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21. Co-development Of Ecological Agriculture And Environmental Ethics the definitions and descriptions of alternative/ecological/sustainable agriculture,(alternative agriculture of value issues in agriculture in general. http://www.arbld.unimelb.edu.au/envjust/papers/allpapers/lindholm/home.htm | |
22. BIOSPHERE - Flora - Fauna - Biodiversity - Soils - Agriculture agriculture general. Center - USDA · alternative Agricultural Research and CommercializationCorporation - USDA · alternative agriculture sites John http://www.usra.edu/esse/ford/ESS205/g300www/g300wwwbios.html |
23. It's Worth Paying More : The Benefits Of Alternative Agriculture proactive role in addressing alternative farming research and LISA, Low Input SustainableAgriculture) states, The food safety and the environment in general. http://www.eap.mcgill.ca/MagRack/JPR/JPR_13.htm | |
24. Agripedia, Interactive Multimedia Instructional Agriculture Resources and Farming Sites; general Agricultural Sites; Market and Organizations Online; AgriculturalMagazines Online; alternative Agricultural Sites. Farm Management and http://www.ca.uky.edu/agripedia/LINKS/LINKGENR.asp | |
25. CommunityFood.com Resources - Sustainable Agriculture/General whole range of issues alternative agriculture, energy policy a sustainable food andagriculture system that only voluntary membership general farm organization http://www.communityfood.com/dir-cache/Sustainable_Agriculture/General/more3.htm | |
26. Farm Books: Agriculture, General/Rural Living Used Farming Books Agricultural, general/Rural Living. in Farm, Land and Food Policies,agriculture Project, Conference on alternative State and http://www.users.mis.net/~gwill/fb-aggen.htm | |
27. O.A.K.,Inc.:Alternative Agriculture: The Changing Financial Styles Of American A For general information on additional books, manuscripts, lecture tours keywords Metaphysics,Occult, Magick, Parapsychology, alternative agriculture, Herb and http://www.geocities.com/nwbotanicals1/oak/altagri/enronfarming.htm | |
28. Small Farms & Alternative Agriculture lots of resources; Farming Alternatives Program at Internet information resourcesand agricultural experts as Access this website for general information on the http://www.cce.cornell.edu/clinton/ag/small-farms.html | |
29. "Sustainable Agriculture: A Positive Alternative To Industrial Agriculture" By J Thus, while food and fiber in general, had economic value, no individual farmerwas able to capture that Positive Alternatives to Industrial agriculture. http://www.ssu.missouri.edu/faculty/jikerd/papers/Ks-hrtld.htm | |
30. Alternative Agriculture am 800 am - Overview of alternative agriculture  Jerome Koneski also has extensiveexperience in general and production agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. http://www.saskherbspice.org/AlternativeAgriculturebrochure.htm | |
31. Historian: Alternative Agriculture: A History From The Black Death To The Presen acknowledges in this book, an alternative title might that at certain times mainstreamagriculturethe production and in Western Europe in general went into http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2082/is_4_61/ai_56909147 | |
32. Title Ostrich Series-info Alternative Agriculture Series, Number insight into the needs of the birds and some general information about to supportthe research for and production of the alternative agriculture Series were http://netvet.wustl.edu/species/birds/ostrich.txt |
33. AgNIC - Other Resources Agricultural Engineering. alternative agriculture. Animals. Beef. general References.Landscape Design and Maintenance. Nursery Production. Pest Management. TOP. Ohio http://www.msue.msu.edu/iac/agnic/lgrntlst/agnmain.html | |
34. New Alternative Agriculture Center for nine nominees to the alternative Agricultural Research and by the Secretary ofAgriculture (Edward Madigan is to be responsible for general supervision and http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/NewCropsNews/92-2-1/aarc.html | |
35. Nepal - Alternative Agriculture For Self-Sufficiency Appropriate Technology, 200 Appropriate agriculture alternative. 18. agriculture in different Countries Participants try to make a general agriculture pattern by soil and grass. http://www.icajapan.org/virtualtoure/2001ThaiNepExE.html | |
36. Mbox-17: Alternative Agriculture News, 1/97 1996, a bibliography, is available from alternative Farming Systems A committee of20 state attorneys general has written to agriculture Secretary Dan http://www.sare.org/sanet-mg/archives/html-home/17-html/0234.html | |
37. Mbox-46: Alternative Agriculture News July 2000 Wallace Institute for alternative agriculture) 9200 Edmonston Rd Ste 117 GreenbeltMD 207701551 E-mail wallacecenter@winrock.org (for general inquiries) Phone http://www.sare.org/sanet-mg/archives/html-home/46-html/0077.html | |
38. AGMA Diploma of agriculture general RUA 5 0198 Certificate III / IV in agriculture orCompleted Units of costs and benefits of alternative strategies alternative http://www.agmacollege.com/programs/diploma_agriculture.html | |
39. Alternative Agriculture Links Cattle Breeds (Oklahoma State University). Chicken, general. SmallScale AgricultureAlternative - Poultry (USDA); Small Poultry Flocks (Texas A M University); http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/alternatives/alternativelinks.html | |
40. OUP USA: Alternative Agriculture: Joan Thirsk alternative agriculture. A History From the Black Death to the Present Day. JoanThirsk. 0198208138, paper, 384 pages. Also In Stock hardback. Apr 2000 In Stock. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/HistoryWorld/British/?ci=019820813 |
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