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161. Http://www21.brinkster.com/karpsa An engineering and architectural consultant company with emphasis in alternative renewables energies and environment protection.Photovoltaic energy, small hydroelectricity and fuel cell are new areas developed by this latin american company. http://karpint.sa.net.ar | |
162. Flower Essences alternative healing and energy medicine products for self healing, including Bach, Australian Bush and FES North American. http://www.internatural-flower-essences.com/ | |
163. KWEEVAK.COM Solar CD project of 19 sunthemed songs span the spectrum of rock music-from folk rock to alternative metal. Proceeds from the sale of this CD will be donated to promote the ideas of renewable energy and sustainable development. http://www.kweevak.com/solarcd.htm |
164. AAPS Alternative Power Systems- Renewable Energy 2004 Solar, wind, and microhydro equipment products for renewable energy systems and sustainable power municipality projects. http://www.aapspower.com | |
165. University Of Wisconsin Center For Cooperatives - Journal Abstracts An Application of Geographic Information Systems to Alfalfa Bio Mass energy and Marketing Co-ops by Jerry E. FRUIN jfruin@dept.agecon.umn.edu University of http://www.wisc.edu/uwcc/info/i_pages/alternative.html | |
166. Time How the universe is made unifying field theory; alternative quanta; Why 'free' energy devices work; gravity modulation; resonance; enlightenment; holographic particles in vortexial form resonating in a multiversal matrix. Missing particles. http://www.geocities.com/r_ayana/Time.html | |
167. Intelligent Transportation Systems And Services; Stationary, Mobile And Portable Offers several newsletters on emerging energy and transportation technology, including intelligent transportation systems (ITS), alternative vehicles, and fuel cell research and development. Some free content. http://www.sanewsletters.com/ | |
168. Solar Energy From Natural Energy Systems Offer solar energy products, wind, inverters, batteries, generators, and other alternative power equipment . http://www.alternativepower.com/ | |
169. REPP: HOME This is the Internet information service of the Renewable energy Policy Project. OpEd Renewables and Federal energy Policy ( more) EMERGING ISSUES IN RENEWABLE energy. LABORANDRENEWABLES http://solstice.crest.org/ | |
170. Home Power Magazine - Your Small Scale Renewable Energy (RE) Source Home Power Magazine The hands-on journal of home-made power. Make your own electricity with solar, wind, and hydro. our passion for renewable energy (RE). We're concerned about over their http://www.homepower.com/ | |
171. Renewable Energy An expose of the fantasy world of sustainable development , showing how current levels of consumption are not sustainable no matter what alternatives are consumed. http://www.eco-action.org/dt/mad2.html | |
172. Environmental Organization WebDirectory - ScienceEnergy El Paso Solar energy Association Non-profit. Oldest local solar org. in US. Projects include Solar Stills and student involvement in school energy use. http://www.webdirectory.com/Science/Energy/Alternative_Energy/Solar_Energy/ | |
173. Next Energy Solutions Canada. Specializes in applications of renewable geothermal technology and supply of related equipment as alternatives to conventional heating and cooling systems. Comprehensive site provides detailed background information. http://www.nextenergysolutions.com/index2.htm |
174. NAVITAS - Homepage Welcome to NAVITAS energy Generating a cleaner environment. Mendota Hills Wind Farm, Lee County, Illinois. Operational November, 2003. Navitas energy, Inc. http://www.windpower.com/index.cfm | |
175. InDepth energy. energy makes the world go round, but it also causes pollution and conflict, from labor strikes to war. Fossil fuels, which http://www.enn.com/indepth/energy/index.asp | |
176. MrSolar.com, Online Solar, Inc. Use the menu at the left of your screen to see hundreds of renewable energy products; solar modules, charge controllers, batteries, inverters, solar panels http://www.mrsolar.com/ | |
177. Nu Energy Research Laboratories Nu energy Research Laboratories is dedicated to the development, generation, production, transformation and practical utilization of energy obtained from http://www.nuenergy.org/ | |
178. ETSU - Renewable And Energy Efficiency Organisation ETSU is now incorporated into Future energy Solutions. For information about existing Government Programmes and Helplines please use the menu below. http://www.etsu.com/ | |
179. Home Page Of Carl Sundberg This site will introduce the world to usable relative energy found in rotating gravitational bodies, time travel limitations, extremely low power space travel systems, alternatives to fossil and atomic fuels and methods to power the planet with geothermal energy. http://2-pi.org | |
180. Cool Energy For Hot Times . Photo by Warren Gretz, courtesy of National Wind Technology Center / NREL. . heat wave, Is this global warming? sun stroke, Can solar hydrogen keep us cool? http://whyfiles.org/069renew_energy/ | |
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