou.edu/oupd/altfuel.htm | |
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